
  • n.虚拟机
  • 网络虚拟机(Virtual Machine);虚拟机器;虚拟制造(Virtual Manufacturing)



虚拟机(Virtual Machine)

虚拟机检测和拒绝 便于 ISV 检测虚拟机 (VM) 是否存在,以及只是允许或禁止许可证授权。虚拟机绑定 此功能允许 ISV 将一个 …


... (Ethernet) 连接埠的虚拟功能直接指定给虚拟机器 (VM),提供近似实机的效能水准。

虚拟制造(Virtual Manufacturing)

虚拟制造技术(VMT)的发展与应用研究虚拟制造(VM) 实际制造(RM) 应用 关键技术 2010-2-2摘要于位灵 万军

价值管理(Value Management)

4400 将价值管理(VM)工作计划用于改善供应链管理(SCM) 沈岐平 价值工程 2002 54401 面向制造业的产品供应链构建及决策 …

速度调制(velocity modulation)

石油词汇英语翻译(U-Z) ... vm 每米的伏特数 VM 速度调制 VM 虚拟计算机 ...

But it was until I moved to CTTB, once I happened to open a book in memory of the VM Hua, and then I knew he was such a special person. 但是直到我搬到圣城,在一次无意中打开一本纪念上人的纪念册的时候,我才明白他是一个多麽奇特的人。
Given that RAM is much easier to allocate in a VM, RAM size should be set to whatever you think is a safe minimum for your appliance. 内存在虚拟机中的分配比较容易一些,内存大小应该被设置为你想要的装置所需的最小安全值。
Since Andrea's new VM code needed a bit of time to be integrated seamlessly with the rest of the kernel, use 2. 4. 13+. 因为Andrea的新VM代码需要一些时间才能与内核其余部分达到无缝集成,所以使用2.4.13+。
it's cheap, right? While we're at it, buy more hosts too, and you can attain the same level of VM density as you could with ESX. 它是便宜的,对吗?如果我们可以这么做,购买更多的主机,并且你能达到也同样水平的VM密度作为你可以与ESX选项。
Select this option if you want to be able to terminate the VM to which you are connecting. 如果您希望能终止所连接的VM,则选择该选项。
VM deployment tasks are a description file of a certain VM deployment task, sort of a configuration file for users. VM部署任务是特定VM部署任务的描述文件,在一定程度上是用户的配置文件。
When running tests, you must pass in at least one VM argument to help specify which GWT mode (hosted or Web) to run the test in. 运行测试时,您必须至少传递一个VM参数,指明在哪种GWT模式(托管或Web)下运行测试。
Each of the first three can be mapped to a VM problem type described in the next section of this article. 前三项都可映射到某类VM问题,这些问题在本文的下一节阐述。
Having it all available on the VM Library means you're ready to roll; no upgrades are necessary. 把需要的东西都放在VM库中就意味着随时可以使用;不需要升级。
It was to be built by diesel-engine specialist VM Motori out of Italy, a company which GM owns half of, reports Auto Observer. 人们建造的柴油发动机专业VM的发动机了意大利,而该公司持有通用汽车的一半,报告自动观察。
Hosting server applications inside VM images is all the rage today. 在虚拟机镜像中部署服务器应用程序的做法风靡一时。
After completing an initial build of a VM's operating system, one of the first tasks is to install the integration components. 在完成了初始的VM操作系统的创建后,最开始任务之一就是安装集成组件。
Clicking Next in the wizard brings you to the Assign Memory page, where you can decide the amount of RAM to be assigned to the VM. 再单击“下一步”,你会来到内存指定(AssignMemory)页,在这里你可以为虚拟机设置RAM大小。
These buffers are captured in the event of a runtime problem and can be used to aid in problem diagnosis and analysis of the VM's history. 当出现运行时问题时捕捉这些缓冲区,可以用来诊断问题并分析VM的历史。
Interestingly, running normal HP-UX applications on an Integrity VM host is not encouraged because VM implements its own memory management. 有趣的是,无法在IntegrityVM主机上运行普通的HP-UX应用程序,因为VM需要实现其自己的内存管理。
The oVirt package is an open VM management tool that scales from a small number of VMs to thousands of VMs running on hundreds of hosts. oVirt包是一个开放的VM管理工具,可管理少至几个VM,多至数千个运行在数百个主机上的VM。
Java imposes considerable red-tape overhead in the size of each object (up to 32 bytes, depending on the Java VM used). Java强行在每个对象的大小方面增加了相当大的开销(多达32个字节,取决于所使用的JavaVM)。
First, we'll take a look at tmpfs, also known as the virtual memory (VM) filesystem. 首先,我们会简单地介绍一下tmpfs,也就是我们知道的虚拟内存(virtualmemory,VM)文件系统。
As shown in Figure 2, a Dalvik executable (along with an instance of the VM) is isolated as a single process in Linux user space. 如图2所示,一个Dalvik可执行文件(以及VM的一个实例)被孤立为Linux用户空间中的单一进程。
A thread must be attached to the VM before any other JNI calls can be made. 一个线程必须附加到虚拟机,在任何其他JNI可调用之前。
By taking advantage of multithreading in the new VM the web container is able to dispatch multiple HTTP and HTTPS requests concurrently. 由于充分利用了新虚拟机中多线程的优势,该Web容器可以同时分发多个HTTP和HTTPS请求。
If you can't rely on your API to properly preserve data while it passes through the memory of your VM, you're essentially dead in the water. 如果把数据传入VM内存时不能依靠API正确地保持数据,您基本上就陷入了绝境。
VM initialization starts trace with a small set of trace points that are captured to wrap around in-storage buffers. VM初始化过程用一小组跟踪点启动跟踪,这些跟踪点被捕捉到回绕式存储内缓冲区中。
If you do not have the Microsoft VM heading then the manual procedure and update do not need to be applied to your computer. 如果您看不到“MicrosoftVM”标题,您就无需在您的计算机上执行以下操作和更新。
The VM is typically a reliable piece of software, but of course failures do occur during execution for a variety of reasons. VM通常是一种可靠的软件,但是出于各种原因在运行时还是会发生错误。
With each of the GUIs, you can query the VIOS that holds the VM library to see what ISO images are available. 在这两个GUI中,都可以通过查询包含VM库的VIOS查看可以使用哪些ISO映像。
Note that the Java VM technology could also be extended to support weaving at run time, though it is still in the research phase. 注意,也能将JavaVM技术扩展到支持运行时编织,但目前这仍然处在研究阶段。
If you are restricting the packets on this level, they do not need to be even delivered to your VM before they can be discarded. 如果想要把这些包限制在这个级别,那么在它们被丢弃前,它们甚至无需被发到VM。
If the launcher is unable to connect to a VM at the specified address , an error message appears . 如果启动程序无法通过指定的地址连接到VM,那么会出现一条错误消息。
This process is also known as dynamic translation and is a popular technique for increasing the performance of VM technologies. 这个过程也称为动态翻译,是用于提高VM技术的性能的一项流行技术。