
美 [smɔl]英 [smɔːl]
  • adj.(尺寸、数量、程度等)小的;(服装、食品、家庭用品等)小号的;小 (opp. large) 少 (opp. large, numerous) 细小的
  • n.腰部;细小部分;琐碎东西;身分低的人;后腰;小件衣服(尤指内衣)
  • adv.成为小块;小小地;轻轻地(讲等)
  • 网络更小的;较小;较小的

比较级:smaller 最高级:smallest

small cell,small scale,small amount,small village,small boat


小not large

1.(尺寸、数量、程度等)小的not large in size, number, degree, amount, etc.

2.(服装、食品、家庭用品等)小号的,小型的used to describe one size in a range of sizes of clothes, food, products used in the house, etc.

3.(同类事物中)小的not as big as sth else of the same kind



不重要not important

5.些微的;不重要的slight; not important


6.[ubn]小规模的not doing business on a very large scale


7.[ubn]小写的not written or printed as capitals

少not much

8.[obn]极少的;不多的little; not much


be grateful/thankful for small mercies

为情况不太坏而庆幸to be happy that a situation that is bad is not as bad as it could have been

its a small world

(意外遇见某人或发现对方也认识某人时表示惊讶)世界真小used to express your surprise when you meet sb you know in an unexpected place, or when you are talking to sb and find out that you both know the same person

look/feel small

显得(或感觉)矮人一截;愧不如人to look or feel stupid, weak, ashamed, etc.


小学英语分类单词表 ... longer 更长的 smaller 更小的 good 好的 ...


XUL组件集为每种浏览器提供了几套样式表:较小(smaller),较大(larger) 和 普通(normal)。默认使用normal集。


小学英语四会单词 - 豆丁网 ... thinner 较廋的 smaller 较小的 have a fever 发烧 ...


... "bigger" 大于" "smaller" 小于" "than" 比" ...


数据按 小於(smaller) token 速率抵达 TBF。每一个数据封包都自伫列送出﹐但只有一部分 token 在传出时被删除﹐因而 token …

Democrats in Texas held a smaller caucus as well as a primary, which Mr Obama appeared to have won along with a primary in Vermont. 得克萨斯州的民主党人举行了一场规模较小的预备会议和一场初选,奥巴马先生在赢得佛蒙特州初选的同时,似乎对这两场活动也是胜券在握。
With a calm mind he divided the huge lump of gold into these four smaller lumps. Then it was easy to carry them home on four separate trips. 他平静地把一大块金子分成四小块,然后分四次,轻而易举地把金子拿回了家。
With a smaller stomach, you feel full after eating less food (as little as a few ounces ), so you don't eat as much and you lose weight. 胃小了,吃少量的食物就感觉饱了(少的只吃几盎司),因此吃不了那么多食物了,体重也就下降了。
Two others had been flung down at the same spot, with the smaller one pinned beneath a heavyset man sitting on top of him. 还有两个人摔到一处去了,矮小的被压在下面,大个子坐在他身上。
If you do not wish to have fish in your aquatic environment, consider a smaller pond that will act as a collection point for a waterfall. 如果您不希望在你的水生环境中的鱼,考虑一个小池塘,将作为一个瀑布收集点。
Her mother being much smaller of frame, Patty felt somewhat like a grandfather clock that Joyce was endeavoring to lift and move. 乔伊斯的个头要小得多,帕蒂觉得她好像正费力地抬起并搬动一座落地钟。
The remainder, people said, would come as the bank records a tax gain from holding a smaller slice of BlackRock, the money manager. 知情人士表示,剩余资金将来自因减持资产管理公司贝莱德所产生的税务收益。
"In recent years, herder numbers have gotten smaller, " she said. "Many herders have moved to the town to work for the mining company. " “这几年,放牧的人数减少了,”她说道,“很多放牧人都搬到城里,为采矿公司打工。”
It was designed to be a smaller and simpler version of its predecessors, suitable for writing system-level programs, like operating systems. 语言被设计一个比它的前辈更精巧、更简单的版本,它适于编写系统级的程序,比如操作系统。
But I would be a little nervous about this merger if I were a vendor focused on the smaller end of the market. 但是如果我是关注于小型市场终端的厂商,我就会有点担心这一合并。
Most of these Mayan pyramids had a platform on the top on which was constructed a smaller building, dedicated to any of the Mayan deities. 大多数玛雅金字塔的顶端都有一个平台,平台上还建有一个小型建筑,用来祭拜玛雅的诸位神灵。
e. g. We now have such fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller. 我们现在有太多快速的旅行方式,因此大西洋看起来好像小了很多。
A unit of two or more squadrons in the U. S. Air Force, smaller than a wing. 空军大队美国空军中的编制,由两个或两个以上的中队组成,小于飞行联队
Calving occurs when pieces of the ice break off and float into the sea, or when a large iceberg breaks up into a smaller one. 崩解发生在当部分冰层断裂漂入海中或是当大块冰山破裂成小块时。
Kostya was one year younger than I, smaller in size, quiet in appearance, but actually a scapegrace and a rogue. 柯斯佳比我小一岁,他身材不高,外表文雅,而实际上是一个顽皮大王。
In this approach, the heap is divided into a set of cards, each of which is usually smaller than a memory page. 在这种方法中,堆分为一组卡片,每个卡片一般都小于一个内存页。
Before you know it, a project to build a building becomes numerous smaller projects, such as excavation, foundation work, and marketing. 大楼建造项目可被分成许多更小的项目,例如,挖掘、打地基和建材采购。
He said the two carmakers would be restructured, turned into smaller, but stronger firms. 他说,两个汽车巨头都将被重组,转变为规模更小,但是更加有实力的公司。
In some smaller restaurants with fewer people dining, like the case of a couple of diners, the measure's adoption could be optional. 有一些小餐馆就餐人数比较少,比如一两个人、两三个人,可以有一些随意的情况。
FLATOW: So if it were a little bigger or a little smaller, then all things would be different. 伏拉汤姆:那么,如果它稍大或稍小一点的话,是不是所有的东西就会有所不同?
"However, smaller carriers are more open to the concept, as are carriers with a high exposure to the spot market, " he said. “然而,由于现货市场中承担了很高风险,故规模较小的承运人对该概念持更开放的态度,”他说。
In the long run, the net result of China's actions will be a smaller share of this lucrative market. 从长远来看,中国实施稀土出口限制的最终结果,只会是在这个利润丰厚的市场所占份额下降。
As you know we've merged several smaller enterprises in Los Angeles. 正如你们所知道的,我们在洛杉矶兼并了几个小公司。
It may be hard to see in this smaller version, but the bullets that make up the image of Nic Cage are a sublime touch. 可能从画面里看不出什么,但是用子弹拼凑的尼斯实在是一种壮美。创造性的设计。
Although smaller sellers, eBay's traditional clientele, are up in arms, the changes seem to have stemmed the decline somewhat. 尽管eBay传统的小型客户矢口否认,这些变化仿佛是衰落之源。
Mofcom also said the deal would have had an adverse impact on China's smaller domestic juice makers. 商务部还表示,该交易会对中国规模较小的果汁生产商带来不利影响。
If the company behind one of the largest dating sites on the web is using that, just imagine what smaller shops might be limping along with. 作为世界上最大的约会网站之一,eHarmony却在用着这样的内网,可以想象那些小机构会有多么困难了。
Gathering an ideal team is often a challenge for smaller design groups and organizations with limited FPGA design experience. 对于缺乏FPGA设计经验的较小的设计机构和组织来说,组建一支理想的团队经常是个挑战。
At Einstein's autopsy in 1955, his brain was something of a disappointment: it turned out to be a tad smaller than the average Joe's. 在1955年对爱因斯坦尸体的解剖中,他的大脑多少让人有些失望——它比成年男子大脑的平均体积还稍微小一点。
Mr Ouyang said the company had already bought several coupon site groups to help it enter smaller cities, and would continue to do so. 欧阳云表示,高朋已收购了几家团购网站,助其打入中小城市市场,该公司将继续坚持这一战略。