oh yeah

  • 网络哦耶;是的;噢耶

oh yeahoh yeah

oh yeah


求because of you歌词_百度知道 ... it's all because of u ! 这全都是因为你! oh yeah ! 哦耶! oohh oh yeah yeeaah ! 哦耶 ...


we are one_百度百科 ... If you just believe 如果你深信 Oh yeah是的 Just open our eyes 张开你的双眼 ...


westlife歌词 中英文_百度知道 ... Oh yeah~~~ 噢耶~~~ Oh yeah~~~ 噢耶~~~ Swear It Again 爱你不渝(首支双周冠军单曲) ...


Black... ... They call her out by her name 她们可以叫着她的名字找到她 Oh yeah,she talks to angels 喔耶,她可以与天使交谈 ...


@MI_NI岁月:谁拼出来的“萌”啊!好萌!今天是卖萌日!哦也(oh yeah)!@ActofGod:终于知道卖萌该怎么翻译了,Sell on Oct. 10! …


CCTV.com-海疆行周末版50 ... 嗯 Yes. 哦 对了 Oh yeah, 还没抽取上一周的幸运观众呢 we haven't drawn for the lucky ...


Westlife... ... all: (合唱) (shane: oh yeah) (哦,是的) day after day, time passed away 日复一日,时光逝去, ...


share the world中文歌词_百度知道 ... (我感到大吃一惊) I feel the beat (欧耶oh yeah (共享风格) share style ...

Oh yeah, We brought her back, and met Nrs. Li At the door . Although she did not return to our school. We still feel we have tried. 我们最终还是把她带回来了,在门口遇到了李老。虽然最后李晨还是没回到学校但是我们已经尽力了。
I never knew that it could happen till it happened to me, oh yeah. -I didn't know it before but now it's easy to see. . . oh! 在它发生前我真不知道这会发生,哦耶。-我以前不知道但现在一目了然…哦!
Oh yeah! I look back in like a year and I go 'what was I wearing? ! ' Yeah, I definitely laugh at myself. (笑)当然有啊!每次看到自己一年前的装扮都吓个半死,自己都觉得可笑。
The older kids would glance at it and then kind of look away as if to say, 'Oh yeah, I get it, it goes with that face. 而年龄大一点儿的孩子只会扫一眼,眼睛就有点儿瞟向别的地方,好像在说:‘哦,我知道了,那是这张脸。
Oh yeah, the Rockets had a good game today, so Yao is the greatest. . . . I'm not a Yao hater, just a Yao realest , he's not the best. . . 是的,火箭今天打了一场精彩的比赛,同样,姚明是最伟大的,我不是一个憎恨姚明的人,只是姚明真的,他不是最好的…
The prematurely balding one turns around to look. "Oh yeah, she must be a model, " he replies. "She's way out of our league, bro. . . " 另一个早熟且秃顶的孩子转过身来看着她,“哦,她一定是个模特,”他答道。“跟我们不一样,兄弟……”
Oh yeah. I had lots of free time to eat too much. And I even got to a couple of movies and sit at the computer for long hours. 喔,是啊!我时间多到可以狂吃到撑。我还看了几场电影,还有坐在电脑前好几个小时。
When I told him about it, all he said was, "Oh yeah, that's my collection. " 我去问男朋友,他说哦那是我的收藏品。
And all that energy packed in such a tiny bit of room becomes mass particles created from the vacuum And then. . . Oh yeah. 所有的能量在这个很小的空间里积聚后变的巨大,粒子便产生了。然后,哦,太棒了。
"Oh, yeah, " he said, flashing a relieved smile; something was lost, and he got to keep it. “哦,是呀,”他说道,脸上闪现舒心的微笑;就好像突然想到了一件忘记很久的事情一样。
Oh! . . . Yeah, they were gross. Oh, you know what I loved? Her Sweet 'n' Los. How she was always stealing them from from restaurants. 哦!……对,真恶心。哦,你知道我喜欢什么吗?她的代糖。她怎么总是从从餐厅里偷些出来。
Oh yeah, I found out that Alice gave you a knock-back but it's not the end of the world. There are plenty more fish in the sea you know. 奥,是这样,我发现爱丽丝拒绝了你,但这不是世界末日。你知道这个世界上还有很多姑娘。
They've got to be good with people and oh yeah, hard-working, motivated, with clear career goals. Maybe a bit too high expectations. 他们与人和睦相处,工作努力,积极,有明确的事业目标。可能期望有点过高了。
Oh, yeah. I'd still like to stay on as consigliere. You know, maybe you could show me your set lists before competitions. 对啊。不过我很愿意继续当顾问的,你比赛前可以给我看看歌单什么的。
Luke: Oh yeah the last time I saw a doctor you went poking around like a Turkish drug enforcement officer with an attitude. 路克:上次有个医生严肃的像个土耳其反毒品检查官一样,对我东戳西戳的。
It was OK. Thank you for coming out to meet me even though you are busy. Oh yeah, Andy asked me to say hello. 没关系。你很忙还来接我真是谢谢。对了,还有安迪向你问好。
James: Oh yeah. . . three years ago. But I got a letter from her. She said she was waiting in our 'special place'. 詹姆斯:哦,是的…在三年以前。但是我收到了她写的一封信。他说她在我们的“特殊的地方”等待我。
Rachel: Oh, yeah, yeah. Actually, I got the extended disco version, with three choruses of "You'll never make it on your own" . 是的,是的。事实上,这次是迪斯科加长版外加三重合唱的“你永远无法自力更生”。
Oh, yeah. Easy for you to say. You don't have to walk transporting some reject from the Mr. T collection! -Chandler, Chandler. . . 噢,你说的轻松。你倒是不用带着一个老头都不要的东西走来走去!-钱德,钱德…
JM -- Oh yeah , we were lucky that our headquarters was not in Beijing . If our headquarters was in Beijing we would be, you know, no where. 哦是的,我们非常幸运我们的总部不在北京。如果我们的总部在北京,我们将要,你知道,什么都没有了!
Oh yeah? Well what if I told you that scientists have recently made discoveries that suggest baboons are capable of abstract thought? 喔?那如果我告诉你最近科学家的发现显示了狒狒能够进行抽象思维呢?
The bad news was that, oh yeah, the war effort really needed all of America's nylon for parachutes and tires and flak vests. 而坏消息就是,战争越演越烈导致全美国的尼龙都被用来制造降落伞,轮胎和防弹背心。
S: Oh, yeah, your men, your men have been able to count on you. Why is it that you've never been there for me? 你的手下,你的手下一直以来都能指望得上你,一直以来你可有支持过我么,这又怎么说?
Hazel: Oh, yeah. You know you could've just kept it. And I would've forgotten I had it. 哦,是啊!你知道你可以留着它的。我都忘记它了。
Oh, yeah, had a great singer lined up, but she had a fatal accident yesterday and they needed a real quick replacement. 哦,这样。本来这里是一个非常棒的歌手,不过昨天她不幸意外身亡,然后他们飞快地就找了个人代替她的位置了。
Billy dropped down and slobbered on his head And stag filled him full of lead Oh yeah . 比利跪下来,口水滴在他脑袋上斯泰克全身心的享受。
And oh yeah, I ate all of my vegetables when I was a kid. My momma will be proud of me for saying that. 哦对了,我小时候还吃各种各样的蔬菜,我妈妈会为我这么说感到自豪的!
was that councilman helpful ? - oh , yeah . a real public servant. 那个议员有帮助吗?-哦,是的,真正的人民公仆。
I'm glad you could come. -Oh, yeah. Well, I had "people" ! You know? 我很高兴你能来。-哦,是的。好的,我有“人”!你知道吗?
Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me. This is going to be fun. With Dan coming home from college, it'll be a real family reunion. 要。多谢你提醒我,今年会很开心的。丹从学校回来,咱们家就大团圆了。