
美 [per]英 [peə(r)]
  • n.对;一对;一双;分两个相连接部分的物体
  • v.配对;交配;使成对;配对(以繁殖)
  • 网络对子;一副

复数:pairs 现在分词:pairing 过去式:paired

buy pair,get pair


n. v.

相同的两样东西two things the same

1.[c]一双;一对two things of the same type, especially when they are used or worn together

连接的两部分two parts joined

2.[c]分两个相连接部分的物体an object consisting of two parts that are joined together

两个人two people

3.[cspv]两个共事(或有特殊关系)的人;俩;对two people who are doing sth together or who have a particular relationship

两个动物;两只鸟two animals/birds

4.[cspv](同时驯养的)两个同类的鸟(或兽);一对two animals or birds of the same type that are breeding together

两匹马two horses

5.[c]一起拉车的两匹马two horses working together to pull a carriage


a pair of hands

一个能做事的人;人手;正在工作的人a person who can do, or is doing, a job

in pairs

成对的;成双的in groups of two objects or people

Ive only got one pair of hands

我只有一双手used to say that you are too busy to do anything else


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... painting n. 油画,水彩画 pair n. 一双,一对 palace n. 宫,宫殿 ...

新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... buy 买 pair ,对 fashion (服装的)流行式样 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... painting n. 油画,水彩画 pair n. 一双,一对 palace n. 宫,宫殿 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Paddle 开关,门电路 Pair (立体声)配对,比较 PAL phase alternation line 逐行倒相彩色电视制 …


牌章:对子pair),三个一样的(triple),四个一样的(four of a kind),1个对子3个一样的(Full House), 5个同花(flash…


英语三级必背单词_百度知道 ... painting n.上油漆;绘画 pair n.一对,一双;一副 palace n.宫殿 ...

He said the pair will meet the Spanish public two weeks after their arrival, depending on how quickly they adapt to their new surroundings. 他说这对大熊猫将会在抵达后的两个星期与西班牙公众见面,但要也要取决于他们能适应周围新环境的速度。
If it isn't possible for you to touch the floor, support your hands on a pair of blocks or the seat of a folding chair. 如果不能接触到地板,用瑜伽砖或者一折叠的椅子的座位支撑手。
Many coastal birds are now getting ready to pair bond, court, and nest, noted the Louisiana Coastal Initiative's Driscoll. 很多滨海鸟类现在正配对、求偶、筑巢,路易斯安娜海岸环保促进会的德里斯科尔指出。
Fruit & Vegetable ? He's got a very big mouth, a banana and a pair of black eyes. 他嘴巴大大的,长着一个鹰钩鼻,一双乌黑发亮的眼睛。
They mark what were to have been the foundations for a pair of 20-floor towers containing luxury flats. 他们计划使其成为含豪宅的一栋20层大厦的地基。
Thanks to a Japanese company, you can show off exhibit your innermost feelings somewhere else - a pair of fluffy ears on your head. 多亏了一家日本公司,你可以通过带一对毛茸茸的耳朵来表达自己的感情。
My dream is to dance freely on a big stage, where I feels like that I'm granted a pair of wings and I could flying freely on a broad plain. 在一个很大的舞台上自由舞蹈是我的梦想,站在那里我好像插上了翅膀,在广阔的平原翱翔!
A cat came fiddling out of a barn, With a pair of bagpipes under her arm. 一只猫蹑手蹑脚地走出谷仓,手臂下面夹着一对风笛。
Specifies the network address for the mirror server of a mirrored pair whose principal server is at the next_hop_address. 指定镜像对的镜像服务器的网络地址,镜像对的主体服务器位于next_hop_address。
How much is that pair of trousers? 那条裤子多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent a car? How much does it cost to repair a pair of shoes? 租一部车要多少钱?修理一双鞋子要多少钱?
I was the only one wearing a shirt, a floral skirt that flew with the wind, plus a pair of sandals, and no silk stockings. 只有我,一件衬衫,一条随风飞扬的花裙子,加上一对凉鞋,连丝袜也欠奉。
The next day, the pair were spotted out on afternoon drive around town. 第二天,这二人是在下午了开车转转。
However, what you really want is to have only one such situation being detected for each pair of buy and sell events. 但是,您真正希望的是对于每一对买入和卖出事件,您仅检查到一个这样的情形。
God for the death of the children of the West: to give you one pair of wings to the angel! 3上帝对去世的西方的小朋友说:来,给你一对翅膀去当天使吧!
Her jeans were worn and full of holes, so I gave her a pair of yours that you don't fit into anymore. 她是穿着牛崽裤和充满漏洞,所以我给了她一个你认为不适合的。
Fly against the wind, and you will get a pair of stronger wings. 逆风飞翔,你会锻炼出强壮的翅膀。
The pair of sticks is maneuvered in one hand, between the thumb and fingers, and used to pick up pieces of food. 一双筷子用一只手操作,置于拇指和手指之间,用以夹起块片食物。
More than a quarter of British women believe fitting into an old pair of jeans again would feel better than sex, according to research. 一项调查显示,英国超过四分之一的女性认为能够重新穿上一条昔日牛仔裤的感觉比做爱还要好。
Then he took his gloves off to gag her with duct tape, cut the phone lines, and left with a pair of her panties. 接着,他摘下手套用胶带封住了她的嘴,切断了电话线,拿起她的内裤然后离开了(离开时拿走了她的内裤)。
Single curved Glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them? 如果单一的曲面镜会歪曲自然,那么一对曲面镜对自然的歪曲又会多大呢?
He was wearing nothing but a pair of swimming trunks. 他只穿了一条游泳裤。
In brief, the best selection would be a pair of socks with good elasticity and above-ankle length. 总之,弹性较好、长度至脚踝以上的袜子是最好的选择。
In the bathroom, I discovered a pair of hand-blown glass bottles used for storing antibiotic pills and antiseptic. 在浴室里,我发现了一对装抗生素片和防腐剂的自制玻璃瓶。
The deployment mechanism is comprised of a speed regulatorand a pair of hinges in which there are a spring motor and a latch foreach. 极化敏感反射器用的展开机构由一对相同的展开铰链及一个调速器组成,每个铰链都有提供动力的扭转弹簧及闭锁装置;
Beth said nothing, but she began to work hard to make a pair of blue army gloves. 白丝什么也没说,但好开始卖力地做一副蓝色的军用手套。
Nevertheless, by keeping some of these tips in mind, and most importantly with minimal effort, you can find that perfect pair of jeans. 然而,记住这里的一些小建议,并且尽量尝试,你可以选到适合你的牛仔裤的。
The addition of a well-known fashion designer's name to a simple pair of jeans can inflate their price tremendously. 一个著名的服装设计师的名字可以让一条普通的牛仔裤的价格极端地膨胀。
Before the ransom was paid, the body was found along with a pair of glasses linking the crime to Leopold and Loeb. 在赎金支付之前,弗兰克斯的尸体已被发现,同时被发现的还有一副眼镜,这是它将这起案件与利奥伯德和勒伯联系到了一起。
Goldfish is very beautiful, it is the head of sector, it has a pair of chubby little eyes, like the two colorful lollipop. 金鱼非常漂亮,它的头是扇形的,上面长着一双圆滚滚的小眼睛,像两个七彩的棒棒糖。