
英 [tʃin]
  • n.
  • 网络琴;秦岭;秦国



百家姓之(QIN)姓 陪英雄的父亲逛街 华刚 抗日“谜花”分外妍 林长华 朱元璋给农民带来了什么 非意 那年春节,我在图书馆里度 …

王字旁|王字旁的字|王字旁的字有哪些 - 字典通 ... 琥" hu3" " qin2" 琶" pa2" ...


导师介绍----中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 ... 乔宇 yu.qiaosiat.ac.cn 秦岭 qinort.cuhk.edu.hk 邱本胜 bqiusiat.ac.cn ...


转载 欧陆风云-神风汉化硬碟版 U115载点 -... ... PRG 巴拉圭 QIN 秦国 RFR 革命法兰西 ...

钢材牌号及含义__企业博客 ... 冷 LENG QIN 金 JIN ...


快女杨洋吧_百度贴吧 ... 魔鬼滨城 zhengping38 9-1 你给的心跳 QIN 9-1 列宁 Lenin 9-1 ...


莆田话吧_百度贴吧 ... 莆田话为二战立功 minajiky 买东西买一 Qin 南日岛“读书”读 tat du? ...

The Qin emperor Qin Shi Huang is said to have sought immortality on an island in the Haigang district, but did not find it. 秦皇帝秦始皇据说征求海港区中的一个岛屿不死,但没有找到它。
Ke-qing Qin was one of the important roles that authors threw it out for readers to deeply think. 秦可卿是作者所抛予读者对「仙境传说」深入思维的重要性代表人物之一。
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said the resolution of the dispute was a lesson for the world. 中国外交部发言人秦刚表示,(中俄)边界争端的解决为世界其他国家树立了榜样。
Huan Zang had no choice but to say, "Mrs. Qin, I have to tell you honestly that I have no relative living in this area. " 黄章没有选择馀地乃向她直说了﹐“秦夫人﹐我必须对你实说﹐我没有亲戚住在这儿。”
The Qin Dynasty says and too takes out a cellular phone, towards the above lens reflection and made to make some hairs that was disorderly. 秦朝说着,还拿出手机来,对着上面的镜头反光,弄了弄有些乱了的头发。
Dongfang Shuo was one of the outstanding comedians in the comic literary group from Early Qin to Han Dynasty. 滑稽家是先秦至汉代文人集团中一个非常有个性的团体。
Known as Huang Qin Tang, the mix of plant extracts, roots and fruit has been used for hundreds of years to treat stomach upsets and nausea. 由植物提取物、根和果实组成的黄芩汤在治疗胃部不适和恶心方面已经有数百年的历史。
To keep the enemy out his empire, Qin Shihuang had all the walls joined up. 为了御敌于国门之外,秦始皇把所有的城墙连接起来。
The second lady was Cai Qin. She did not give up singing with youth fading away. On the contrary, her career leapt to another culmination. 第二个女人叫蔡琴,她没有随着年龄的老去而放弃歌唱,相反,她的事业更臻佳境。
WANG Jian Qin did not listen to see his opinion, went back home on the Gu Bing. 王翦见秦王不听他的意见,就告病回老家去了。
Through a textual research on the extant edition of Qin Cao, this paper holds that the book actually came out in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. 然而,通过对今本《琴操》作者问题的考证,可知此书实出于晋代。
Qin filled out her application to march while hospitalized by an appendectomy and is proud to represent her ethnic group, she said. 秦(吁胭)是阑尾手术住院期间填写的参阵申请,她说她为代表她的民族感到自豪。
Mr Qin said it would not be in Australia's interest to allow the matter to be "exaggerated or politicised" . 秦刚表示,允许这一司法个案“无限扩大,甚至政治化”将不符合澳大利亚的利益。
Mr Qin confirmed the phone conversation and said the parties involved had agreed to continue talking, but did not comment on sanctions. 秦刚证实了上述电话会议,表示各方同意继续通过各种渠道保持接触,但没有在制裁问题上置评。
The ten stone drum of the Qin State is now able to see one of the earliest carved in stone. 秦国的十个石鼓是现在能见到的最早的石刻。
When the Qin gave him some salted fish or cured meat to eat, he would pack it with lotus leaf and take it to his mother. 或遇秦家煮些腌鱼腊肉给他吃,他便拿块荷叶包了来家,递与母亲。
Qin deep thought, should this woman is Nguyen's mother, oak bar, appears somewhat like a look of a woman in southern China Juanxiu. 秦深想,这个女人应该就是阮栎的母亲吧,看上去倒像一个中国南方娟秀女子。
But the ruler of Qin was rude and unreasonable. Lin was angry, and his hair stood up so stiffly on his head that it lifted up his hat. 在他向秦王索回玉璧的时候,秦王蛮不讲理,蔺相如气愤得连头发都竖了起来,向上冲着帽子。
Qin Lan has no language to wish a sky, is all 1 flock only and perhaps world no disorderly guys! 秦岚无语望天,都是一群唯恐天下不乱的家伙们啊!
To the Qin Dynasty, surname tends to unity, men's replaced the woman's surname, collectively referred to as last name, or the Yue surname. 到了秦朝,姓氏趋向合一,男性的氏取代了女子的姓,统称为姓,或曰姓氏。
Squeezing through a cave, he found a village, the residents of which were descendants of refugees from the Qin Dynasty. 从这里通过一个山洞,发现了一个村子,这里的居民是秦朝时避难人的后代。
Qin did not try to stop him but gave a farewell dinner for him by a main road in the suburbs. 秦青并不加阻拦,他在郊外的大道上为薛谭举办了一个告别宴会。
Day and night, Shu Qin immersed himself in his books, studying hard, but unfortunately was unable to stop himself dozing off. 苏秦日夜埋首读书,可是每到深夜,就不由自主地瞌睡起来。
Essentially just a large hill, Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum is yet to be excavated due to fears it may be destroyed by the outside atmosphere. 说白了,就是一座大山,因为害怕外界的空气会破坏其中的文物,秦陵至今没有进行发掘。
When he became King of the state of Qin at the age of 13, he immediately ordered workers to construct an underground tomb for him. 他在13岁那年当上了秦国的国君后,就立即下令为自己建造一座地下陵墓。
Thanksgiving is a state of mind, as if thirsty to drink a cup of green tea, fruit and thirst-quenching, delicate fragrance Qin River lungs. 感恩是一种心态,犹如口渴时喝一杯绿茶,甘甜解渴,清香沁肺。
Qin Yu suddenly some at a loss, did not think there is such a beautiful girl in the class, you can see, some of Qin Yu's heartbeat! 秦宇顿时有些不知所措,没想到班里还有如此漂亮的女生,不难看出来,秦宇有些心动了!
Qin Shi Huang Meng Jiangnu very beautiful to see, wanted to force her to do concubine. 秦始皇看到孟姜女很美丽,想逼她做妃子。
Qin Shihuang had the Great Wall built to keep the enemy out of his empire. 秦始皇修长城是为了不让敌人进入他的帝国。
Among the scholars in the pre-Qin period, Yang Zhu seems to be a mysterious figure. 在先秦诸子中,杨朱似乎是一个神秘人物。