
美 [əbˈskjʊr]英 [əbˈskjʊə(r)]
  • n.朦胧;黑夜
  • adj.无名的;鲜为人知的;费解的;难以理解的
  • v.使模糊;使隐晦;使费解
  • 网络模糊的;阴暗;晦涩的

比较级:obscurer 最高级:obscurest 第三人称单数:obscures 现在分词:obscuring 过去式:obscured

obscure fact,obscure disease,obscure life,obscure motive,obscure reason
obscure Moon


1.无名的;鲜为人知的not well known

2.费解的;难以理解的difficult to understand


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... oblivion 忘却,忘记 obscure 模糊的 obsolete 过时的 ...


晻字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 晻晻 yǎnyǎn 阴暗obscure;gloomy;dark〗 同本义〖 besomewhatdark〗 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... given prep. 考虑到; 假定 obscure a. 模糊的; 晦涩的 guilty a. 有罪的; 内疚的 ...


相关恶夜杀机(Obscure)资讯、恶夜杀机(Obscure)攻略相关恶夜杀机(Obscure)补丁、恶夜杀机(Obscure)工具下载 7.5分 专题: …


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... obscene/ Rb5si:n/a. 淫秽的,猥亵的 obscure/ Eb5skjuE/a. 阴暗的;蒙昧的 odor/ 5EudE/n. 气味,名声, …


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... oblivion 埋没 obscure 无名的 obscurity 隐晦;含糊 ...


新东方六级高频词汇整理_百度文库 ... obedient a. 服从的,顺从的 obscure a. 模糊不清的 optimistic a. 乐观的 ...

The special terminology understood among the members of a profession, discipline, or class but obscure to the general population; jargon. 术语,行话在一个职业、学科或阶层的成员间能被理解的特殊术语,但对一般大众来说却晦涩难懂;专门术语
"But make no mistake that this film is so obscure that it might not make a return of your capital, " he reminds fund raisers. “但是要注意这样一部冷门的片子很可能不会让你有资本的回报,”他提醒募资者们。
But nationalistic considerations should not be allowed to obscure the underlying impact that the proposed deal would have on consumers. 但是民族化的考虑不应当掩盖此次收购带给消费者的潜在影响。
The QEMU documentation provides information on many obscure options, but you may be able to get by with just a few. QEMU文档提供了一些模糊的选项的信息,但还是能够理解一二的。
Singling out obscure radio stations for very specific criticisms of him, Grondona said he reads and listens to everything, all night long. 对于向他提出具体批评的电台,格隆多纳说他常常通宵达旦地去阅读和聆听。
Who was really behind the small plane, red light flashing, that warned the kidnappers not to kill him on that day in 1973, is still obscure. 1973年那天,究竟是谁藏身幕后,指派那架闪烁著红光的小小直升机紧急空降而来,警告那些绑匪刀下留人,仍然无从知晓。
Something natural, as if being on the water were beyond his control, part of a gene passed on to him from some obscure hereditary pool. 一些是自然的,比如在水上远远被他控制,部分来自某些遗传基因的组合。
"The fact that we have had this downturn doesn't obscure the fact that it's a very promising business model, " he said. 他说:“事实上,我们现经历的低迷时期,并没有掩盖一个事实,即它是一个非常有前途的商业模式,”
In two years, cervical cancer has gone from obscure killer confined mostly to poor nations to the West's disease of the moment. 两年来,宫颈癌这个主要局限于贫穷国家的无名杀手现已成了西方国家的疾病。
The glut of uprooted data may unwittingly obscure the fact that we are losing the systems of knowledge that enable us to make sense of it. 过多没有根基的数据可能在无意之间掩盖了一个事实,即我们正在失去让我们能够理解其意义的知识体系。
Even if it does, that should not obscure the fact that Mr bin Laden's infamy in the West is losing its power to inspire his own people. 即便如此,也无法掩盖这样的事实,即本拉登在西方臭名昭著的形象正在逐渐丧失吸引穆斯林的能力。
And yet even with this obscure procedure over 20 percent of Californians have signed up to be organ donors, which is fantastic. 不过尽管制度如此粗糙,仍然有超过20%的加州人注册成为器官捐助者,这非常了不起。
She was melancholy with an obscure sadness of which she did not herself know the secret. 她只是感到忧伤,一种没有来由的忧伤,她自己也不知道原因何在。
After a few days he took it away, to an obscure refuge he had under the stairs, full of mops and buckets. 几天后,他把屏风搬到他贮藏东西的楼梯间里,那里放满了墩布和水桶。
He was more than the usual number of obscure pains and aches, which he worries about a great deal. 他具有超乎寻常和难解难分的烦恼和痛苦,这给他带来大量的苦恼。
It was, in its way, as surprising as if a live Tyrannosaurus had been found hiding in an obscure part of Montana. 其惊人程度就如同在蒙大拿的某个阴暗地方发现了一只躲藏于其中的活体霸王龙。
"Using obscure names to avoid duplication of names or to be unique is not good, " he wrote in an e-mail response to questions. 在一封电子邮件里面他回答提问时说:“使用生僻的名字以避免重复或者突显个性并不好。”
These files are long, and the language is somewhat obscure, at least on the surface. 这些文件很长,而且语言略微微暗,至少在表面上。
A cloth covered the lower arm up to the shoulder to obscure which hand might actually be connected to the body. 一件衣服盖在前臂直到肩膀上,来遮掩哪只手是真的和身体连接的。
it is not like moss and ferns, can only be grown in the dark and obscure the corner. 它更不像藓苔和蕨类,只能生长在阴暗和晦涩的角落里。
For those of you who are a little perplexed, Japan Real Time explains why such a fuss is being made over these obscure elements. 要是你有些弄不明白,本栏目将给你说说为什么这些鲜为人知的元素掀起了如此的轩然大波。
Who would have thought a year ago that both men would be laid low by an obscure form of debt securitisation? 一年前,有谁会料到这两人会被一种晦涩难懂的证券化债务产品打垮呢?
Obscure allusions to chess are fine; but it troubles me that anonymous oracles know more of my business than i do. 含糊的暗示到西洋棋是好的,但它困扰我,这不明的神谕比我知道更多我的事情。
What troubled Inman most, though, was that Lee made it clear he looked on war as an instrument for clarifying God's obscure will. 最困扰英曼的是,显然李把战争看作一种方式来解读上帝未言明的意志。
Mr Casely, who said he could find no link to Prince William's bride-to-be, claimed John Middleton's origins were both "obscure and humble" . 卡兹尼先生说他找不到与威廉王子准新娘的族谱有关的信息,还说约翰·米德尔顿的出身低微,有关记载也很模糊。
If I had to pick one poster as the greatest of all time, it would have to be this gorgeous "Varga Girl" image from an obscure 1934 film. 如果我不得不选择一个海报作为有史以来最优秀的,它必须是这个美丽的“瓦尔加女郎”的形象从一个不为人所知的1934年电影。
If the shifts seem to leave the United States somewhat dazed, it is because what will emerge from all the ferment remains obscure. 如果这些变化似乎让美国不知所措,那是因为尚不清楚动荡之后何种格局会出现。
I can only speak of attempts to throw light on psychic facts that obscure to me, of efforts to overcome therapeutic difficulties. 我只是试图聚焦一些平时自己感到费解的心理现实,努力去克服心理治疗中的难题。
Toward the end of the disputation, Luther offered some theses which seem (in typical Luther fashion) nonsensical, or at least obscure. 在辩论快要结束时,路德提出了一些(路德式)的议题,这些议题看起来似乎是荒谬、暧昧难解的。
But he had no sooner entered the next bend of that obscure and winding avenue than the most lamentable, lusty cries assailed him. 但是他刚走到这条幽暗蜿蜒的街道的下一个弯上,一声强烈的哀号就向他袭来。