
美 [rud]英 [ruːd]
  • adj.粗鲁的;无礼的;粗野的;猥亵的
  • 网络粗鲁无礼的;不礼貌的

比较级:ruder 最高级:rudest

rude behavior,rude manner,rude remark,rude behaviour,rude noise


1.粗鲁的;无礼的;粗野的having or showing a lack of respect for other people and their feelings

2.猥亵的;下流的connected with sex or the body in a way that people find offensive or embarrassing

3.[obn]突然的;突如其来的;猛烈的sudden, unpleasant and unexpected

4.简单的;粗糙的;原始的made in a simple, basic way

It has always been considered rude to ask a lady her age. But it seems it's also a step too far to inquire of her shoe size. 众所周知,询问一个女人的年龄向来被认为是不礼貌之举,但现在问一个女人的鞋码似乎也变得不是那么受欢迎的了。
Peter the intern is rude to all the other interns, but when he talks to his supervisor, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. 实习生Peter对其他实习生都很粗鲁,但当他和主管说话时,就变成满口奉承话了。
He made a rude gesture with his finger and told me to have a happy Easter. 他对我比了一个粗鲁的手势还对我说享受一个“愉快”的复活节。
Gordon: At least I eat like a gentleman. You have no manners when you eat. You eat like an animal, or worse, a rude dude. 戈登:最起码我吃饭的时候象个绅士一样。而你在餐桌上毫无礼仪,象动物一样地吃饭,或者甚至更糟,粗俗无礼的家伙。
I have not found a consistently effective method for dealing with this, as I do not like to be rude and unfriendly. 这个我找不到一直有效的处理办法,因为我不想显得粗鲁没礼貌。
A women feels the urge to climb up there with him to give comfort and she gets a rude shock when he pushes her off! 而一个女人却有攀到岩石上安抚他的冲动,不过当男人把她推下去的时候,她感到无比震惊。
To forget someone's name is rude and makes it look as if you do not think they matter. 忘记别人的名字是无礼的,看上去就好像你不重视他们。
But speaking about Chinese people, I feel as if the Chinese immigrants that come to the United States are incredibly rude. 但说到中国人,我觉得移民到美国的中国人真的很粗鲁。
The traditional utilizing way of the straw were to be fuels or rude forages in the farmers families, a few to be make papers. 传统上,秸秆被作为农户生活燃料或用于牲畜的粗饲料,少量用于造纸。
His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors. 他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气。
Tom: I know you're not trying to be rude, but sometimes I feel left out. Like a third wheel. 汤姆:我知道你们不是有意的,但是有时我觉得我被孤立了。像电灯泡。
Gordon: I would, but when it comes to eating, you are a bit of a rude dude. 高登:我倒是很想去,可是问题是每次一到吃饭的时候,你就表现得象没有教养的人似的。
Younger women who believe that this island boy actually is in love with her, will have a very rude awakening. 而那些完全相信岛上的男孩们是爱着她们的年轻女士们总是在被骗之后才猛然醒悟。
I made for her a bed of flowers and I closed the doors to shut out the rude light from her eyes. 我替她铺一个花床,我关上门不让凶猛的光射在她眼上。
You are in a different country somewhere in Europe. It would be rude of you not to partake in the culture, including the beautiful women. 你身处在欧洲的某个国家,如果你不入乡随俗的话,好像有点不合时宜,这其中当然包括了解一下当地的漂亮女人啦。
Before that, every Brazilian hopes to see him in rude health in South Africa. 在这之前,每一位巴西人都希望看到一个强健的卡卡出现在南非赛场。
It was perhaps rude of him to tell you to push off when you hadn't yet finished talking. 你还没有谈完,他就叫你走,那可以说是很不礼貌的。
If someone is rude to you it might just mean they are having a bad day & it has nothing to do with you. 如果有人对你粗鲁,可能他们正在经历的一天不好,和你一点关系都没有。
He did not come to beg me to excuse his rude manner as I hoped he would, but acted as if nothing had happened. 他没有像我希望的那样前来乞求我原谅他的粗鲁态度,而是表现的好像什么也没发生过似的。
Frustrated in life time easy to be rude, a loss will not know your future, so negative and despair will take advantage of gaps in. 人生失意的时候容易失态,一失态就不知道自己的未来,于是消极和绝望就会趁隙而入。
Readers warn me that this problem does not just make me rude, it means I will struggle to advance further in my career. 读者警告我说,这个问题不只让我显得无礼,它还意味着我难以在事业上更上一层楼。
Ok I'm going to stop here, and hopefully remember to tell her it's rude the next time I see her. 好吧我就说到这里,并希望下一次我见到她时我记得要告诉她,这是很粗鲁的。
Legend has it that it began when a youth's rude and foolish behavior resulted in the death of his mother. 传说中,有个年轻人因愚蠢和鲁莽,造成了母亲的死亡。
In our culture, it is rude to ask someone how much they earn. 在我们的文化中,问他人挣多少钱是不礼貌的。
" Xun said, " The figures do not li-li, do not be rude, impolite restless country. 荀子说过“人物礼不立,事无礼不成,国无礼不宁。”
I'd had enough! I left the shop with the 20 yuan. Because she was rude, I decided to keep the money. Was I wrong? 我受够了!我离开了商店的20元。因为她是粗鲁,我决定把钱。我错了吗?
He said rude things in the heat of the moment. 他一时激动说了粗话。
It seemed rude to speak of death to the dead, and I kept checking Robin's face, to see how she was taking it, but Robin remained impassive. 当着死去的人谈死亡未免过于不敬,我一直不停地打量罗宾的表情,想看看她到底是怎么了,可罗宾的表情无动于衷。
But the ruler of Qin was rude and unreasonable. Lin was angry, and his hair stood up so stiffly on his head that it lifted up his hat. 在他向秦王索回玉璧的时候,秦王蛮不讲理,蔺相如气愤得连头发都竖了起来,向上冲着帽子。
Don't be so overly confident and comfortable that you are rude and obnoxious. This makes a bad first (or second) impression as well. 不要过于自信轻松,以至于变得粗鲁和无礼。这也会留下一个不好的第一(或第二)印象。