
美 [ˈoʊnli]英 [ˈəʊnli]
  • adv.只;只有;仅;只能
  • adj.仅有的;唯一的;最好的;最适当的
  • conj.不过;但是;可是
  • 网络仅仅;只不过;只是



1.仅有的;唯一的used to say that no other or others of the same group exist or are there

2.最好的;最适当的used to say that sb/sth is the best and you would not choose any other


the only thing is…

问题是;麻烦的是;只是;不过used before mentioning a worry or problem you have with sth


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... play sports 参加体育运动或比赛 only adv. 只;仅仅 every adj. 每一;每个 ...

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... play sports 参加体育运动或比赛 only adv. ;仅仅 every adj. 每一;每个 ...


只字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 只要〖 solongas〗 只有only〗 只争旦夕〖 seizeeveryminute〗 ...


小学英语形容词大全 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 94. old 旧的 ;年老的 95. only 唯一的;仅有的 96. open 开着的;开口的 ...


杨一民南勇张健强只不过(Only)是中国足球表层犯罪分子的代表(On behalf of),张健强啃出了黄英雄和陆俊,小金哨陆俊(Lu Jun…


字典中 白 字的解释 ... (1) 白白,平白[ in vain;for no reason] (3) 单单;只是[ only] (4) 纯洁;代表清流贤正[ pure;stainless] ...

"That sounds to me like a nearly ideal solution, " Joyce said. "But only if you really think it would be enough for you. " “我觉得这几乎是个完美的解决办法,”乔伊斯说:“但除非你真的觉得这么做就可以了。”
Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule. 在这条普遍的规律前面,好像只有流浪汉是个例外
Their interest was only in the port and its environs; they did not anticipate the much larger transfer of territory that would follow. 当时他们最大的兴趣只是在港口及其周边地区,并没有预料到以后的大面积购地的情况。
Out of every 100 people who believe they only need five or six hours of sleep a night, only about five people really do, Dr. Buysse says. 比斯说,每100个认为自己一晚只需五至六小时睡眠的人中,只有大约五个人真是如此。
Analysts said the IEA's unexpected decision to use strategic stockpiles had exerted only a temporary restraint on oil prices. 分析师表示,IEA出人意料地动用战略库存的决定只是暂时抑制了油价。
Such a fate is perhaps just the beginning of a story, you and I can only feel the traction with, how far can complete involuntarily. 这样的际遇或许只是一个故事的开始,你我也只能凭借感觉的牵引,能走多远完全的不由自主。
Also like the measles, we take it only once. Once never need be afraid of catching it a second time. 此外喜欢麻疹,我们仅仅一次带着它,一旦从未需要害怕第二次抓住它。
He said Russia could only improve its image with the presence of a strong state. 他表示,只有在强势政府的支持下,俄罗斯才能改善自己的形象。
The upper tweendeck hatchway is only half occupied; you can still use the opening of the other part to put the cargo in the tweendeck. 上二层舱舱口位只被占据了一半,你还可利用另一部分的空位来装二层舱的货。
You can only try to be as prepared as possible for the opportunities, as well as the disappointments, that will come your way. 你只能尽全力做好准备,去迎接将要出现在你面前的机遇和挫折。
If he seems to have no time to waste, no wonder. He does not only have a huge company to run, but he is also reshaping it. 如果他看似分秒必争,这也在情理之中:他不仅要运作一巨型公司,现阶段还在重塑这个公司。
why are you straring at me ? you know what i am trying to say ? to me , you are not only a low life , scum-sucking maggot ! 你知道我在说什么么?对于我来书,你只是个地等生物,吃屎的蛆!
if society were a state coach, the etiquette would be the wheels and axis, on which only the coach could roll forward. 假定社会是一辆贵宾车,礼仪好比轮子与轴,马车只能靠它们才能滚滚前进。
Just as the United States is not the only country that would suffer from nuclear terrorism, we cannot prevent it on our own. 正如美国不会是遭受核恐怖主义危害的惟一国家,我们也无法单枪匹马地防止核恐怖主义。
Its only caution was that this should be "upon their request" . 只提醒说,帮助需要“根据他们的要求。”
As for the downed plane, word had begun to circulate that it was the rebels' only remaining fighter, shot down by mistake. 至于那家坠落的飞机,有传言说,那是叛军唯一一架战斗机,被友军误击。
6, The only thing that occurred to me to say was that I was terribly sorry. 我唯一能做的事情就是说我真的很抱歉。
This hotel is only a few steps away from the heart of downtown. It has comfortable rooms overlooking a garden and it is surprisingly quiet. 这家宾馆离市中心很近,舒适的客房非常安静,而且可以俯瞰花园。
So the only components we have, really, are the many individual tests, and a small bit of routine for processing. 所以我们真正拥有的组件就是各种测试,再加上一点处理程序。
If she wins, let it be with a fair and open vote that will only add to rather than detract from her legitimacy and effectiveness. 如果她最终胜出,让她通过一场公开公平的投票获胜吧,这只会增强、而非削弱她的合法性与有效性。
Only when he accepted that he would not become a minister, as his father had been, did he turn to art. 他只好接受现实,他永远不会成为父亲那样的牧师,从而转攻艺术。
He did not want to be attacked by the Christian Church. so he only published it as he lay dying in 1543. 因为他不想遭到基督教会的迫害。他仅在他去世那一年(1543)才发表他的观念。
On an annual basis, house prices in Scotland are now only 1% lower than they were a year ago, but they are 8% down in Northern Ireland. 以年度为基础,苏格兰的房价现在仅比一年前低1%,但是在北爱尔兰下降了8%。
In fact, to me, it seemed like the Barbie games were the only franchise blatantly targeting females. 事实上,对于那时的我来说,芭比娃娃似乎是仅有的被公认专属于女孩子的游戏。
"How about a little bit of bread? " the beggar insisted. "Only a mouthful of food and I will be very grateful . " “那就请您给我一小块面包吧,”乞丐坚持道,“哪怕是给我一口饭吃,我都会对您感激不尽的。”
After some time, the bus stopped. Looking round, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. 我坐在汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。过了一些时候,车停了。我环视了一下身旁,惊奇地发现车里就只剩我一个乘客了。
To tell the truth, these can only be brought about additional benefits of marriage, no one firm to serve as the cornerstone of marriage. 可说实话,以上这些都只能算是婚姻带来的附加利益,没有哪一条坚固到能作为婚姻的基石。
As you know, in all these years with the company, I have only asked for three things from my staff: honesty, integrity and idolatry. 你们都知道,在公司里我只要求员工三件事:诚实、正直和崇拜偶像。
As to the question of the origin of things, man can only wonder and doubt and guess. 关于万物起源问题,人类只能惊奇,怀疑和猜测。
Leo had no doubt that Charlemagne received his emperor's crown because , and only because, he, the Pope, willed it in the name of God. 利奥相信查理曼接受皇冠,是因为他这个教皇代表了神的名义。