
美 [ʃʊd]英 [ʃʊd]
  • modalv.应当;可以;万一;可能
  • auxv.必须;会;倒;“shall”的过去式
  • 网络应该;将;宜



1.(尤用于纠正别人)应该,应当used to show what is right, appropriate, etc., especially when criticizing sb's actions

2.(提出或征询建议)该,可以used for giving or asking for advice

3.(表示预期)应该会,可能used to say that you expect sth is true or will happen

4.(表示与预期相反)本应,本当used to say that sth that was expected has not happened

5.(与 I 或 we 连用代替 would,表示虚拟结果)就将used after or instead ofwould for describing what you would do if sth else happened first

6.(表示可能)假如,万一used to refer to a possible event or situation

7.(在间接引语中用作 shall 的过去时)used as the past form ofshall when reporting what sb has said

8.(用于 that 引导的、表示建议或安排的从句中)used afterthat when sth is suggested or arranged

9.(用于许多表示感情的形容词后的 that 从句中)used afterthat after many adjectives that describe feelings

10.(与 I 和 we 连用,表示客气地请求)used with and in polite requests

11.(与 I 和 we 连用,表示没有把握)used with and to give opinions that you are not certain about

12.(表示十分赞同)used for expressing strong agreement

13.why, how, who, what ~ sb/sth do(表示拒绝、恼怒或惊奇)used to refuse sth or to show that you are annoyed at a request; used to express surprise about an event or a situation

14.(表示假如对方看见或经历某事物,一定会感兴趣或吃惊)真该,真应当used to tell sb that sth would amuse or surprise them if they saw or experienced it


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 77 dentist n. 牙科医生 78 should conj. 应该,将要 79 headache n. 头痛 ...


应当should)表达出来的话语或文字。到了最高一层, 我们以创造的诠释学者姿态,为了原作者或原典可能具有着 的思维 …

其字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 表示祈使。当,可〖 can;may〗 ,将要〖 should〗 极,甚〖 very〗 ...

...一方的目的的声明或意图;用"最好"、"建议"、或""(should)表示在诸多可能性中的一种推荐;用"可以"(may)指明在本 …


含有情态动词should)的被动语态四. 重点词和短语: 1. choose one’s own sth. 选择某人自己的东西 2. should do sth. 应该 …


小学五年级英语题目!_百度知道 ... can= 能够,可以 should= 必须 go= 走,开始,去 ...

仁爱英语七年级下册单词 - 豆丁网 ... kilometer 千米(公里) should ,应该 (shall 的过去式) ...

Easy to understand, should not need to say anything, right '? 简单易懂,应该不需要说什么了吧`?
Should children be brought up as self-reliant individuals, or were they to see themselves as part of a collective? 是把他们看作是可以依靠自我成长的个体?还是让他们在集体中成长?
I said she should take as much time off as she needed. 我告诉她,需要休息多久就可以休息多久。
How much should be eaten per day? 每天应该吃多少?
"The United States is not limiting emissions, " he said, "so why should you ask China to do so? " “你们美国都不限制排放,”他说道,“凭什么要求中国这么做?”
Nonetheless, you should be aware that it is often easier to compromise systems using social engineering techniques. 尽管如此,您应该意识到使用社会工程(SocialEngineering)技术而达到危害系统的目的往往更加简单。
You should expree how much you appreciate it and expect a lasting and friendly business relationship. 都应该对他们的询问表示非常感谢,并希望保持持久的友好的贸易关系。
Politicians in the U. S. say BP should be using all its resources to stop the spill and clean up the Gulf, not rewarding shareholders. 美国政客说英国石油公司本应使用所有资源以停止漏油并清洁墨西哥湾,而不是回报其股东。
When a skater is feeling low, she should be able to cry on her pro's shoulder. I can't even do that. 当一个运动员感觉不好时,她应该能趴在教练的肩上哭一场,可是我没有这样做。
Kate: May be we should introduce ourselves properly. I'm a doctor, dedicated tocuring the sick. At least, trying to. 凯特说:也许我们应该介绍自己。我是一个医生,专门治疗病人。至少,试着这么做。
Should anyone call, say I shall be back in a minute. 如果有人来找我,就说我一会儿回来。
Should anyone forget, there was the bomb outside the door of his flat in Victoria, London. 大家忘了吗?他在伦敦维多利亚区的公寓门口的炸弹。
But I spared them for the sake of my name, lest it should be profaned before the nations, from which I brought them out, in their sight. 然而我为了我的名,没有这样作,免得我的名在异民前受亵渎,因为我曾在异民眼前将他们引领出来。
I think the company should adopt a more flexible strategy on account of the changing market conditions. 我想,由于市场情况的变化,公司应该采取一种更加灵活的策略。
Ask about their expectations. Find out how much time your child should spend on homework each night. 了解他们对孩子的期望,还要了解孩子每晚的家庭作业应规定在多长时间内完成。
Shijingshan were also expected to be created between the garden and a cultural plaza everywhere it should continue. 让石景山人眉飞色舞的也一定是楼群间的花园和一处处繁花似锦的文化广场。
The Higgs should occasionally decay into a pair of photons, which would produce a bump in the photon-pair energy distribution. 偶尔,玻色子会衰变为一对光子,光子纠缠对能量分布不均可能产生效应。
Bilingual parenting in a foreign language in bilingual Chinese families is possible and should be encouraged. 幼儿双语养育在中国双语家庭是完全可行的,也应该被鼓励推广进行。
We must try to save those who are surrounded by the floods no matter how much we should pay for it. 不管要付出多大代价,我们必须设法营救被洪水围困的人。
Headsets should be durable, light weight, small, comfortable and the cleaning and maintenance should be easy to manage. 耳麦套件必须结实耐用,轻便,小巧,舒适,易于清洁、养护和管理。
Coal India's prospectus said the issue should be resolved in a few months through "mutual consultation" . 印度煤炭公司在招股说明书中表示,这个问题应在未来几个月内通过“共同协商”解决。
Make alist of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list with your partner. 列举出青少年应该做和不应该做的事情,然后与同伴一起讨论所列举的事情。
But he doesn't favor more stimulus now, saying 'lags in monetary and fiscal policy actions' should be allowed to 'work through the system. ' 不过,斯奈不赞成实施更多刺激举措。他表示,货币和财政政策举措是有滞后效应的,应当给这些举措一定时间以充分发挥作用。
Just do it wisely and be sure to consult your accounting professional for advice on how much you should be taking and when. 要明智的去做而且一定要向你的专业会计咨询你应当拿多少以及何时可以提取。
Why You Need It: The body prefers carbs as the main fuel source when run, so they should be the cornerstone of a runner's diet. 摄入原因:当你跑步时,你的身体更需要碳水化合物作为其主要能量来源,因此它是跑步者日常饮食的主要摄入之一。
The moment Logan hit the ground should have been the end of this story rather than one more beginning I could have chosen. 洛根坠地的那一时刻本应成为这个故事的结局,而不是我当时可能选择的又一个开端。
He said the IAEA's board of governors should condemn Tehran and that the Security Council should take up the matter. 他说,国际原子能机构的理事会应该谴责德黑兰,联合国安理会应该处理这件事。
n These have been very pleasant days in this city, and I'm happy that our visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere. 我们在贵市度过了非常愉快的时光,很高兴我们的访问能在如此融洽的气氛中结束。
If I were to live a hundred years and write novels in each, I should never be so proud of any of them as I am of the novel. 如果我活一百岁而且每年写很多小说,我也不会象对这本小说感到骄傲那样对它们当中任何一本感到骄傲。
The old reflex would be to say that the deal should be dismissed out of hand. 西方的传统本能反应将是宣布对这种协议不屑一顾。