
美 [stip]英 [stiːp]
  • n.陡坡;泡;悬崖;浸渍液
  • v.泡;使专心一意;(雾,烟,光等)笼罩(山野,树木等)
  • adj.陡的;陡峭的;突然的;急剧的
  • 网络险峻的;险峰;浸泡

第三人称单数:steeps 现在分词:steeping 过去式:steeped 比较级:steeper 最高级:steepest

steep slope,steep hill,steep decline,steep rise,steep climb


1.陡的;陡峭的rising or falling quickly, not gradually

2.[ubn]突然的;急剧的;大起大落的sudden and very big

3.(informal)过高的;过分的;不合理的too much; unreasonable


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... steel n. 钢,钢铁 steep a. 险峻的; 陡峭的 step n. 脚步,台阶,梯级 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... steel n. 钢,钢铁 steep a. 险峻的; 陡峭的 step n. 脚步,台阶,梯级 ...


《四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)》_百度文库 ... attitude 态度 steep 陡的 agency 部 ...


蓝光原盘高清(BD)_馆档网 ... 太妹刑事 原盘中字/ Yo-Yo.Girl.Cop 险峰/ Steep 狂沙神驹/ Hidalgo ...


医疗产品词汇 - xieshengzhe的日志 - 网易博客 ... 节门 valve 浸泡 steep 反渗透膜 Reverse Osmosis Membrane ...


浛字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 浛 hàn 同“涵”。沉浸〖 immerse;steep〗 浛 hán ...


新概念英语2单词表 - 豆丁网 ... narrow adj. 窄的,小的,狭隘的 steep adj. 陡峭的,不合理的 sharp adj. 锋利的,急转的 ...

This can be particularly effective in shops that are primarily Linux and Unix based, though Puppet's learning curve may be a bit steep. 对那些主要基于Linux和Unix的企业来说这会是特别有效的,尽管Puppet的学习曲线可能有点陡峭。
How much did fiscal tightening contribute to Japan's steep recession of 1998? 财政紧缩对1998年日本经济急剧衰退的影响有多大?
Even with its creative features, it's starting from the bottom of a steep hill, at the top of which sit the more established recipe sites. 即便是拥有各种创新特性,它也还是要从一座陡峭山峰的山脚开始攀登,而山顶则盘踞着地位稳固的各大菜谱网站。
As they drove up the steep hill, a noisy motorcycle tail-gated them, trying to pa even though the road was windy and narrow. 当他们驾驶了陡峭的小山,一辆喧闹的摩托车尾巴给他们装门,设法通过,即使路是有风和狭窄的。
In fact, in a tense and funny negotiation scene, he only agrees to help Harry out in exchange for a steep price. 事实上,在一幕紧张而有趣的讨价还价场景中,他在答应帮助哈利拜托困境前还狠狠敲了他一竹竿。
Guys the curve is now going up in a steep fashion which means that everything is heating up. 各位,曲线正急剧地持续上升,这意味着一切都在升温。
As cars passed him on the right, Gonzales shifted to a lower gear to make it up the steep grade ahead. 当轿车从他的右边开过,Gonzales将档位调低来爬上前头的斜坡。
One beautiful spring evening, a hungry wolf goes out to look for his dinner. He sees a little goat. The goat stands up on a steep cliff. 美好的春天的夜晚,饥饿的狼晚餐。它看见小山羊,那只小山羊站在一座陡峭的山上。
At the end of the day, the party was involved in a "fall on a steep slope as a result of a slip and tangling of ropes" . 在当天的未了,探险队“因为又滑又乱的结绳而坠落到陡峭的斜坡上”而陷入困境。
33When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. 鬼就从那人出来,进入猪里去。于是那群猪闯下山崖,投在湖里淹死了。
The trail is steep enough to get the blood flowing and yet moderate enough for one to enjoy the surrounding scenery. 山顶陡峭得足以让人血液沸腾,而山腰则让我们享受周围的景色。
Analysts say the steep drop shows how much of this year's rise has been fuelled by bank loans channelled into speculative activity. 分析师表示,股市大幅下跌表明,今年股市的上涨在很大程度上是由流入投机活动的银行贷款拉动的。
Discontent had been simmering since the beginning of the year, after a steep increase in energy prices. 自从今年开始,能源价格急剧上涨之后,不满一直在发酵。
Steep declines in most of the second half of 2008 mean that the American index is still more than 20% lower than a year earlier. 2008年下半年就业指数的急剧下跌意味着美国的指数比一年前的要低20%还多。
With the steep downtrend and the U. S. harvest just getting underway, buyers seem to be taking a wait and see attitude. 在价格有大幅下滑之势且美国才刚刚开始收割的情况下,买方似乎保持着一种观望态度。
Many traders and others say the SEC's decision was one factor behind some shares' steep declines over the past two years. 许多交易员和其他人士认为,证券交易委员会废除该规则的决定是过去两年中一些股票急剧下跌的一个因素。
In a time of steep poverty, he was something of a hero to the rural poor, who identified with him in his battles against authority. 在那个极度贫困的年代,凯利对穷苦的农民来说有点像是个英雄,因为他们可以从他和当局的对抗中找到认同感。
I'll take a little milk, but no suger, please. Make sure you let the tea steep a few minutes before you take the tea bag out of the cup. 请给我加一点牛奶,但是不放糖。茶包多沏一会儿再拿出来。
after the breeze, it shows more lofty and steep spirit as if it tells the people about the history of the thousand temples. 但每阵风过后,它那婆娑的风姿越发显得峥嵘,像似向人们诉说着这座千年古刹的沧桑历史。
There was a bright little brookthat ran into a bog at the foot of a very steep bank. 一条粼粼的小溪流进陡峭的河滩脚下的泥塘里。
It is strange that Sony nearly bet the company on this at a time when physical delivery of content is in steep decline. 奇怪的是索尼这次几乎把整个公司都压在了上面而实际的出货量却急剧的下降。
Mole carried the diamond back up the steep bank. It was hard work. The diamond had become wet and slippery and was very difficult to hold. 鼹鼠抬着钻石往斜坡上走。它是个艰巨的任务。钻石变得越来越湿淋淋的,越来越光滑,越来越不好拿。
The slope on either side was extremely steep and forbidding, and yet I thought that I could work my way down on either side. 两边的山坡极其陡峭,极其险峻,然而我觉得从哪边都可以爬下去。
We were euphoric. Although the path to the top looked fairly steep, it was great at last to see our goal. 我们万份欣喜,尽管山高路陡,我们终于如愿以偿见到富士山,达到预期目标。
If I had learned to work under different conversations I might have turned the conversation aside as a steep roof sheds the rain. 如果我学会了在不同的对话场合工作,我可能就避免了和他的谈话,就像陡屋顶让雨水滑落一样。
When we came to the foot of the steep route, my honey asked me to give him the baby, because he did not want to let me feel too tired. 当我们来到陡峭路段的山脚下,老公要我把宝宝给他,因为他不想让我太累。
Inflation should also feed market volatility and a relatively steep yield curve, he said. 通膨也会令市场产生波动,债券收益率曲线将相应趋陡,他说。
Protecting those patents, however, has not been without difficulty and the company went through a steep learning curve. 然而保护这些专利并不是没有任何困难,该公司经历了几次大起大落。
Some of the caves were open to the surface through steep entryways or vertical shafts stretching up to 160 feet. 其中的一些洞穴通过陡峭的入口通道或立井通向地面,深达160英尺。
As she raced down the steep incline, she saw the five-year-old, now in the front seat, clearly trying to stop the car. 当她顺着陡峭的斜坡向下飞奔时,她看到五岁的费思正坐在前排座位上--很明显,她在试图把汽车停下来。