
美 [kwɪk]英 [kwɪk]
  • adj.快的;迅速的;短暂的;敏捷的
  • adv.迅速地;快速地;…敏捷的;…迅速的
  • n.(指甲下的)活肉
  • 网络快取;更快;快点的

比较级:quicker 最高级:quickest

quick way,quick recovery,quick decision,quick change,quick succession


1.快的;迅速的;短暂的done with speed; taking or lasting a short time

2.敏捷的;迅速的moving or doing sth fast

3.[obn]迅速的;立竿见影的happening very soon or without delay


to have a quick temper

性子急;容易发脾气to become angry easily

quick and dirty

权宜处理;机动安排used to describe sth that is usually complicated, but is being done quickly and simply in this case




英语单词和词组的翻译_百度知道 ... invention 发明 quicker 更快 past decade 过去的十年 ...


小学英语常见形容词及比较级、... ... (穷的)— poorer—poorest quick (快的)— quicker—quickest (安静的)— quieter—q…


wordlist - level 第四册 第三章 第四节 ... pattern 样式,图案 quicker 快点的 repeating 反复的,重复的 ...


凭千个心/ With A Thousand Heart - Diệp... ... 面对面/ Face To Face 快一些/ Quicker 美丽的苦酒/ Beautiful,Bitter Wine ...


首页 > 软件 > 工具 > 更快设置 > 更快设置(Quicker) V1.9.7(安卓2.1及以上) 资讯 移动应用评测 移动应用更新 移动应用推荐 移 …


您的位置:首页 → 手机软件 → Android平台 → 安卓快速设置(Quicker) v1.9.5.2 汉化版西西软件下载最安全的下载网站、值得 …

You should be able to finish all your corsages in a much quicker time than if you were to tape and wire each stem individually! 您应该能够完成在更快的时间比,如果你到磁带和钢丝每个单独干所有的胸花!
Cotto is very clever and probably a lot quicker than we give him credit for, meaning he might also be able to deal with Pacquiao's speed. 库托非常聪明,而且可能比我们想象的要快很多,也就是说,他能够克制帕奎奥的速度。
We're passing the ball quicker and getting more players forward into attacking positions. As a result of that we're creating more chances. 我们现在传球更快了,在进攻上也布置了更多的人在前面。所以我们有了更多的机会。
If you find yourself out of ice, a good tip is to put warm water in the ice tray and pop it in the freezer, as it will freeze quicker. 如果你的冰块用完了,教你一个好办法:在制冰盘中倒入温水,放入冷冻室,冰块结冰的速度会更快。
You want to bounce back quickly. Get out of that rut. The quicker the better. 但你应该尽快振作起来,跳出那消沉的生活,越快越好。
In hindsight, we could have moved a little quicker in assessing the situation and coordinating all that information and provided it faster. 事故发生后我们本应该行动更迅速地评估形势并协调提供所有相关信息。
If you look at a lap afterwards, you know you could have gone just a bit quicker - even if the difference is just thousandths of a second. 如果你事后回顾某圈比赛,你知道你还能跑快一点,虽然这可能只是千分之一秒。
After such a grand entrance, it seemed the scaredy-cat was more than happy to make an even quicker exit. 如此夸张的登场之后,似乎这只受到惊吓的猫应该庆幸自己离场够快吧。
That is a sure sign of how much quicker it is going, and also the degree to which your levels of consciousness are growing. 这是整个进程更快发展的迹象,也表明了你们个人意识级别的提高。
Although she could have lain in bed most of the morning as she mostly did, she got out of it quicker today than usual. 她本可以象往常一样,在床上躺上大半个上午,可是今天,她的起床动作比往常来得利索。
She was breathing quickly, and I realized she had run by a quicker way to get ahead of me. 她呼吸急促,我意识到她是为了赶在我前面而抄近路跑来的。
Use this to get units across the map quicker than normal to set up ambushes and sneak attacks, or to get units out of harms way quickly. 利用这一点可以让你的单位在地图上的任何位置发动更快的伏击和偷袭,或更快地从危险处境中逃脱。
Don't you know a watched kettle never boils? Whether they're late or early. looking out of the window won't bring them here any quicker. 你难道不知道心急水不开吗?不管他们早来晚来。你老望窗外并不会使他们来得快些。
The lap was good, as I said, but for sure, if you get ten sets of tyres you are always going to go quicker on one of them. 就向我说的,那一圈跑的很好,但是如果你能有十套轮胎肯定能用其中的一套跑的更快。
He makes time with his touch and skill and no matter how much quicker the game gets, he'll always be ahead of it. 即使在比赛节奏变的非常快的时候他也能够凭借他的技术控制住比赛的进程,他很善于这样。
In a second or two, the mob has adjusted to the quicker pace and is playing better than before. 但在一两秒之内,众人就立刻调整并加快了节奏,玩得比以前更好了。
The children can pick up a language quicker because of the environmental reasons. But they have to be in the situation to speak it. 孩子们能较快地学会一门语言是由于环境的原因,但他们得有说的语境。
So she made a fire on her hearth, and that it might burn the quicker, she lighted it with a handful of straw. 她在炉子里点上火,为了让炉子烧得快一点,她生炉子的时候用了一把麦草。
First, pre-natal testosterone seems to shape brains with quicker reactions and a greater ability to concentrate. 首先,胎儿期的雄性激素似乎使大脑反应更快,更容易集中注意力。
"I run much quicker than you, and you'll regret having a race with me! " said the rabbit. 兔子说:“我跑得比你快,你将会为和我比赛而感觉遗憾”。
However, there was no evidence to suggest that pupils who said they were nervous had a much quicker heart beat than normal. 然而,没有证据显示那些紧张的学生心跳比平常更快。
Thin and olive-skinned boys, each had a thatch of dark curls on his head and was quick to anger and quicker to forgive. 他们身材细瘦,皮肤橄榄色,头上都有乱蓬蓬的黑色发卷,脾气发作得快,但消得更快。
Consumers interviewed found the new tab easy to hold and lift and the end easier and quicker to open. 消费者采访发现新的选项卡易守,升降机和最终简化和加快开放。
If he had been trained by his mother and other puppies, he would have outgrown this nasty habit much quicker. 如果狗宝宝被他的妈妈或是他的伙伴们教育好了,它就能很快改掉这个坏毛病。
Our listening is often quicker, shallower and of a lesser quality, through tinny computer speakers and low bit rate streams and downloads. 我们往往通过微小的电脑扬声器、低比率流和下载,来听快节奏、肤浅且没有品质的歌曲。
Understandably the fans want to see a little more razzle dazzle out of him and a little quicker action. 球迷的心思我可以理解,他们想看到罗纳尔迪尼奥更眩目的表演,更快速的移动。
Clerk: The price is the same as a railway ticket if you travel soft. But think how much quicker you will reach your destination. 价格和火车软座差不多,但你想想,很快你就可以到达目的地了。
After I stopped talking and started doing, I got out of debt quicker than I thought possible. 在我停止空谈着手还贷之后,我用比想象中快的多的时间还清了债务。
Tamiflu, the drug used to treat influenza, did not help any of the previously healthy young men and women get better any quicker. 治疗流感使用的药物达菲(Tamiflu),并未帮助患病前体格健康的年轻人更迅速地痊愈。
"The gap was pretty similar throughout the stint, but then Kimi started to run two tenths quicker and I started to push again, " he said. “停站前后差距太微弱了,但是小冰开始快了,所以我不得不再赶一下,”他说。