on the way

  • na.在路上;在旅行中;“on/along the way”的变体
  • 网络在途中;在去……路上;行车途中

on the wayon the way

on the way


仁爱英语八年级下册词组汇集 ... on the way to+ 名词; on the way+ 副词 在……路上 On the /his way to school. 在他上学的路 …


李闰珉_百度百科 ... 9.Time Forgets 时间会遗忘 10.On The Way 在途中 11.Till I Find You 直到我遇见你 ...


Unit 3 American English Lesson 9 ... by the way 顺便问一下 on the way 在去……路上 1.more or less 或多或少,大体上 ...


《服务业英语800句》-... ... UNIT Ⅲ Ready to Start( 准备出发) UNIT Ⅳ On the Way行车途中) UNIT Ⅴ Traffic Jam( …


一道英语选择题_百度知道 ... in this way 以这种方法 , 以这种形式 on the way 在路上;沿途 in the way 造成不便,阻碍 ...


高考易混词汇辨析总结 ... in a voice 出声地; on the way 在前往…的路上; above 在上面,不接触; ...

On the way to the island, he would pull in the oars and just let the boat drift where it wished, for hours at a time. 在去荒岛的途中,他会撤了浆任由小舟随波逐流。
You're probably right. But they are to be transshipped on the way. Don't you think they might be spoiled by dampness or rain? 也许你说的对。但这批货中途要转运,你认为货物可能会受潮或被雨淋湿吗?
Tiring on the way, they sat down to rest for a while, only to find that they had grown fast to the rocks and could not rise. 他们前往阴间带回冥府的女神。途中由于疲倦,他们坐下来休息一下,结果发现,他们跟岩石紧依附在一起,无法站起来。
On the way out of his building, Will opens the front door for his neighbor, Tara. 威尔正准备离开他住的大楼,他帮邻居塔拉开门。
On the way to the starting line, I began to feel a little bit excited and told myself, "I was ready to start running for the 800 meters. " 在途中对直线,我开始感到稍微激动并且告诉自己,“我准备好开始跑为800米。”
Well, a little less, I have to catch up with the end of the river, but I let the river flow on the way, I really keep up with it? 就差那么一点儿,我已经赶上了河尾,可惜我松懈了,河就这样流过了,我真地追不上了吗?
New nuclear plants are on the way, but there are worries about how much they cost and how uncertain returns on them are for investors. 新核电站也在建,但其成本高,且投资人回报也不确定,颇令人担忧。
There were rumors in the air that it was punishment from God. Next, on the way to hotel, they were shocked to see a dead man on the road. 有谣言在流传,说是来自上帝的惩罚。接着,他们在去旅馆的半路上震惊的发现一个死人。
Market participants are trying to determine if last week's pullback was a temporary dip on the way up, or a sign of more weakness to come. 市场投资者正试图判明上周的回落是上涨趋势中的短暂回落,或着预示更大的下跌。
On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn't. 在回家的路上,他问珍妮是否喜欢他的祝词。使他吃惊的是,她说她不喜欢。
Whether or not the product sells successfully may ultimately depend on the way it is presented to its potential customers, on its image. 产品销路好坏最终将决定于向潜在客户展示的方式,决定于它的形象。
Doctor Wang was just about to leave when the telephone rang, which said the patient was on the way to hospital by ambulance. 王医生刚要下班,电话铃响了,说有一个车祸病人将用救护车送到医院来。
If it's so, do you think you can still meet him on the way ? 既然如此,你以为你和他还能够在路上碰头吗?
When a person was born , a book was born with him. And he begin walked on the way of life, at the moment the book. 当一个人出生的时候,同时,一本书也跟着他出生了。他开始走在人生的这条道路上,此时,这本书。
I began to have "withdrawal symptoms" , but I couldn't risk my career with a wife and kid on the way. 我开始有“收回症状”,我不能冒我职业与一妻子并且孩子一起的危险在路上。
I crash a plane once more in going to love island on the way why need to let me come you across! 为什么要让我遇到你,在前往爱情岛的路上我再一次坠机!
On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog's neck. He felt quite surprised, and asked him why it was like that. 在路上,狼注意到狗的脖子上有一圈没有毛,他感到很奇怪并问狗为什么会那样。
For decades, discussions about the international monetary order focused on the way that it appeared to be dominated by the US. 数十年来,关于国际货币秩序的讨论一直以一种似乎由美国统治的形式为主。
On the way, Dong Yong discovered the wife has been pregnant in the body, hurries asks for the water to relieve thirst for her. 途中,董永发现妻子已怀孕在身,赶忙去讨水为她解渴。
His diet certainly did not slow him down on the way to a pair of world records . 当然,他的饮食结构没有拖他创造世界纪录的后腿。
My husband stared at me for a long time after we met on the way home from work yesterday noon. 昨天中午下班回家路上碰见了我家先生,他盯着我看了很长时间。
You know, on the way over here I saw this guy talking on a cell phone while driving. That's got to be dangerous. 你知道,在附近的路上我看见一个小伙子开车时正在讲电话。那真危险。
You know man , I did not understand it either . It is all so hard. Then it hit me on the way over here. It is just so simple. 我也不懂,兄弟。本来好难,然后在我来这儿的路上一想,一切变得好简单。
He thought the car breaking down on the way to his wedding was a bad omen. 他认为汽车在赴婚礼途中抛锚是个不祥的征兆。
Since then, I was always sad for her. he seemed to become so ugly that I had never looked at him when I met him on the way. 从那以后,总为她感到难过,也感觉他似乎变得丑陋了,路上遇到的时候,都懒得去看他一眼。
On the way we met Mrs. Patric, laughing guiltily as if she were doing something wrong, together with her girls. 在路上,我们遇到了帕特里克夫人,如果她做错了什么,她的女儿们一起笑内疚。
We just encountered by chance on the way home after hours, and chatted for a while; we even did not tell each other our telephone numbers. 我们只是在下班的路上在地铁上巧遇,所以聊了几句,彼此连电话号码都没交换。
People can be very dramatic. We'll stub our toe on the way out the door in the morning, and exclaim "Life sucks! " 人们可以变得十分戏剧化,像是早晨用脚趾头踢开门出去,然后大喊“生活真该死”。
Bianca. But that you do not love me. I pray you, bring me on the way a little, And say if I shall see you soon at night. 比恩卡只是因为你并不爱我。请你陪我稍为走一段路,告诉我今天晚上你来不来看我。
"New York on the way up was one of the most terrific commercial real estate investments you could make, " he said. “将要复苏的纽约是你可能取得的最佳商用地产投资之一。”Gordon说。