
美 [wʌns]英 [wʌns]
  • adv.一次;曾经;仅一次;根本
  • conj.一旦;一…就;当…时候
  • n.一次
  • adj.从前的
  • 网络一度;一奏倾情;有一次



1.仅一次;一次on one occasion only; one time

2.曾;曾经at some time in the past

3.(用于否定句、疑问句和 if 后)曾,根本used in negative sentences and questions, and afterif to mean ‘ever’ or ‘at all’


all at once


at once

立即;马上immediately; without delay

(just) for once|just this once

仅此一次(与通常情况对比而言)on this occasion (which is in contrast to what happens usually)

going once, going twice, sold

(拍卖师用语)一次,二次,成交said by an auctioneer to show that an item has been sold

once again|once more

再一次;再次one more time; another time

once a…, always a…

(表示一个人不能改变) 一次为…便永远是…used to say that sb cannot change

once and for all

最终地;最后地;彻底地;一次了结地now and for the last time; finally or completely

once bitten, twice shy

一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳after an unpleasant experience you are careful to avoid sth similar

once in a blue moon

极少地;难得地;破天荒地very rarely

(every) once in a while


once or twice

一两次;几次a few times

once too often

侥幸难再used to say that sb has done sth wrong or stupid again, and this time they will suffer because of it

once upon a time

(用于故事的开头)从前,很久以前used, especially at the beginning of stories, to mean ‘a long time in the past’


八年级上册英语单词 ... ever 曾、曾经 once 一次 twice 两次 ...


豆瓣电影250 ... 出租车司机 / Taxi Driver 1976 曾经 / Once 2007 英国病人 / The English Patient 1996 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... allow vt. 允许, 准许 once adv. 一旦; 一…就 unless conj . 除非, 如果不 ...




2011年备战中考英语单词短语2400条 - 豆丁网 ... Olympics n. 奥运会 once adv. 一次;曾经;从前;昔时 only adv. 只;仅仅 ...


新片速递一奏倾情 (Once) (图) 福音战士新剧场版:序 (图) 爱情潜到宝( Fools Gold ) (图) 舞出真我(Step Up 2) (图) 三国之见 …


慧哲大师 ... 政治|politics 有一次|once 游记|traveling ...



"You once let me play in your garden, " said the child. "Today you'll come with me into my garden in heaven. " “你曾经让我在你的花园里游玩,”男骇说,“今天我就要把你带到我天国里的花园里去。”
France, long a symbol of colonialist oppression in North Africa, looked once again like the hated imperial power it had formerly been. 长久以来,法国在北非被视为殖民压迫的象征,此番再次被视为过去那个令人憎恨的皇权。
but it seems to be already well-established that dreams have once and for all left the world of unreality for the world of the laboratory. 但是有一点已经得到了很好地证明——梦已经彻底离开了非现实世界,进入了实验室。
"Once upon a time, there was an ambitious young man who didn't read The Economist. The End, " read one particularly audacious ad from 2004. 2004年一则特别大胆创新的广告这么说到:“从前,有一个很有抱负的年轻人,他不看《经济学人》,完了。”
Once the six entrances exist, the child becomes aware of contact. Therefore, it is said, "The six entrances are the condition for contact. " 由这种六入,这个小孩子就有了一种触觉,所以说「六入缘触」。
Confucius once said: do not put me on your tolerance as you shameless capital! 子曾经曰过:不要把我对你的容忍当成你不要脸的资本!
Once there was a merchant whose business was to exchange money. He opened a shop in the currency market and began to do his business. 从前有个专做银钱兑换生意的商人,在钱币市场上开了个铺子,做起买卖来。
"Once this operation gets over, then the . . . assessment will take place to see if there is any similarity, " he said. “一旦所有的武装行动结束后,我们才可以判断这些袭击是否存在相同性”,他继续说道。
Once again, the protesters seized Tahrir Square from the security services -- but this time, they would not be driven out of the area. 示威群众这次从安全部门手中夺取了解放广场控制权,——但这次没人能把他们从这地方赶走。
Once thought, and better; Reflect overburden, overburden found, the best is at my side, just like you. 曾经以为,还有更好的;反反覆覆,才发觉,最好的就在我身边,就象你一样。
The maid walked to the side of the vessel to look over, when all at once the child sprang out of her arms, and fell into the water below. 女佣走到该船一边回过头来,当所有的孩子一下子从她的怀里出来了,到下面的落水。
Once she had opened the door, she saw John squatting down, head in hands, crying, as she had expected. 她伸出手打开了门,看见约翰蹲在地上双手抱住头痛哭着。
Had the human once to tell you me to care very much, cares about this urban the distance. 有没有人曾告诉你我很在意,在意这座城市的距离。
This new paper puts to bed once and for all the issue of how the Komodo dragon kills, Shaw says. Shaw认为这一劳永逸地解决了科莫多龙如何杀死猎物的问题。
I tell you once for all, there is no such thing as an escape possible, ' said the spy, firmly. “我跟你一句话说断,逃跑是根本不可能的,”密探坚定地说。
Once there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (cowboy). He was driven out of home by his sister-in-law. 很久以前有一个诚实善良的人叫牛郎,他被嫂子赶出了家门。
The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. 那先前有,如今没有的兽,就是第八位。他也和那七位同列,并且归于沉沦。
This being said . . . the tides are now subsiding for a time and the calm seas are bringing peace to the once troubled waters. 这么说吧…潮汐现在在下沉,平和的海洋在给充满问题的水域带来平静。
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who were rich and had all they wanted except that they had no children. 从前,有一对国王和王后。他们很富有,想要什么有什么,只是没孩子。
Once loaded with life-giving oxygen, the blood returns to the heart to take a trip around the body again. 血液一旦饱含生命所需的氧气后,便再度返回心脏,进行第二趟人体之旅。
The main advantage of this decoupled architecture is that you implement a particular data format or standard only once, in the form of a BC. 这种解耦架构的主要好处就是只需实现一次特定的数据格式或标准,以BC的形式。
Once you've made sure that your personal information is only viewable by who you want to see it, start building your professional brand. 一旦你确认好你在网上的信息只有那些你想让他们看的人才能开到,就开始创建自己的专业品牌吧。
"God damned dog! " he said. "Damned old cur, " wiping the slush from his worthless coat. "I -- I hired such people as you once. " “该死的狗!”他说,“这该死的老狗,”一边拂去他那不值钱的上衣上的雪水。“我--我曾经使唤过像你这样的人。”
Once you have done this, you will no doubt want to be able to view your application log to view the messages. 一旦调用了这个方法,您当然就会希望能够查看应用程序日志以查看消息。
I was on an information raid once, back when we were trying to get data on Grand Admiral Makati out of the Boudolayz library. . . 我曾经历过一次为夺取情报而进行的突袭,当时我们试图从邦多雷兹图书馆中找出马卡蒂元帅的资料。
Generally do not have machine wash conditions, for some of the leather once the child is not too dirty to take a washing method. 通常没有对皮革的一些机洗条件下,一旦宝宝不太脏采取洗涤方法。
McNeill says that at her library they have to ask someone "to please 'not look at questionable material' at least once a month. " 麦克尼尔说在她的图书馆里她们每月至少有一次需要要求某些人“请不要看有问题的资料”。
She forgot much of her old shyness with him. Not once, however, did she begin to feel anything stronger. 她不大感到过去常有的那种羞涩了,然而,她连一次都没有过更为强烈的感情。
The good fortune that his mother had once assured him of had not lasted long. 他生母曾经说过他有的好运没有持续很久。
said the Swallow, who liked to come to the point at once, and the Reed made him a low bow. 燕子说,他素来就有马上谈到本题的脾气,芦苇对他深深地弯一下腰。