ride out

  • na.(船等)安然冲过风暴;平安渡过困难
  • 网络安全渡过;安然度过;经受得住

第三人称单数:rides out 现在分词:riding out 过去式:rode out 过去分词:ridden out

ride outride out

ride out


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(R) -亿城英语 ... ride out a storm 安然度过困难 ride out 安全渡过 ride over 骑马来 ...


花样年华_新浪博客 ... rear \\ bring up the rear 殿后 处在最后的位置 ride out \\ 安然度过 经受得住 rural\\ 农村的 ...


花样年华_新浪博客 ... rear \\ bring up the rear 殿后 处在最后的位置 ride out \\ 安然度过 经受得住 rural\\ 农村的 ...


英语四六级短语 - 豆丁网 ... revolve around 旋转 ride out 长途骑行;安然渡过 rip apart 扯破;弄得凌乱不堪 ...


ride的翻译中文意思... ... take sb. for a ride 欺骗 ride out 安然地度过(坏天气、危险等) ride up 衣服向上拱;衣服缩上去 ...


阿凡达纳威语语言体系介绍 - 豆丁网 ... Go 去 . Ride out 安全度过 Valid 有根据的 ...

He said he knew his family was OK and expressed confidence that Chile would ride out the disaster. 上校说他知道他的家庭没事,他认为智利将安然度过这场震灾,他充满信心。
Mr Vandevelde says private equity has the advantage of being able to ride out the difficulties of a bad season, as it invests for 3-6 years. 范德维德表示,私人股本的优势在于能够经受住萧条时期的困难,因为它们的投资期为3至6年。
The city's website advised people who needed a ride out of town to "try to go with a neighbor, friend or relative. " 城市的网站,提醒需要搭车撤离市区的人们“尽量与邻居,朋友或亲戚一起走”。
" The knight replied, " If you permit me to ride out on the bravest and wisest, the great horse Knowing-one, only then can I win the battle. 冠军骑士回答:“如果陛下允许我骑最勇敢,最聪明的神马先知出战,只有那样我才能打赢这场战争。”
eg. Bob was determined to be a CEO , even if he had to ride out a few years in low positions at the company. bob决心要做一名CEO,即便他要在这个公司很低的职位上耐心地做上几年。
But Congressional Democrats have argued that this is far from enough to help small businesses ride out a tumultuous economy. 但是国会民主党人都认为,这远不足以帮助小型企业安全渡过经济衰退期。
Say the word 'sell' enough times, and you win a long, awkward elevator ride out of the building with your soon-to-be-former boss. 如果说“卖出”这个词次数太多了,你的老板很可能就要请你走人了。
Businesses and people everywhere have pulled over to the side of the road and parked, hoping to ride out the recession in safety. 其他人都把车停在路旁,希望安全度过经济衰退的浪潮。
And then abandoning all our gear, we were forced to ride out in the middle of the night, in a quite dramatic scene. 然后丢掉我们所有的工具,我们在午夜被强制赶着骑行离开,那是一个很戏剧化的场面。
For all its ham-fisted PR, it has, so far, been able to ride out its image problems. 在此之前,高盛靠着自己的那些重拳公关,安然地挺过了一波波对其形象问题的考验。
Far better, the ayatollah may judge, to ride out the two years that remain before Mr Ahmadinejad is constitutionally required to stand down. 更理想的情况是阿亚图拉作出裁决,让内贾德比法定时间提前两年下台。
Instead of buying a plane ticket, catch a ride out West, or remodel an old sailboat, or just hop on your bike and ride away from town. 不是买张机票获得一个去西部的长途飞行,而是改造一艘旧帆船,或者只是骑上你的自行车远离城市。
Despite a mandatory evacuation order, Walton told the AP she plans to stay in her home to ride out Hurricane Irene. 尽管美联社发出强制撤离令,沃顿还是打算留在自己家里以躲避飓风。
Some plan to ecape from the city. At the wharf many queue, hoping to get a ride out of the destroyed capital. 一些人开始逃离这个城市,在码头排着长队,希望离开这个破坏了的首都。
For the moment, Disney appears determined to ride out the storm. 目前看来,迪斯尼似乎决心要渡过这场风暴。
The heroic Pakistani people will be able to ride out the storm, embrace hope and achieve new development. 英雄的巴基斯坦人民一定能够渡过难关,迎来希望,实现新的发展。
The three of us decided to ride out the storm in downtown Houston with my parents in their sixth floor apartment. 我们三人打算跟我的父母一起在他们位于休士顿市区的第六层公寓里一起挨过这场暴风雨。
Rather than accept those losses , it kept moving back the positions in an effort to ride out the price spike . 但它非但没有接受这些损失,反而继续推后头寸以期安然渡过油价飙升的时期。
I say put faith in your own ability to ride out the storm knowing that all will end well, and as you have been led to expect. 我想说把“信仰”放入你的能力之中去安然度过这风暴,全然明白所有都会适时的终结,作为你一直被热切期待着。
With all of her supplies ready, Mary went back home to ride out the typhoon. 买齐所有物品后,玛莉便返家安渡台风天。
I believe that you can certainly ride out a storm. 我相信你一定能渡过难关
Ride out with force and valour in memory forever . 永远在对勇气和力量的驾驭中来回忆过去。
Business investment plunged 38% during the quarter as companies delayed outlays to save cash and ride out the downturn. 一季度,随着企业推迟开支以节省资金度过衰退,企业投资下降了38%。
While thousands fled, two people who tried to ride out the firestorm in a backyard hot tub were burned. 尽管数千人已经撤离,但有2个试图靠躲进自家的热水澡桶来躲避大火的夫妻被烧伤。
Among developing economies, India was best placed to ride out the impact of a US recession. 在发展中经济体中,印度最有可能安全摆脱美国经济衰退的影响。
I'm not busy this weekend . Why don't we go for a long ride out in the country? 我这个周未不忙。我们何不一起到乡下好好兜个风?
Their aim is to ride out the downturn with as much talent intact as possible. 它们希冀安然度过经济低迷,同时又尽可能留住人才。
Is hit boat strong enough to ride out the storms of the Cape? 他的船能经得起好望角的风暴吗?
The former New Jersey governor believed the bonds would bring high profits for him if the continent could ride out the crisis. 在这位新泽西州前州长看来,如果欧洲能顺利平息危机,则持有的欧债将带来高额回报。
Those improved economic fundamentals are reasons why many analysts think China is well positioned to ride out the latest crisis. 这些经济基本面改善的种种迹象也是众多分析人士认为中国状况良好、足以平稳度过此次经济危机的原因。