pop star

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pop star


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He said he knew the pop star, whose family were in his constituency, and he had seen him recently. 他表示他知道这个家位于其选区的流行歌星,近来刚见过他。
A nude sculpture of the pop star Britney Spears clutching a dead bear rug has been creating a bit of a stir recently. 这座流行天后布莱尼斯皮尔斯抓住一个熊形地毯的裸体雕像最近引起了很多争议。
She said the pop star's focus was on fresh, healthy food for him and the children. 她说这位流行天王的生活焦点就是为他和孩子们提供的新鲜、健康的食物。
Pop star Britney Spears decided to use a text to tell her husband of two years, Kevin Federline, that she wanted a divorce. 流行歌星布兰妮•斯皮尔斯也决定用短信告诉与她结婚两年的丈夫凯文•费德林,她想离婚。
When your correspondent stumbled across him on the campaign trail, voters behaved as if they were in the presence of a pop star. 当你的记者偶然发现他在竞选,选民表现的好象一个流行明星的粉丝。
When asked the question of her marriage, the pop star kept silent. 当被问到她的婚姻问题时,那位流行歌星保持沉默。
Pop star Rihanna, whose single Umbrella has topped music charts for quite a few weeks, rounded off the top five. 流行新星蕾哈娜名列第五,她的单曲《雨伞》连续数周蝉联流行歌曲榜冠军。
Roxanne is not the only fan of the diet. US pop star Katy Perry also admitted to using mushrooms to stay in shape. 热衷于生蘑菇减肥法的不止罗克妮一人。美国流行歌手凯蒂?佩里也承认通过食用蘑菇来保持体型。
But now Selena Gomez is opening up about her blossoming romance with pop star Justin Bieber and even admitting that she could be in love. 但现在戈麦斯是关于她一朵朵盛开的浪漫与歌星贾斯汀?比伯开放,甚至承认她可能在爱中。
There was a time when any pop star who even admitted to enjoying books was dismissed as a middle-class twat . 以前有段时间,所有喜欢读书的流行明星都被人骂作是中产阶级杂种。
PROSECUTORS say the doctor charged in the death of Michael Jackson is trying to change his story about his actions involving the pop star. 检察官说因迈克尔杰克逊死亡而被控告的医生想要改变他故事中涉及这个流行歌手的部分。
The day on which I met the famous pop star was the greatest day of my life. 见到这位著名歌星的那天是我一生中最重要的日子。
The 17-year-old pop star is currently in Europe but when he returns to the U. S. in two weeks he hopes to finally end this whole mess. 这位17岁的流行歌手现在正在欧洲,但是他希望在两周内回到美国结束这场乌龙。
She keeps it all together as a memento, so that if she ever has children they'll be able to read all about their pop star mum. 她把它当做是纪念品一样来写,以便以后她有了孩子就可以让他们看,借此了解他们作为歌星的妈妈。
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Latin pop star Ricky Martin on Monday announced he was gay in a blog posting, ending years of speculation. 路透洛杉矶3月29电---拉丁流行歌星瑞奇马丁(RickyMartin)周一在其博客中宣布自己是同性恋,结束了外界多年对他性取向的猜测。
A generation ago young people aspired to become lawyers and doctors. Now they yearn to be the next Oscar winner or celebrity pop star. 三十年前,年轻人都渴望成为律师或者医生。现在的年轻人则梦想成为下一位奥斯卡奖得主或成为流行歌星。
Pop star Stefanie Sun has sung at national events before. But she seemed to enjoy being part of the audience at the PAP event last night. 流行歌手孙燕姿曾在国家庆典演唱过,可昨晚在人民行动党的活动上,她似乎乐于当台下的观众。
I am the mommy pop star and she is the baby pop star. And I am kissing her to pass my energy on to her. 同是流行歌手,我是妈妈,她是孩子,我吻她只是把我的能量传送给她而以。
In a new Elle magazine, the rocker turned pop star admits to some conflict when she got back together with her band, No Doubt. 在新的Elle杂志的摇杆变成歌星承认在一些冲突,她回来时,连同她的乐队,毫无疑问。
I wanted to be a doctor, a writer, a teacher, a scientist, a pop star and a leader of the county. 我想成为一名医生,作家,教师,科学家,作为一个流行歌手,以及国家主席。
The pop star's "Confessions" world tour and her adoption of a baby boy in the African country of Malawi put her back in the spotlight. 这位流行天后的“告白”全球巡演以及收养非洲马拉维一名男婴让其重新成为焦点人物。
The ex-pop star has earned a fair share of admiration in the industry for her structured ladylike dresses. 这位曾经的流行乐明星依靠她那结构化的贵妇裙装在时尚界获得了相当一部分人的赞赏。
m going to be a pop star when I grow up, 'said the boy. “我长大了要当流行歌星,”那男孩子说。
Mrs Bai, whose grandson is named Michael after the late pop star, has won plaudits for her self-taught dancing. 白奶奶给孙子起名为Michael(迈克尔),和已故流行天王名字一样。白奶奶因舞蹈自学成才赢得了众人的喝彩。
He was accompanied to the investiture by his pop star wife Victoria and his grandparents. 他的妻子、流行乐坛巨星维多利亚和祖父母陪他参加了授勋仪式。
A teenage girls life gets turned upside down when a new school friend turns out to be pop star. 当一位新入校的朋友结果是流行乐明星时,十几岁少女的生活开始变得乱七八糟。
The pop star's inert brain must "harden" for at least two weeks before doctors can conduct their neuropathology tests. 杰克逊死亡的大脑必须经过至少两周的“硬化”,医生们才能进行神经病理学检验。
A sexy Greek pop star has helped the country forget its financial woes by starring in a super selling sex tape, The Sun reported. 据英国《太阳报》报道,近日希腊性感女星茱莉亚·丽珊德拉度的激情视频外流,在希腊国内引起了轩然大波,却在一定程度上缓解了该国的财政危机。
Since then, Rihanna's become something more than an icy pop star, but still, while her songs answer what, they never seem to get to why. 从那时开始,蕾哈娜就远不是个酷酷的流行歌手那么简单。但是,她的歌仍然是在回答着是什么,却从不明说为什么。
The pop star Li Na recluse this year, I do not know Chinese and quiet here, or cater to the weather here, I am afraid she only knew. 而著名歌星李娜当年遁世于此,不知是看中这里的宁静,还是迎合这里的气象,恐怕只有她自己知道了。