
美 [reɪn]英 [reɪn]
  • n.下雨;雨天;阵雨;(热带地方的)雨季
  • v.下雨;雨一般地落下;使像雨一样地落下;厚施(恩惠等)
  • 网络下雨天;下雨的英语作文;降雨

复数:rains 现在分词:raining 过去式:rained

heavy rain,torrential rain,gentle rain,tropical rain,fine rain
rain forecast


rains,rain和rainy的区别和用法,是牛津小学英... ... rain 雨,名词 rains ,第三人称单数 rainy 下雨,动词 ...


新概念英语第一册(单词)_xiaoyao_新浪博客 ... often( 常常,往往) rains( 下雨) sometimes( 常常,往往,有时) ...


动画狂 ... 回报. The Reward 下雨天. RAINS 口香糖男孩. A GUM BOY ...


上一篇:关于下雨的英语作文(Rains) 下一篇:关于高考利与弊的英语作文(college entrance examination) 关于学无止境的英 …


reading of prof. liu ... 文件 Papers 降雨 Rains 洪水 Floods ...


英语语言词... ... That district is ~ in wheat. 那个地区盛产小麦 ~ rains 及时雨,甘霖 He is ~ in imagination. 他富于想像力 ...

As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. 他们经过凤仙树的干燥谷,也能使它变为泉源之地,并有秋雨使泥塘(传统:福分)满处都是。
The only question remaining is whether the light will reflect from the track surface if it rains. 遗留下的仅有的一个问题是如果下雨,灯光会不会经赛道表面反射。
The plane was making a second attempt at landing when it went down in heavy rains, skidded off the runway and broke in two. 当时天降大雨,这架飞机正第二次尝试降落,在此过程中它突然下落并滑出跑道,最终断成两截。
If it rains tomorrow, we'll have to put off the meeting. 如果明天下雨,我们将不得不推迟会议。
Meanwhile, in the state of Sao Paulo, at least 24 people were killed as heavy rains continued to batter ground already soaked. 同时,在圣保罗,暴雨持续冲刷原本已经被浸泡的地面,造成至少24人死亡。
She writes, "The seasons were so regular that you could almost predict that the long, monsoon rains would start falling in mid-March. " 她写道:“季节非常有规律,你几乎可以肯定地预期三月中旬季风将带来雨水。”
In case of rain, In case it rains, If it should rain, Should it rain, we will have to put off the sports meet. 虚拟句的倒装If虚拟句的倒装万一下雨,万一下雨,我们将不得不推迟比赛。
Obviously, at the moment, it rains all day, but I'll get used to it. I'm not unhappy. 很显然,现在整天都在下雨,但是我已经适应了这里的环境,我没有不高兴。
The rainy season usually begins in late April, and there have been a few rains, but some officials are still worried. 雨季一般在四月下半月开始,尽管是下了一点雨,然而当局对此仍感忧虑。
On September 29 heavy rains and a change in the wind direction brought a sharp drop in the Air Pollution Index in Borneo and Malaysia. 9月29日,大雨和改变风向带来大幅下降,空气污染指数在婆罗洲和马来西亚。
I was trying to make up for the time lost in the morning when the cross-country vehicles got stuck in the mud caused by the heavy rains. 我想尽量弥补早上失去的时间:由于暴雨连连,横跨该国的列车干线被卡在了泥泞中。
From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. 从现在开始,当下雨时,每个人都会跨越天空中的一个伟大弓颜色,提醒你都可以在和平中生活。
However, I really fear to meet bad weather. If it rains, the only thing I can do is staying at home to watch TV and play computer. 我最怕遇上糟糕的天气,如果下雨,我就只能留在家里看电视和打电脑。
It will have been raining for a week if it rains tomorrow. 如果明天再下雨,就整整一星期了。
They spring up quickly after rains, when the surface is moist. Then, for a brief time, the desert can be literally carpeted with color. 当雨后地表还潮湿时它们就迅速发芽,然后在一个短时间里,给沙漠铺上绿色地毯。
and now I thought it a proper time to sow it after the rains, the sun being in its southern position going from me. 当时,雨季刚过,太阳逐渐问南移动,我认为这该是播种的时机了。
Accepting that it rains allows you to cope with the weather by carrying an umbrella or raincoat, so it is no longer a problem. 接受了下雨这一事实你就会带伞或是雨衣来应对这种天气,下雨也就不再是个问题了。
"They seem to have wandered in after the last rains, " he replied softly. "I suppose they must be living off the rodents and birds. " “好像它俩自从上次雨季后就已经在这儿游荡了。”他小声回答我,“我猜这两个小家伙一定是在躲避那些啮齿动物和鸟儿。”
Further, rains are still pelting eastern parts of the province, which will probably aggravate the situation, said the spokesman. 另外,四川东部地区仍在下暴雨,这回使情况更严重,发言人说。
Recent rains might have washed radioactive particles into the water, as the Japanese government suggested. 日本政府认为,最近的大雨可能将一些放射性微粒冲入了水体中。
Notice how this pulsating 'bow' of silvery-white and other intertwined colors rains down in a shower of sparkles on your diaphragm. 请注意这如何跳动这银白‘弓形’和其它缠绕颜色在你的横膈膜上闪耀如大雨倾下。
Her limbs rejoiced to be outdoors again, out of her tiny cabin whose log walls had grown furry and overbearing during the long spring rains. 她的四肢为能再次到室外而充满喜悦,因为能远离她那原木小木屋的四壁,它们在漫长的春雨中,长满青苔,横行霸道。
If it rains today or in the next few days in HK, DO NOT GO UNDER THE RAIN. 假如香港未来几天下雨,美女写真务必不要在雨天外出!
There are only two rains in London a year: August through April, and May through July. 伦敦一年只下两次雨:八月到四月,五月到七月。
And yet, at a time of fast-melting glaciers and strange rains, of spreading deserts and rising seas, it is a frail and distant promise. 然而,一个时期中迅速消融的冰川与奇奇怪怪的降雨,沙漠扩大及海平面上升,环保规划显得脆弱而遥远。
It said the typhoon would bring heavy rains to central and southern parts of the province. 据说台风将会有在中心和广东省南部部分地区引发强降雨天气。
But he said that farm output would be substantially stronger after bountiful monsoon rains, which are crucial for agriculture. 但他表示,由于今年雨季降水充足(这对农业至关重要),农业产出将大幅提高。
He is just as good and sweet and lovable and unpretending as a man can be, but he doesn't know enough to come in when it rains. 他是一位非常和蔼可亲、平易近人的好人,但他就是不知道下雨了应当进屋躲躲。
That kind of love is like such a flower that came into its blooming too early but soon withered when through rains and winds. 那一场爱情,像一朵花,绽放得急切,刚刚娇艳,转眼就雨打风吹了。
If it rains, then, let the soldiers dressed in field gear lined up to the hall, this rare phenomenon will be there appears. 如果下雨的话,就让士兵穿着野战服列队前往礼堂,这一罕见的现象将在那里出现。