out of sight

  • adv.无影无踪
  • 网络看不见;战略高手;在视野之外

out of sightout of sight

out of sight


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lose sight of 不再看见;忽略;忘记 out of sight 看不见,在视野之外 sign in 签到;签收 ...


乔治·克鲁尼_百度百科 ... 夺金三王 Three Kings 战略高手 Out of Sight 全速发展冲浪 Full Tilt Boogie ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lose sight of 不再看见;忽略;忘记 out of sight 看不见,在视野之外 sign in 签到;签收 ...


求新概念2第30课备课_百度知道 ... out of sight 看不见 out of sight,out of mind 眼不见,心不烦 1、cuts across 横穿 ...


“金熊猫”奖国际动画作品评选活动提名奖节目 ... ... 选送机构: Nanyang Technology University 敲敲 Out of Sight 选送机构: P…


视线之外》(Out of Sight)台湾艺术大学动画系95级毕业生[720P] 《球》(The Ball)完整硬盘版[压缩包] 《新纪元战争》(Epoch …


常用英语短语-网络中国翻译 ... out of season 不合时宜的 out of sight,out of mind 看不见了,也渐渐忘了 out of sth,be 脱销 ...


升本词语和短语 ... catch sight of: 瞥见; out of sight: 在看不见的地方. at a time: 每次, 在某时; ...

When the Kelveys were well out of sight of Burnells', they sat down to rest on a big red drain-pipe by the side of the road. 凯尔维姐妹俩一直跑到看不见耐尔家才停了下来,她们跌坐在路边红色的大水管上休息着。
Speed Concept is the first tri bike to integrate electronics into its aerodynamic shape. Out of sight, out of the wind. 速度概念是第一辆将电子系统整合进空气动力性车架的铁人三项战车。
'Just a Get Well card, ' said Hermione hastily, trying to poke it out of sight, but Ron was too quick for her. “一`张`问候卡。”赫敏赶忙说,想把它塞进去,不想让他们看。可是罗恩出手比她快得多。
With the skilled pilot AT its controls, the plane zoomed up into the sky and was soon out of sight. 由熟练的飞行员驾驶,那架飞机陡直飞上天空,很快就看不见了。
Due to this his own personal problems are out of sight, because all the time his mind is thinking of completing the undertaken tasks. 由于,他就看不到自己的问题了,因为他全心全意都在想着如何完成现在的任务。
A sea of faces sought a glimpse of him, but most of the time he stayed out of sight, sipping tea behind a parapet. 海洋般的面孔在期盼着他的一顾,但大部分时间里都看不到他,他在栏杆后面喝茶。
Directly Tess was out of sight, and the interest of the matter as a drama was at an end, the little ones' eyes filled with tears. 苔丝从视线里消失了,这件有趣的事情好像一幕戏剧,也就到了终场,小孩子的眼睛里都是热泪盈眶。
Unfortunately, the old cliche is often true, "Out of sight, out of mind. " 遗憾的是,古语说的好“久违情疏”。
I did not have the slightest inkling that you together with everything else would in a moment vanish out of sight. 我想不到我在很短的时间以后就会失掉你,失掉这一切。
You must sit still all you can and keep your back out of sight. The front is all right. 你必须老老实实地坐着不动,不要把背部给人看到;前面是不成问题的。
If I made any attempt to slur over or keep out of sight any item which I feared he would not like, it was sure to come out. 我若是企图略过或者隐瞒任何我担心他听了不会满意的项目,最后一定会被他发觉的。
Toyoto's executives remained out of sight, as a recall of the company's cars continued to spread around the globe . 丰任的管理人员仍然无法看到,作为该公司的汽车召回,继续在全球蔓延。
He was pale and looked as though he was about to cry. He strode out of sight; Harry didn't think Quirrell had even noticed him. 他脸色苍白,好像快要哭出声来似的,大步地走出了哈利的视线。哈利觉得奇洛根本就没有注意到自己。
All this activity can, at least in theory, take place out of sight of the reader. 至少从理论上说,这些翻译活动都可以在距离读者千里之外的地方进行。
On the top of the clouds the sun shone brilliantly; stretching away out of sight there was a broad, white road. 上了云端,阳光灿烂,一条白色宽阔大道伸向天际,望不到尽头。
The sun sank out of sight, the woods grew dark, and he did not come. 太阳已经不见了,森林也渐渐暗了下来,爸爸没有回来。
The oil that wasn't dissolved by chemical dispersants or microbes fell to the bottom of the ocean, out of sight to the public. 没有被化学分解剂或微生物分解的石油会沉到洋底,从公众视线中完全消失。
"Thank you, " replied Dorothy, and then the kind Stork flew into the air and was soon out of sight. “多谢你,”多萝茜回答说,于是仁慈的鹳鸟飞到空中去,一会儿就不见了。
eg. The moment she was out of sight she broke into a run. 她一走出众人的视线就开始飞奔起来。
and sometimes the mat which he spread before him, to receive contributions, was covered out of sight by the heaping of coins thrown upon it. 有时候他铺在面前用来收集现金的草席都被丢在那上面堆成的钱币覆盖得看不见。
My husband is very attentive when he's at home, but when he's away on business he never even thinks to phone me - out of sight out to mind. 我丈夫在家时对我很关心,但一出差从不想着给我打电话——真是眼不见,心不想。
The skeleton was divided and sold in two parts, one of which had dropped out of sight. 这个骨骼标本被分为两个部分分别出售,而且其中一个部分已经下落不明。
When you find your anger hard to bring under control, it is better to leave where you are, just as what is out of sight is out of mind. 当你发现气得难以控制时,最好离开那里,正所谓眼不见心不烦。
The silver stag burst from his wand and charged: The dementors scattered and there was a triumphant yell from somewhere out of sight. 银色的牡鹿从他的魔杖里奔出来往前冲去。摄魂怪四散逃开,从看不见的地方传来一声得意的叫嚷。
A few birds flew across the horizon as the sun worked its way out of sight. 一群鸟飞过地平线,夕阳缓缓落下,即将离开人们的视线。
l Directly the mother was out of sight of her son, she wanted to see him. 这个母亲一看不到儿子就想见他。
She continued looking back at me, waving until she was out of sight. 她走上登机舷梯,还时不时回过头来看看我,挥着小手直到完全走出我的视线。
The car has been out of sight for a long time, but Jenny is still beside the door, watching the end of the road. 汽车早已开走看不见了,珍妮还站在门口凝视着路的尽头。
The fox, with all his thousand tricks, had not been able to get out of sight, and fell a prey to the dogs. 狐狸,用了他的种种计策(千方百计),结果还是没有(机会)逃脱,成了这群猎狗的食物。
"Well, well, " said Drouet, "you did out of sight. That was simply great. I knew you could do it. Oh, but you're a little daisy! " “哇,”杜洛埃说,“你演得出色极了。真是了不起。我早就知道你能演好。啊,你真是个迷人的小姑娘。”