own little world

own little worldown little world

own little world

Children at home should do our best to open up a life of his own little world of learning, best meet the child's curiosity. 在家中应尽力为孩子开辟一个属于他自己的学习生活小天地,最大限度地满足孩子的求知欲。
Whenever you're an SMU student, it's easy to get caught up in the city and kind of your own little bubble, your own little world. 你如果是南部卫理公会大学的学生,你很容易陷在城市生活和自己的小世界里。
"Each state is its own little world. It's going to be interesting to see how it all connects. " “每个州都是一个小世界。看它们之间如何连在一起必定很有意思。”
Pisces : Your dreamy nature easily allows you to be in your own little world. 双鱼座:你爱幻想的本质很容易就让你沉迷于自己的小世界。
She's living in her own little world like a l little girl living in a fairy tale. 她生活在她小小的世界里,似是一位小公主活在童话故事了。
We live wrapped up in our own little world and think nothing can penetrate it. 我们的注意力完全集中于我们小小的世界里,认为没有什么能穿透它。
We are so engrossed in our own little world that the existence of the real inner world does not even occur to us. 我们全神贯注于自己的小世界,甚至从来都没想到有内在真实世界的存在。
This can of course spread outside your own little world since people tend to treat other people as they are being treated. 这种微妙的变化当然会影响到你周围的世界,因为人们常常遵循别人怎么对待他他就怎样对待别人的原则。
I felt very private, in my own little world, at the Pussycat theater when I'd review the latest X-rated 35mm spectacular. 我倒是感觉挺隐秘的,我曾经去猫咪戏院(Pussycattheater)看最新的35毫米的X级电影,在我自己的小世界观看电影感觉相当惊奇。
They are transported into their "own little world" , where they aren't embarrassed to make mistakes. 他们被送入了“自己的小世界”,在那里他们不会羞于犯错。