not a bad thing

  • 网络并非坏事

not a bad thingnot a bad thing

not a bad thing


Please can you check these Chinese word... ... 关键在与- key to 并非坏事- not a bad thing 基本持平- basically equal ...

Talking exclusively to LFC Weekly magazine, Johnson said: "It is all football with Rafa, but that's not a bad thing. " 在利物浦每周杂志独家采访中,约翰逊说道:“贝尼特斯脑子里都是足球,但是这并不是一件坏事。”
To be attacked by the enemy is not a bad thing, but a good tiring. 被敌人反对是好事,不是坏事。
It is not a bad thing if the US, which used to be incomparably the most attractive market for blockbuster drugs, is getting a bit tougher. 美国曾经是无可匹敌的最有吸引力的畅销药市场;如果美国的监管变得严厉一些,也不见得是件坏事。
'As the markets of the world have gotten a little more tepid, the fact that they'll have more money in their pocket is not a bad thing. 他说,我不认为会有人真正对此事感到难过。随着全球市场状况更加低迷,手头多点现金总不是坏事。
Even so, the fact that America and Iraq are both suddenly talking about a "time horizon" for the withdrawal of troops is not a bad thing. 即使如此,美国和伊拉克突然共同讨论撤军的时间范围并不是一件坏事。
Most of the time, I just sing to myself, and if it happens to make others happy, then it's not a bad thing. 大部分时间我都是唱给自己听,不过要是我的歌碰巧能让别人快乐,那么也不算是件坏事。
As for me, the declining of traditional , technology and methods is not a bad thing; ; it is the natural result of progress of society. 我认为,我认为,传统技术方法的消亡不一定是坏这是社会进步的自然结果。事,这是社会进步的自然结果。
He did not expect to contribute to society, for society, not a bad thing. 他没有想到贡献社会,对社会来说,并不是坏事。
If your kids come back from the garden with a little mud on their hands, it's not a bad thing, " Rook said. " “假如你的孩子从花园回来时,手上有点儿土壤,那不是一件坏事,”Rook说。
As for me, the declining of traditional technology and method is not a bad thing; it is the natural result of progress of society. 对我来说,传统技术和方式的消减不是一件坏事,它是社会进步的自然结果。
Maybe indulging every so often is not a bad thing -- especially if it's dark chocolate. 也许经常沉迷于此物并非坏事,尤其是食用黑巧克力。
And yet this, I realize, at this very moment, is not a bad thing. 但是此时此刻,我突然意识到,这并不是一件坏事。
so credit card is not a bad thing, just make sure that don't spend your future money for your excessive consume! ! 因此我认为信用卡是个好事情。只要你自己能保证你不花你将来的钱来满足你目前超支的消费就可以了!!
Health insurance is not a bad thing, but it is not the only conceivable way to get health care. 健康保险自然不是一件坏事,只是它并不是获得医疗保障的唯一途径。
High maintenance frequency is not a bad thing would be more effective in protecting the performance of the vehicle. 高维修频率不是一件坏事情将会更有效地保障车辆的性能。
Frankly, to see from a distance which not a bad thing, or even better! 坦白地说,看远处,不是一件坏事,甚至更好!
From a positive point of view, for people with ambition, a little suffering is not a bad thing. 从积极的角度说,对于具有雄心壮志的人,有点苦难并不是坏事。
Fall in love with others is not a bad thing. The key is to hold one's focus to future-oriented. 我认为谈恋爱互相喜欢对方并不是一件坏事情,关键是把握住自己,以未来为重。
Keep the child is not a bad thing, save the day of truth is not a bad thing. 保持童心不是坏事,保存天之本真也不是坏事。
Planning in itself is not a bad thing, but picking a single plan and obsessively sticking to it doesn't allow for much serendipity. 计划本身并不是一件坏事,但做一个简单的计划然后坚持则就是否决了许多意外收获。
Being placed into ESL is not a bad thing. Graduates from the ESL program over the past decade have entered excellent colleges. 被安排学ESL课并非坏事。过去十年已有众多ESL课程的毕业生升入了优秀的大学。
Honestly speaking, overtime work is not a bad thing as long as employers give their employees enough compensation. 说实话,加班并不是一件很糟糕的事情,只要老板能给出足够的加班工资。
Now that you count me in, accepting the lucky is not a bad thing. 既然有我的份,那是压岁钱也没什么不好的。
It's not a bad thing to remember the art director's name and then pursue a connection on your own time. 记一记艺术指导的名字不会是什么坏事情,下班后可以取得私人联系。
I don't want to say many bad things about my country, but I think, It's not a bad thing to encourage Chinese immigrate. 我不想说太多我们国家的弊端,但我认为,鼓励人们移民不是一件坏事。
That's not a bad thing, and it's not a self-defeating attitude so long as you look at life as a journey in self-improvement. 这其实并不是一件坏事,只要你把生活看成是一个不断提升的旅程,那么这就不是一种自暴自弃的态度。
Having debt is not a bad thing; it just becomes a problem when the amount of debt on the books exceeds productivity. 负债本身不是坏事;但当账面债务额超过了生产率的时候,负债就成了问题。
The Turing model is way too general; taking it by face value would destroy the entire software patent system (not a bad thing though! ). 图灵模型这种方式太泛化了;使用这种表面价值来考量会把更个软件专利系统摧毁(尽管这不是个坏事!)
So it's not a bad thing in and of itself. 因此欲望本身并不是坏事。
I think maybe this is what I choose to Singapore for the original price paid, this is not a bad thing. 我想,也许这就是我为当初选择来新加坡所付出的代价,这不是一件坏事。