
美 [rɪˈmembər]英 [rɪˈmembə(r)]
  • v.记得;记住;想起;记起
  • 网络记忆;牢记;要记住

第三人称单数:remembers 现在分词:remembering 过去式:remembered

remember time,remember thing,remember past,remember word,remember experience
hardly remember,clearly remember,particularly remember,vaguely remember,vividly remember



过去的人╱事物sb/sth from the past

1.[t][i]回想起;记得;记起to have or keep an image in your memory of an event, a person, a place, etc. from the past


2.[t][i]想起;记起to bring back to your mind a fact, piece of information, etc. that you knew

3.[t]记住;把…牢记在心to keep an important fact in your mind

必做之事sth you have to do

4.[t]记着,不忘(去做);动手做(必须做的事)to not forget to do sth; to actually do what you have to do

祈祷时in prayers

5.[t]~ sb纪念;缅怀;思念to think about sb with respect, especially when saying a prayer

送礼give present

6.[t]~ sb/sth给…送钱(或礼品等)to give money, a present, etc. to sb/sth


英文网名_qq男生个性英文网名大全_沪江英语 ... 回眸- instan 记得- Remember 洛初≈ Koreyoshi ...


七年级英语单词表 ... look 外表;外貌 remember 牢记;记住 pop singer 流行音乐 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... remark n. 陈述; 话; 议论 remember v. 记得,想起 remind vt. 提醒,使记起 ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表所有、_百度知道 ... look n 外表;外貌 remember v 牢记;记忆 pop n 流行音乐(歌手) ...


七年级英语单词表 ... look 外表;外貌 remember 牢记;记住 pop singer 流行音乐 ...


2013年七年级英语下册-6单元单词_百度文库 ... strict 严格的;严厉的 remember 记住; 记起 follow 遵循;跟随 ...


朋友... ... Friends 朋友 Remember:Whatever happens,happens for a reason. 要记住:任何事情的发生都有因有起。 TAG 标签…


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... commemorable a 值得纪念 remember v 回忆;记住 remembrance n 回忆;记忆力 ...

Remember not to be so caught up with crying over a lost skateboard that you miss the Rolls Royce that's parking right in front of you. 记住不要为丢失一个滑板而嚎啕大哭,因为前面正有一辆劳斯莱斯在等着你。
Remember that this plug-in is not included in your runtime configuration; actually, it should not be included in your workspace yet. 请记住该插件不包含在运行时配置中;实际上它也不应包含在工作区中。
If the company gives you a password for your computer, you should not write it down on a piece of paper. Try to remember it instead. 如果公司给你电脑密码,不要把它写在纸上,试着将密码记住。
Esu, I just wanted to tell you: I remember you, and what happened. I'm a bit in fear to tap into all this again. 伊苏,我只是想告诉你:我牢记着你,以及发生的事情。我有点害怕再次谈及这一切。
doororganiser. jpg Everyone has one of those friends who just can't for the life of them seem to remember their personal effects. 每个人都会有这样的朋友,把自己的个人物品到处乱扔,之后就不记得放哪了。
Never use logical arguments when you are speaking with a woman . Remember that in such cases you appear to her a complete idiot . 当你和女人谈话时,不要用逻辑。记住,否则在她看来你是一个十足的白痴。
All Susan had to do was close her eyes and remember the candles in the window, the one's that Hannah had lit the last time it was her turn. 苏珊需要做的就是闭上眼睛,回忆着窗台上的烛光,那些汉娜最后一次点亮的烛光。
When convinced that she was dead, Murlock had sense enough to remember that the dead must be prepared for burial. 确定他的妻子已经死亡之后,摩洛克只记得必须要为逝者准备葬礼。
Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. 你也要记念你在埃及地作过奴仆。耶和华你神用大能的手和伸出来的膀臂将你从那里领出来。
Yes. He has been very helpful. Do you remember that? I got sick last week. And he took me to the hospital by his car. 是啊,他很乐于助人。你记得吗?我上星期病了,他用他的车送我去了医院。
I remember that Tess Wodehouse sat and stared without blinking, as if she realized a fundamental deception but could not unravel the trick. 我记得泰思?伍德郝斯坐在那里,两眼一眨不眨,好似意识到一个大骗局,但没法揭穿谜底。
How much do you remember? Try to write down from memory what you were thinking, saying and doing on the 30th of the last month. 你能够牢记多少东西?试将由上一个月30日起你曾经想过、说过及做过的事写出。
I remember that the little boy grabbed Sharon's ball. And the other girl picked up something of mime. 我记得那小男孩抓走了沙伦的小球,而另外一个女孩就挑走了一件我的东西。
the bottom line is running in the rain probably keeps you drier than walking. but do remember to take an umbrella with you! 在雨里跑可能至少比走要少淋雨,但切记还是要带把雨伞!
So please remember every bit of happiness even it runs away in a minute. 请记住每一点欢笑,哪怕很快会消散。
Can older people really remember tunes from childhood as if it were yesterday? 老年人是否能对儿时的曲子记忆犹新?
and remember the time I forgot to tell u the dance was formal and u showed up in jeans? I thought u'd drop me, but u didn't. 记得那时我忘记告诉你唔到是正式的,你却给我展现出一身的牛仔装束?我以为你会和我绝交,但你没有。
I don't remember how much we collected on our visits, nor was the amount important. 我记不得这些零钱我们总共拿过多少,其实数目并不重要。
I remember reading that it had been written by a 21-year-old and I couldn't believe that someone that young had written something so wise. 我记得曾读到剧本出自一位年仅21岁的人之手,我无法相信,那么年轻的人竟能写出如此睿智的作品。
You never remember the beginning of dream, you always wind up in the middle of dream. Someone had to design the dream. 你从来不记得梦的开始,你总是从梦中醒过来。总要有人来设计梦境。
Remember, it is better to remain in a state of honest, if difficult, doubt than to slip sleepily into a decision that you later regret. 记住,保持一种诚实的态度,如果有困难就保留怀疑,这也比昏昏然落入一个你以后会后悔的决定要好。
"I cannot promise, " said he to the robber, "that I can remember the way exactly; but since you desire, I will try what I can do. " “我不能保证,”他对强盗说,“我能精确的记得路;但是因为你要求我,我会尽量尝试。”
If I died have asked you to sing for me, only, good let me remember you perhaps not beautiful voice. 如果我死了请你为我而歌唱,只一首,好让我记住你也许并不美丽的嗓音。
And I remember standing underneath the hot shower and trying to defrost my fingers. 我忘不了当时站在喷头下,试着解冻我的手指时的情景。
This technique only works if you use your own imagination, so now it's up to you. Always remember to make it personal and fun. 只有在你发挥自己得想象力时,这个方法才奏效。那么现在就由你做主!但要记住要使其具有个性并带有趣味性。
In one case a participant tasted tuna when she was trying to remember the word 'castanet'. 比如有一名被试在试图回忆“响板”这个词时尝到了金枪鱼的味道。
Today, I moved out of my parents basement. After I hugged my parents I walked out the door only to remember I left my phone in the kitchen. 今天,我从家里的地下室搬出来,在跟爸妈做了深情拥抱后我缓缓走出了大门,感觉无限凄凉。
Remember when you were a kid and eating was as simple as "Open, chew, enjoy" ? You didn't count the grams of fiber and fat in your PB&J. 还记得你小时候吗?吃是那样的简单,“张嘴,咀嚼,享受”?你不会计算纤维和脂肪克数。
Some things are not as you think, but you just remember I will always love you, even if you are not next to me. 有些事情不是你想的那样,不过你只需记着;我永远爱着你,就算你不在我身旁。
Yeah, you still remember this mirror, through which you tried to see yourself when you were not tall enough to reach it. 是的,你还记得这面镜子,当你还不够高,够不着的时候,你试图通过它看到自己。