on the line

  • na.立即;(挂)在不高不低的地方;模棱两可;处于危险状态
  • 网络坦白的说,冒……风险;在线;恋爱蜜令

on the lineon the line

on the line


... 88. get/ have cold feet 紧张 193. put/ lay sth. on the line 坦白的说,冒……风险 1. Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(O1)|无忧教育 ... on the lift 虚弱地 on the line 模棱两可 on the lips of 流传 ...


的 界在线 (On the line) 对 错 ??NT的标准技巧(6) 1. 应于第11-13+6周、胎儿头 臀长为45-84 mm 2. 正中矢?面图 3. 颈部在自然 …


恋爱蜜令》 (On the Line)主演:Lance Bass, Emmanuelle Chriquieminemxu_27 |六级采纳率20% 擅长:电影欧美流行乐 …


lie to me 第一季 第十三集_看lie to... ... photograph: 照片 on the line: 在电话线上 worry about: 为…担心 ...


永远的天王(麦克.杰克逊金曲钢琴曲集)含CD ... Someone in the dark( 黑暗中的某人) On the line( 上线) Carousel( 旋转木马) ...


贾斯汀汀布莱克演过什么好看的电影_百度知道 ... The Open Road 路路畅通(同上 On the Line 处于危险中 Alpha Dog 头号嫌 …

routine might have worked when you were stealing gumballs, but our asses are on the line now, okay? 小偷小摸的时候莽撞行事大概还有点小用,不过咱现在都火烧眉毛了,行吧?
I'd been having computer trouble, and with him on the line coaching me, I followed his clear, expert instructions. 我有一些电脑应用问题,他就在线教我,我听着他清晰而又专业的的指导说明。
'I never once considered once that it was appropriate to put taxpayer money on the line with resolving Lehman Brothers, ' he said. 他说,我从未想过用纳税人的钱来拯救雷曼兄弟是正当的。
That's why Charlie was stunned when he heard Greg come on the line. From his tone alone he knew something was terribly wrong. 因此今天接到格里戈电话时,听到他的语气查理马上觉察到出事了,不禁大吃一惊。
So easy to be right when everyone else is wrong, so easy to be confident when someone else is putting themselves on the line. 当别人都犯错时,很容易就相信自己是对的;当别人都孤注一掷时,很容易就对自己充满信心。
And besides, if your life were on the line, you know you could perform long division of any arbitrarily large numbers. 除此以外,如果你命悬一线,你可以运用任意大的数来做长除法。
"We know what the problems are and we have done nothing. . . somebody's neck has got to be on the line, " says the leader of a bank. 一位银行领导说:“我们看到了问题的症结,可我们却无能为力……这要靠不怕风险的人。”
"With so much flying fish there should be dolphin, " he said, and leaned back on the line to see if it was possible to gain any on his fish. 「这地方有这么多的飞鱼,那一定有海豚了。」他说。他拉住鱼线,身体往后靠,看看能否把线收回来一些。
But it happens that this apple is already good enough to hook for her the little fish, to hook the fisherman on the line. 但是凑巧的是,这个苹果已经足够好用,让她用来钓起这只小鱼,钓起鱼钩线上的渔夫。
No matter what unexpected problem you face, a friendship seems to be very touchy, and very much on the line. 无论你遇到什么意外的问题,友谊似乎非常敏感,而且很就行了。
"Something hurt him then, " he said aloud and pulled back on the line to see if he could turn the fish. 「它刚才不知被什么弄痛了。」他大声地说,同时把线往后拉,看看是否能够改变鱼的方向。
"I'm just going to stay on the line with you until deputies get there, just to make sure everything stays OK, " said the dispatcher. 调度员说,“为确保一切都正常,在警察到这儿之前请先别挂电话。”
I'm not a robot, and I'm not perfect, but I'm willing to put myself out on the line. 我不是机器人,,我也不完美,但我愿意过远离网络的生活。
bake-off seaweed pack Liang Liang's rice, rice directly on the package is only hanging on for a while, not too hot on the line. 烤过紫菜包梁亮的大米,大米在包装上直接只挂了一段时间,不太上线热。
Mr Obama is said to be furious, and General McChrystal's job may be on the line as a result of his insubordination. 据说奥巴马先生非常愤怒,因此由于他不服从的结果,麦克克里斯托将军可能官位不保。
This has not been a great season so far for the Asturians, but Guardiola doesn't think his counterpart's job is on the line. 阿斯图里亚斯的球队本赛季目前为止打的并不好,但瓜迪奥拉认为,对方主教练的职位还是很安全的。
People crossing the same corner two decades on. The line of cobblestones marks where the Wall used to run. 2009年:20多年过去了,人们不断的穿过这个拐角。鹅软石组成的线标志着当年的柏林墙。
Frank decided to put the job on the line and told the boss that he thought he was wrong. 弗兰克决议冒着得到任务的危险对老板说他以为老板错了。
Mr. Hayward said he didn't think his job was on the line over the disaster but said "that, of course, might change. " 海沃德先生说他认为自己的工作并没有就因此而遭受灾难,但他表示当然会有所改变。
As you max the dial, you'll have more brake at middle, but brake at high speed is still on the line of magnet profile, not exponential. 当你把报盘调到最大,在中速时的制动会更大,但是刹车在高速时仍然按照线性的刹车参数,不是指数参数。
It was a tough game but I got forward a lot and made a very important block on the line towards the end. 那是场艰苦的比赛,但我进攻很多,也有几个关键的拦截。
Finally, he gave her a suicide belt on the line, take her to the designated place, advised her to simply press the button explosive devices. 最后他给她系上了自杀式腰带,把她送到指定地方,劝她只需按下爆炸装置的按钮即可。
If this book show grandmother, their grandfather, they do not have to wear glasses, do not rely on a pair of ears on the line yet? 如果把这本书拿给老奶奶、老爷爷们看,他们也不必再戴眼镜了,光靠一双耳朵不就行了吗?
"Something's happened on the line ahead" , said the driver, "it must be serious" . It was. “前面好像发生了什么事情,”司机说,“的确很严重。”
Fraud accusations are not trivial and you need at least to hear the other side of the story before you put your reputation on the line. 欺诈罪不是件小事,在你拿自己的名誉冒险之前,至少应该听一听故事中的另一方是怎么说的。
Now, I am such a strong believer of the conservation of mechanical energy that I am willing to put my life on the line. 现在,我很相信,机械能守恒,我愿意把我的生命,放到这条线上。
And then told him to put your next hair color to make your own hair color on the line. 然后叫他把你要接下去的头发颜色做成你自己头发的颜色就行了。
However, even though it has no direct control, Yahoo's reputation could still be on the line over Alibaba's actions. 然而,就算没有直接控制权,雅虎的声誉可能仍然要受到阿里巴巴行动的影响。
Much better. Nick, Tomkins have been on the line from Boston. They want you to fly out to discuss next year's order. 好多了。尼克,波士顿的Tomkins公司给我们打来了电话。他们要你飞到他们那边以便讨论一下明年的定货事宜。
Imagine leaving anything out on the line in weather like this. 想想在这种天气把什么都晾在绳子上------。