
美 [ˌoʊvərˈfloʊ]英 [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈfləʊ]
  • n.溢出;容纳不下的人(或物);漫出;溢出的液体
  • v.溢出;漫出;挤满了人;扩展出界
  • adj.溢出的;充满的
  • 网络溢流;溢位;上溢

过去式:overflowed 过去式:overflown 现在分词:overflowing 第三人称单数:overflows



v. n.

1.[i][t]漫出;溢出to be so full that the contents go over the sides

2.[i]~ (with sth)挤满了人to have too many people in it

3.[i][t]~ (into sth).~ (sth)扩展出界;过度延伸to spread beyond the limits of a place or container that is too full


衍字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 水循河道流汇于海〖 flowintosea〗 溢出,水满而出〖 overflow〗 散开〖 disperse〗 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷 overflow 溢流 peeling 剥离 ...


叙述溢位(overflow)的处理方法 选择系统恰当的溢位模式 比较使用整数与小数的优缺点 ‧举出一个在汇编语言中传递有小数的参 …


常见计算机英语词汇解释 - 永远的月亮 - 博客园 ... output 输出 overflow 溢出,上溢 panel 平板 ...


水利专业英语 - 豆丁网 ... property 财产 资产 overflow 泛滥 flood prone 洪水侵蚀 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... optimist n. 乐观的人, 乐观主义者 overflow v. 充满, 洋溢 pediatrician n. 儿科医生 ...


以o开头的英语英文单词 ... overextend 使…承担过多的义务 overflow 从…中溢出 overfulfill 超额完成 ...


汽车英语2 - 乔木的日志 - 网易博客 ... tank 油箱 overflow 溢流孔 valve 阀门 ...

Sommelier is a more detailed work, should be careful not to pour wine for the guests do not sprinkle drops, many do not overflow. 斟酒是一项较为细致的工作,为客人斟酒时应注意不滴不洒,不少不溢。
What if it was a security patch for a buffer overflow exploit, of which Windows has not some -- several? 如果是个缓存溢出错误的修补程序呢?Windows在这方面的漏洞还不少呢。
So far I think of it, my mouth will overflow up a smile, I'll never forget that copy of the childhood innocence and joy. 至今想起这件事,我的嘴角还会漾起一丝微笑,我永远也不会忘记那份童年的纯真与快乐。
Overflow incontinence is often caused by a blockage or obstruction to your bladder. 溢出性尿失禁往往造成的阻塞或阻碍你的膀胱。
At a time when there was little alternative art resources and pirate dvd just began to overflow, we didn't think of author right. 在那个资源仍旧相当匮乏,盗版要开始泛滥的年代,我们没有想到这些,许多事情做的都不符合原则。
Sometimes the Paris sewer took a notion to overflow, as though this misunderstood Nile were suddenly seized with a fit of rage. 有时巴黎的阴渠突然泛滥,好象这不为人知的尼罗河突然发怒了。
He took off his glasses, picks up a picture of her look, twitch, once again let tears from the eyes overflow. 他取下老花眼镜,拿起一张她的相片仔细地看着、抽搐着,一次又一次地让泪水从眼眶溢出。
One cause of bit slippage is overflow of a receive buffer that occurs when the transmitter's clock rate exceeds that of the receiver. 比特损失的一个原因是当发送机的时钟速率超过接收机的时钟速率时,出现了接收缓冲器的数据溢出。
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 但愿使人有盼望的神,因信将诸般的喜乐平安,充满你们的心,使你们借着圣灵的能力,大有盼望。
Missing is a season of flowers, valleys, and I wish you over the attention is boundless, eyes, until the heart overflow. Happy New Year! 思念是一季的花香,漫过山谷,笼罩你我,而祝福是无边的关注,溢出眼睛,直到心底。新年快乐!
For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. 心里所充满的,口里就说出来。
The result of the unsigned right shift is always small enough to be stored in the signed version of the return type without overflow. 无符号右移的结果始终很小,可以将它存储在有符号的返回类型版本中,而不会产生溢出。
FSB and FSB-D type centrifugal pump, overflow part is made of Fluor plastic alloy, compact in structure and easy to operate with low price. FSB和FSB-D型离心泵,过流部件全部采用氟塑料合金制造,结构紧凑、操作简单、价格低廉。
I moved forward to such a dream, such a move are the details of their own, For the tears stream overflow the threshold of the heart. 我感动着这样的梦想,感到有这样一个打动自己的细节,欲流的泪水溢满了心情的门槛。
The cause of the overflow is often too many changes in a short period of time, causing the internal notification buffer to overflow. 溢出通常是因为在短时间内有太多更改,导致内部通知缓冲区溢出。
The so-called "divine afflatus" is but the flow of this vital spirit, and is actually caused by an overflow of hormones in the blood. 所谓“神通”,就是这心灵的流动,实际上确是由于血液内“荷尔蒙”的泛滥所致。
The overflow of the fish vat seems to have been blocked. Get a repairman. 鱼缸的溢流管好像被堵住了.赶快叫一个修理工。
Listen to the rain sound, drop a child, say, the wind landing, into a pond willow wind, graceful, river with light overflow dyeing. 倾听雨落声,落一子嗔言,风声起落,惹一塘风荷,杨柳婀娜,染一江春水盈盈轻漾。
overflow holes are arranged on the basin wall, and a wash-out valve is arranged at the bottom of the basin body. 盆壁上设有溢流孔,盆体的底部设置有泄水阀。
Wish to love ocean to overflow in your sweet subsistence, let later of each day, all elephant today like this brilliancy joy! 愿爱洋溢在你甜蜜的生活中,让以后的每一个日子,都像今日这般辉煌喜悦!!
After all, someone could have changed the bytecode manually with a hex editor to attempt to trigger a buffer overflow. 毕竟,也许有人已经用十六进制编辑器手工修改了字节符,试图触发缓冲器溢出。
If you see an overflow counter (through the use of netstat -s), setting a maximum length of this queue can help fix the overflow. 如果您看到一个溢出计数器(通过使用netstat-s),那么设置这个队列的最大长度可以帮助修复这种溢出情况。
And a good rule of thumb, if there is no line, is to keep the water level a half inch below the top of the overflow tube inside the tank. 如果没有水位线,有个好办法,就是保证水位在溢流口半英尺一下。
" If you have overflow [ traffic ] , would you rather send that over to your competitor or to an independent party like us ? " Mr Yuen asks. 阮纪堂问道:“如果(信息流量)过多,你是愿意发给你的竞争对手,还是愿意发给我们这样的第三方?”
Urinary incontinence is usually classified into four types: stress, urge, reflex and overflow incontinence. 尿失禁通常分为四种类型:压力,敦促,反射和溢出性尿失禁。
The attack, based on the buffer overflow, is a common means of security attacks and is the only most common security threats at present. 基于缓冲区溢出的攻击是一种常见的安全攻击手段,也是目前惟一最重要最常见的安全威胁。
Each box is given a position with respect to its containing block, but it is not confined by this containing block; it may overflow. 每个盒子都会给定一个与其包含块有关的位置,但是这些盒子并不局限于包含块内,它们可能会溢出。
The Lithofacies is usually classified into overflow, explosive and volcanic sediment facies. 岩相分为溢流相、爆发相和火山沉积相;
The principle and characteristic of overflow sieve-plate tower used for washing away Lime-kiln Gas have been recommended. 介绍了穿流筛板塔用于窑气洗涤的原理与特点。
A recursive definition like this is going to fill up the stack rapidly and lead to a stack overflow. 像这样的递归定义很快就会填满堆栈,从而导致堆栈溢出。