on and on

  • na.不停地
  • 网络继续;不断地;继续不停地

on and onon and on

on and on


初中英语短语汇总 A- Y_英语网 ... on average 平均 on and on 继续不断地,不停地 on business 因公,因事 ...


by 和on 的用法_百度知道 ... 1. and so on 等等 2. on and on 继续,不断 3. from now on 从此以后,今后 ...


常用英语短语-网络中国翻译 ... on and off 断断续续 on and on 不断地 on cloud nine 非常高兴 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... on and off 断断续续地 on and on 继续不停地 on behalf of 代表…,为了… ...


永不止息 (On And On) Jack Johnson (杰克强森) 立即播放 48 Original Tracks Olivia Newton - John (奥莉维亚纽顿强) 每日单曲榜


宇多田光 就是唯一[引]-CDHOME亿家娱乐音乐网站 ... 09. Poppin' 摇摆 10. On And On 舞夜狂欢 01. Come Back To Me 回到 …


高考英语词汇用法总结3 ... official n. 文官 on and on 没完没了 on doing sth 一… 就 ...

Global warming, epic flooding, horrible snow storms, terrorism, collapsing economy, unemployment and the list seems to go on and on. 全球变暖,历史性的洪水,可怕的暴风雪,恐怖主义,经济的崩溃,失业,还有以后可能被列举出的发生的一切一切。
I could go on and on about this, but my 4-year-old wants me to help him build a fort with the boxes piled up in our new living room. 我可以一直这么地写下去,但是我那四岁的孩子要我帮他用那些新起居室里的盒子建城堡了!
She ran on and on, down the hill, up the next, trying to catch up with her daughter. 她跑啊跑。跑下一个山坡,又跑上另一个山坡,努力地想追上女儿。
Her eyes welling, Ms. Ravanal said they go on and on about how frightened they have felt since the earthquake. Ravanal女士的眼睛湿润了。她说,他们不停地说他们自地震以来感到多么恐惧。
She went on and on about how much she loved it. 不断地说她有多喜爱
On and on he went. My jaw dropped, and after I recovered, I said, "I want the kind that used to be the only kind. " 我的下巴差点掉下来。等我缓过神来,我问,“我要的是那种曾经是唯一一种的样式。”
The list could go on and on, but I feel like all of our surface fears are only the result of some deeper fear. 这个答案单可以一直继续下去,但我觉得我们表面的这些惧怕是因为有更深的惧怕所产生的。
This tension will go on and on; I cannot see any solution at the moment, neither the government takes a step back nor the opposition. 目前我实在看不出任何解决问题的办法。无论是政府还是反对派都不愿意后退一步。
Now when the mystic part of me jabbers on and on like this, the warrior rolls her eyes. 当我身上的神秘部分含糊地这么说时,战士翻了一下眼睛。
Assets were bundled into a pool, securitised, stuffed into a CDO, bits of that plugged into the next CDO and so on and on. 资产被组合成池,进行证券化操作,进而被塞进CDO,其中一些还会被投入下一个CDO,并如此往复再往复。
He said afterwards: "It was amazing. . . . I could have gone on and on. Space, here I com. " 事后霍金表示:“这真是太神奇了,我可以飞起来一次又一次。太空,我来了。”
On and on came the train. The engineer saw the boy on the track and whistled for him to get out of the way. But Tony stood still. 火车越来越近了。火车司机看到了铁轨上的那个男孩,鸣笛让他不要挡可是,托尼仍然站在那里,一动不动。
And while sometimes kids can drone on and on and become easy to tune out, you can't do it when they're trying to interact with you. 虽然有时候孩子们会很烦人,变得不听话,可你决不能在他们想和你交流的时候无视他们。
It is hard to judge how this will end, but it looks as if it will drag on and on. 目前还难以判断这桩丑闻会如何收尾,但看起来似乎会无限期地持续下去。
One got drunk and went on and on repeating his script until I had to take him to one side and tell him to stop. 但其中一个朋友喝醉了,不停地重复着他的“台词”,直到我把他带到一旁,让他住口。
You walk on and on. Trying to find your way out. Suddenly you see a castle. What is the condition of the castle? 你继续向前走,试着找出一条路来,突然你发现眼前有一座城堡。这个城堡是什么样的?
It's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to talk on and on about your problem, question, new product etc. 很容易掉进这样一个陷阱,你很想多讨论关于你的问题、麻烦、新产品等。
Finally, as she went on and on about her dissatisfaction with a purchase she had made, he politely interrupted her. 看着她还在没完没了地诉说着她的不满,他忍不住礼貌地打断了她。
Many discouraged Rappahannockers had begun to think the lady had moved away, that winter would go on and on. 许多拉帕汉诺克县人开始认为春天搬走了,那个冬天将一直持续下去。
If the meeting we are holding today should not adjourn but go on and on indefinitely, everybody would be against this, including me. 今天我们这个会,如果不散会,尽这么开下去,所有的人都反对,包括我自己在内。
And so I worry that our governing elite, which just isn't all that into the unemployed, will allow the jobs slump to go on and on and on. 因此,我感到担心的是,我们政府中的精英人士,他们根本没有深入研究失业状况,将让工作岗位下降的趋势继续下去。
The FIFA world cup is nothing more than a cup. After all, there's one and only champion, but curses from the octopus will go on and on. 世界杯终究是个杯具,因为冠军只有一个,而章鱼的怨念却无穷无尽。
The next day, you probably heard those test subjects at the coffee shop going on and on about how biased the press is against their guy. 第二天,你很可能就听到那些实验对象在咖啡店里继续议论关于媒体对他们的候选人多么多么有偏见的话题。
We all have to realize that today the Lord is going on and on to fully recover us and bring us fully out of Christendom. 今天我们所有人必须认识到主要完全地恢复我们,并把我们完全带出基督教界。
I had only to hold out this one more day, and the whole nightmare for me would be over, though it would go on and on for millions of others. 我只要再把这一天忍过去,噩梦就会过去了,可是对于千千万万的人来说,噩梦还要继续下去。
The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and he had won the race. 乌龟慢腾腾地却持续不停地走,当兔子一觉醒来,他看到乌龟已经快到终点线了。兔子输了比赛。
It's also down in the other markets, which are traditionally our strongholds: Russia, Germany, Indonesia, UAE, and on and on and on. 诺基亚在其它市场也日益式微,包括诺基亚的传统地盘:俄罗斯、德国、印尼、阿联酋等。
They flew on and on till they couldn't see the land and there was nothing but water on all sides. 他们飞,直到他们不克不及看见陆地,什麽都没,只要水四周。
Sorry if I seem to ramble on and on about my daily life. 很抱歉,如果我似乎漫步在和我的日常生活。
We could go on and on. . . Each film seems to give you a rough outline for another film. 这种现象可以无限想像下去,似乎每一个电影都成为另一部电影的雏形。