
美 [pæst]英 [pɑːst]
  • n.过去;昔日;过去的事情;(某人)过去的经历(或事业)
  • prep.超过;晚于;在…之后;在另一边
  • adv.经过;逝去;从一侧到另一侧
  • adj.过去的;昔日的;刚过去的;刚结束的
  • v.“pass”的过去分词


past year,past decade,past week,past month,past century
forget past,remember past,recall past,reconstruct past,past destroy


1.过去的;昔日的gone by in time

2.[obn]刚过去的;刚结束的gone by recently; just ended

3.[obn]从前的;以往的belonging to an earlier time

As soon as I rounded the corner to go past the house, I saw this figure standing out in the cold rain with a sack in his hand. 当我转弯要开过他的房子时,我看到一个身影站在寒冷的雨中,手里拿着一个袋子。
To the world, to read and past, had not gone with the wind, has been deeply buried in the bottom of my heart. 耽于世事,而无暇念及的往事,原来没有随风而去,已深深地埋在心底。
Just like this, many years past, she had not got in touch with me at all. 就这样,一年又一年,很多年过去了,对方始终没跟我联系过。
The enemy will oftentimes try to trip you up in your walk with God by reminding you of your past. 在你与上主同行时,撒旦常常企图利用你的过去绊倒你。
THE scientific study of AIDS has dropped out of the headlines over the past year or two. 对艾滋病的科学研究在最近一两年没有上过新闻头条。
The same as The Evening, I do not know who first think of the festival, and do not know who the first Mid-Autumn Festival is in the past. 像张若虚一样,我不知道是谁第一个想起过中秋的,也不知道第一个中秋是哪些人在过。
We have a paper to get out on Sunday but it's been a fairly extraordinary circumstance over the past few days. 我们将在星期天出版一份报纸,但过去几天的情况非常不同寻常。
These gems have been scattered throughout the city for the past two weeks, giving New Yorkers a chance to put a little groove in their step. 在过去的两周时间,这些艺术的瑰宝在纽约城展览,给了纽约市民一个无限接近艺术的机会。
Integrating China into the international marketplace had been a goal of U. S. policy toward China for the past two decades. 泽奥利克说,促进中国融入国际市场是美国20年来一贯的对华政策目标。
We haven't had a computer for a couple of weeks but I have been able to read up on the "news behind the news" during the past two days. 我们两个星期没有一台电脑,但是在过去的两天中我已经能读到“新闻背后的新闻”。
Temporary Heat Wave: You're in a rut and ready to venture past the usual lunch crowd and meet some new peers. 暂时情绪:你陷入成规、准备脱离常和自己一起吃午饭的人去结识新同事。
Scrying has been used in many cultures as a means of divining the past, present, or future. 在很多的文化中,水晶球占卜都被视为解析过去和现在,预测未来的一种方式。
It feels optimistic, as if representing Mr Siti's ability to see past Iraq's recent sectarian record and into a unified future. 其蕴含了乐观精神,仿佛代表了斯提对伊拉克曾经宗派分裂的记忆和未来统一的向往。
Chinese - funded real estate stocks due to over the past few trading days up in a row and suffered profit - taking. 中资房地产股则因过去几个交易日的连续上涨而遭遇获利回吐。
Over the past two decades, its ratio of imports to GDP (which peaked at 32% in 2005) was more than twice that of Japan's. 在过去的二十年中,它的进口额占国内生产总值比率是日本的两倍以上。
He had been betrayed by his wife for the past five years. 他的妻子在过去的五年里一直背叛着他。
In the past, female pigs or sows were used to hunt for truffles, as the pungent odor the truffles emit is similar to that of a male pig. 在过去,雌猪或母猪被用来寻猎块菌,因为块菌散发出来的刺激性辛辣气味与公猪的相似。
I also like playing with the kids, but I am happy, my life is in the laughter in the past has never been sorry to leave. 我也跟孩子们一样爱玩,但我是幸福的,我的一生都是在欢声笑语中走过的,从未留下过遗憾。
IT HAD been purring along nicely, handling the twists and turns of the world economy, powering past rivals, inspiring envy. 一直以来德国经济运行良好,应对世界经济波动,超越竞争对手,这让人羡慕不已。
She did not know that the past 10 years, boys are so obsessed with dedication and love her! 她一直不知道,这近10年来,男孩是如此执著而痴迷地爱著她!
Women expect to hear something romantic, like you swooped down on a flying unicorn and popped the question as you flew past the sunset. 这个问题。女人喜欢听到很浪漫的求婚戏码,比方说你在夕阳的背景下骑着飞行的独角兽,突然冲到她面前向她求婚。
Past a certain day and you will no longer have my life, when the firm was unlikely to face this moment of my time, I do not know what I? 过去的某一天,你将不再有我的生命,当时该公司不太可能面对我这时刻,我不知道我?
Chinese ancients with nine for the sun count, the beginning of September nine, two suns are mutually heavy, past call "heavy sun" . 中国古人以九为阳数,九月初九,两阳相重,故叫“重阳”。
In the past, it was suggested that you make a small partition at the beginning of the disk, to be left unformatted. 以前的方法建议您在磁盘的开始处分出一个较小并且不格式化的分区。
Someone said the age of book is past; the information will be presented by video, computer, television and film. 一些人认为书本的时代已经过去了,信息将要靠录像、电脑、电视、电影来传送。
Let me, therefore, go back to my past and say some words about my intellectual journey, although I do not like to speak about myself. 因此,请允许我在此回亿一下我的过去,讲述一些有关我的学智之旅,虽然我不喜欢谈论我自己。
God knows how much i tolerated to love you in the past. 天知道我之前为了爱你忍了多少!
If not for the outcomes of past decisions, would you know what course of actions to take or not to take? 要不是因为过去的决定,你怎么知道做什么,不做什么?
I realize that this partial descriptioon of my past may not be enough to strike the responsive chord of memory. 我知道我说的这一段往事,还不足以让我触景生情。
If you remember nothing else that has appeared in this space over the past four and a bit years, please try to hold on to that thought. 如果你记不住过去四年多一点的时间里出现在此处的其它文字,那么请努力记住这个观点。