
美 [ˈpreʃər]英 [ˈpreʃə(r)]
  • n.压力;压强;挤压;大气压
  • v.逼迫;使迫不得已
  • 网络压迫;强制;电压

复数:pressures 现在分词:pressuring 过去式:pressured

constant pressure,internal pressure,external pressure,great pressure,continuous pressure
reduce pressure,come pressure,increase pressure,face pressure,relieve pressure


n. v.

挤压时when sth presses

1.[u]压力;挤压the force or weight with which sth presses against sth else

气体;液体of gas/liquid

2.[u][c]压力;压强the force produced by a particular amount of gas or liquid in a confined space or container; the amount of this

大气of atmosphere

3.[u]大气压the force of the atmosphere on the earth's surface


4.[u]催促;要求;呼吁;强迫the act of trying to persuade or to force sb to do sth


5.[u]心理压力;紧张difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve or to behave in a particular way


put pressure on sb (to do sth)

强迫;促使;劝说to force or to try to persuade sb to do sth

under pressure

(液体或气体)受压力,压缩if a liquid or a gas is keptunder pressure , it is forced into a container so that when the container is opened, the liquid or gas escapes quickly


注塑压力(Pressure):6个大气压力,9个大气压力 在这个实验中,我们将研究这三个 因子分别在两种水平上对均值的影响。 全 …


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高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... press vt. 压,按 pressure n. 压迫,压力,压强 pretend vi. 假装,装作 ...


Unity 脚本类总索引 ... isTeared 是否撕裂 pressure 气压 tearFactor 撕裂系数 ...


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六级词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... preside --v. 主持 pressure --n. 压,压力,电压,压迫,强制,紧迫 prestige --n. 声望,威望,威信 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... press vt. 压,按,揿;催促 pressure n. 压力;压力;压,按 pretty a. 漂亮的,标致的 ...

On the surface pressure fields, a strongly warm low center over the African-Asian continents weakens through the abrupt change. 地面气压由突变前亚非大陆强热低压中心转变为突变后的弱低压中心。
The general pressure fluctuation was not high enough to affect the reliability of the furnace. 炉压总体波动不大,对加热炉安全运行影响不大。
noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness; inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach; put inappropriate pressure on them. 噪音好像不适合于悲伤的时候;不适合于在海滩上走的鞋;给他们施以不适当的压力。
The pressure is likely to come more on additional spending; you may not be able to do as much tax relief. 额外开支可能带来更多的压力;你也许无法随心所欲地减税。
nobody knows exactly what was going on, but you can guess that there must have been a lot of pressure not to publish it. 当时没人确切地了解发生了什么事。但你可以猜测到,为了不将这个评论发表一定有很多的压力。
Yes, that's just a teeny bit of pressure. And there's no sign of its letting up. 对,那只是一点点压力,但这压力并没有减少的迹象。
Necessity creates pressure and forces you invent something or to make it happen or to use your potentiality. 需求创造压力,逼着你去发明一些东西,或者让某些事情发生,或者发挥你的潜力。
European researchers said the salt reduction has led to lower blood pressure, fewer heart attacks and strokes, and lives saved. 欧洲研究人员说减少食盐量已经导致血压水平降低,心脏病和中风发作减少,并挽救了生命。
But the statement, they felt, might have been used to put undue pressure on China. 但是他们认为,这项声明可能会被用于给中国施加过多的压力。
Were there no electric pressure in a conductor, the electron flow would not take place in it. 导体内如果没有电压,便不会产生电子流动现象。
The reservoir is under such pressure that it has forced tongues of molten rock up towards the surface, producing eruptions and earthquakes. 受板块压力影响,岩浆以岩舌的形式冲向地表,形成喷发和地震。
And I'm going to ask, after I reach equilibrium, what is the partial pressure of nitrogen hydrogen and ammonia? 我想问,当达到平衡后,氮气,氢气和氨气的分压,分别是多少?
Small coup: the deviation direction of the front wheel to increase the tire pressure or reduced pressure in another direction. 小妙招:将跑偏方向的前轮调高气压或另一方向的轮胎调低气压。
My pressure on her hips, sinking my fingertips into every inch of you, 'cause I know that's what you want me to do. 我的压力在她的臀部,沉入你的每寸我的指尖,因为我知道这就是你要我做什么。
"I understand her situation and the pressure from her family, " he said. 我理解她的处境和她家里给的压力。
One to stand up to pressure her own, started off their clothes, in my clothes off, she was about to enter the body, outside the door. 一翻身把她压到身下,开始脱自己的衣服,就在我脱光了衣服刚要进入她的身体的时候,外面有人敲门。
Their suppressed laughter had built up such a pressure: it was like a volcano ready to erupt. 他们的打压众笑已建立起来的这种压力:它就像一个火山随时爆发。
You deserve a quick lie down with your yoga eye pillow, as you allow it to gently release tension, with its soft pressure and calming aroma. 你需要利用你的瑜珈护眼枕头迅速地躺下,因为你需要利用它柔软的挤压和使人镇静的香气来缓缓地释放你的紧张感。
The pressure increase out of control was at the bottom of the explosion. 失去控制的气压增长是这一爆炸的根本原因。
No doubt, it'll place a bit of extra pressure on your back, and you'll almost certainly hear some laughter in the crowd. 无疑这样会给你点压力,而且你几乎能肯定会从人群里听到嘲笑的声音。
This can reduce the purchase cost, the more important is to be able to reduce the system pressure drop and air loss. 这样能降低购买成本,更重要的是能减小系统压降及空气损耗。
However, pressure from your lungs on your stomach and general tiredness may keep you from eating enough to keep up with your energy needs. 然而,肺部的压力以及一般的疲劳会阻止你通过摄取足够的食物来跟上你的能量需求。
The properties this matter would have to have would be negative mass, and yet still be capable of exerting a positive surface pressure. 这个物质特性不得不具有负质量,可是仍然能够施加一个正面压力。
The singer believes Britney's teenage career was the key factor in her downfall, with the pressure put on her too much to handle. 这个歌手认为小甜甜青少年时期的经历是导致她现在事业下滑的关键,有太多压力使她无法掌握。
Bankers said the growing amount of cash on balance sheets was likely to put companies under pressure to utilise it. 银行家表示,资产负债表上的现金日益增多,可能使公司再资金利用上面临压力。
Jack found her to be a loyal worker and reliable under pressure. 杰克发现雅梅是一个忠心耿耿的下属,尤其是在压力下的表现令人放心。
"If pressure were being applied, I think Mexico would be in a position to exercise pressure (too), " he said. 如果说各国正对此施加压力,我想墨西哥也准备施加压力。
Obviously, there was no pressure to deliver on a certain date, and the requirements were entirely up to me. 显然,没有交付期限的压力,而且,需求也完全取决于我。
When the close time of the nozzles was set at the end of packing, the injection pressure, clamp force and parts quality were all better. 同时当浇口均设置为保压结束时关闭,成型中的注射压力、锁模力以及制件质量较为理想。
Blood pressure can be estimated by looking at the vertical distance between the head and the heart. 血压可以通过测量从头部到心脏的垂直距离计算出来。