
美 [wɜrd]英 [wɜː(r)d]
  • n.单词;话;歌词;诺言
  • v.
  • 网络字;言语;词汇

复数:words 现在分词:wording 过去式:worded

say word,use word,hear word,keep word,speak word
single word,english word,good word,right word,same word



这些单词(words)不是你或者我通常认为的那样;它们是\w 类型,由通常的字母,数字,下划线组成。\b 将从开头或结尾 匹配 …

索引功能把(words)映射到文档和文档中的位置上。正如一本书的索引可以把一个关键字映射到书中的某一页,一台计算机中 …


藏马_互动百科 ... Vegetable( 植物) Words( 言语) Year( 岁) ...

我无 (Words) 2011-05-23 personyan 这么(So)快啊 沉住气  渐渐打  我确信你 2011-05-23 cuihuiyao005 玩耍还能不行玩了 201…


词汇(words)是英语表意中使用的最基本的单位,所有英语表意结构包括短语、句子、段落和文章都是词汇的不同的组合。这奠定 …


美女上错身 S1E01 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... acceptance: 接受 words: 话语 stand: 站着 ...


HQCD - 韵祥影音 ... 6. 月半弯 Crescent 7. 千言万语 Words 8. 爱的箴言 Love motto ...

Once a root word is learned, all the related words and their spellings are quite easy to associate and therefore, learn. 在英语里,每个词都有词根,记住了词根,你就会很轻松的联想到相关的词语。
Words of a fool, you mean. The Horde will destroy the undead without your aid, human, or that of the pompous king. 是白痴说的话才对。人类,部落不需要你的帮助,也不需要那个自大浮夸的国王就可以摧毁那些不死族。
A bluff, perhaps. But it has raised fears of an impending strike and of a clash of something more serious than words. 这也许是个骗局,却使人们更加担心迫近的打击冲突将不会停留在口头上。
"You are so lovely" , I said these words without thinking, and I thought them over, I said it the same way. “你最可爱”,我说时来不及思索,而思索之后还是这样说。
No matter how much software we build, people build the relationships, and they build them out of words first. 不管我们制造了多少软件,人们都会建立起他们之间的关系,并首先通过语言来强化这种关系。
He not only taught me to think, he convinced me, as much by example as words, that it was my moral obligation to do so and to serve others. 他不仅教会我们思考,他通过事例和言语使我坚信,我有责任这样做并为他人服务。
In terms of the Hopfield net, when a pair of nodes has the same value, in other words, -1 or +1, the weight between them is stronger. 就Hopfield网络来说,当一对节点有相同的值时,换句话说是-1或+1,它们之间的权重就更大。
A good husband makes his wife feel important in his scheme of things, and shows his affections by actions as well as words. 好丈夫会使他妻子感到在他的工作进展过程中她是很重要的,并在言行上表现出对妻子的热爱。
An English idioms is a set expression made of two or more words. 英语成语是一套表达了两个或两个以上的字。
I was greatly shocked hearing her words, why she decided to tell me that, a little moment later I saito her I will be for you for ever. . . 听了她的话,我被极大的震动了,为什么她决定告诉我这些?过了片刻我对她说:“我将永远站在你的这一边…”
In other words, this kind of question is often a lead-in to a suggestion or invitation. 换言之,这种问题通常是建议或邀请的开场白。
He sat with me for three hours, and did not say much above a score of words. 他在我身边呆了三个小时,没有跟我讲几句话。
It seemed as if Federer had finally cracked when, his mouth crumpling, he just managed to get the words out: "God, it's killing me. " 费德勒在最后似乎要崩溃了,他的嘴嗫嚅着,艰难地挤出一句:“天哪,我太难过了。”
Natasha looked at him, and, in answer to his words, her eyes only opened wider and grew brighter. 娜塔莎望着他,她把眼睛睁得更大更亮,以比作为她的回答。
Kind words from Huh and Mankoff are fine, but the endorsement of a comedian with his own eponymous show on cable would be invaluable. Huh和Mankoff说的那些话不要紧,但是有一名喜剧演员和他的同名电视节目支持,这就非常有价值了。
One hour a day listening to BBC. Copy down all the words you knew. Ignore all the words you do not know. 每天花一小时听BBC,把你知道的单词都写下来。忽略掉那些你不认识的单词。
Over the last few weeks I have been struck by the number of times that words in our worship have felt a bit inappropriate, a bit dodgy. 最近几个星期以来,我很多次被我们做礼拜所用的不恰当的和有点虚假的话所困扰。
In other words, there is such a thing as a "Romantic Movement, " and classicism is only an aspect of it. 换言之,有这样一个“浪漫主义运动”的事情,古典主义只是它的一个方面。
She was silent, and I wondered if my words had touched her, or whether she thought me a romantic fool. 她沉默了,我不晓得是我的话感动了她,还是她以为我是个风流的傻子。
We recommend you to the word, words, and four words were appropriate keywords to get the frequency spread in the body which. 我们建议你将两字、三字和四字得关键字以适宜得频率散布在正文当中。
As I pondered Rowbottom's words, it occurred to me that the converse might also be true. 在我考虑罗巴敦的话的时候,我突然想到相反的事情可能也是对的。
Expression of some words twice, as well pronounciation of most of the words are different from that of normal conversation. 与其说有些词用了两次,倒不如说绝大多数的单词发音都不同于日常的对话。
Up to now some of the standard words from the Tang Dynasty are still used in contemporary Chinese language. 今天仍有一部分唐代通语作为现代汉语基本词汇、一般词汇或方言词汇在沿用。
I CLASP your hands, and my heart plunges into the dark of your eyes, seeking you, who ever evade me behind words and silence. 我紧握你的双手,我的心跳进你那双黑眼睛的深潭里;我在寻找你,你沉默着不说话,永远躲避我的追求。
Sitting in the long-distance car thinking lines, made a phone call to her, not to say a few words to shut down. 坐在长途车上就想着台词,打了电话给她,没说几句就停机了。
She saw them all piled up in a room, all the dead dirty words, theirs and hers too, piled up like the naked bodies in the newsreel. 她看到那些该死脏话塞满整个房间,就像新闻片里裸体横与镜头前。
These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as he taught in the temple: and no man laid hands on him; for his hour was not yet come. 这些话是耶稣在殿里的库房,教训人时所说的。也没有人拿他。因为他的时候还没有到。
Having uttered these words he left the house, slowly sauntered down the garden path, and disappeared through the gate. 说了这些话,他就离开屋子,慢慢地顺着花园小径走去,出了大门不见了。
In other words, Americans think you are just as likely to get rich by winning the lottery as you are by saving. 换句话说,美国人认为你通过省钱致富的概率和中彩票发家差不多。
He walked along the Opera House's construction site, special pick a dark place to go, his mouth spoke murmured some incoherent words. 他沿着歌剧院的建筑工地,专拣黑暗的地方走,嘴里喃喃地说着一些不连贯的话。