
  • 网络远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call);远端程序呼叫;活性粉末混凝土(Reactive Powder Concrete)



远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call)

远程过程调用RPC):通过作用在共享数据缓存器上的过程(或任务)实现程序间的通信。 标准查询语言(SQL):是标准 …


远端程序呼叫 (RPC) 用户端实作剖析蓄意制作的 RPC 回应时,其内存配置方式存在未经验证的远端执行程式码弱点。 攻击 …

活性粉末混凝土(Reactive Powder Concrete)

活性粉末混凝土(RPc)是一种新型材料,具有良好的力学性能和高抗渗性。当前,我国正修建多条客运专线和高速铁路,用RPc …

远程调用(Remote procedure calls)

如果您使用远程调用 (RPC) 与远程应用程序通信,就可能会看到活动连接结束。在客户端应用程序中,您可能会看到以下错误 …


这种方法实际是 一种远程过程调用协议(RPC)。为了达到互操作性,这种 RPC 协议还必须与平台和编 程语言无关。


远程程序调用(RPC)服务是应用程序访问外部数据的比较好的方法,通过调用、返回的形式。RPC允许客户应用程序异步请求远 …

The XML- RPC implementation library you choose will do all that work for you , if you provide valid inputs . 只要提供了有效输入,您所选择的XML-RPC实现库将为您完成所有工作。
Let's drill down to the details to see how JAX-RPC is trying to eliminate these problems by defining a common programming model. 让我们深入讨论细节问题以了解JAX-RPC是如何通过定义一个公共编程模型来设法彻底解决这些问题的。
Distributor_admin login and password are stored for linked server entry used for a distributor RPC connection, including local connections. distributor_admin登录名和password是为用于distributorRPC连接(包括本地连接)的链接服务器条目存储的。
RPC's plastic pot solution helps us to stand out in a market where glass is still prevalent, giving us a significant competitive advantage. RPC的塑料壶解决方案可以帮助我们站出来在市场上仍然流行的玻璃,给我们一个重要的竞争优势。
From there, I'll go on to compare SOAP, and RPC in general, with one of its biggest competitors, remote method invocation (RMI). 从那里,我继续将SOAP和一般而言的RPC与它的最大竞争对手之一,远程方法调用(RMI)相比较。
In a trading statement last week, RPC said it was optimistic about future sales potential, although it continued to face rising input costs. 在交易声明,上周的RPC说,这是乐观的未来销售潜力,但它仍然面临着投入成本上升。
The connection time-out on the Web site that hosts the RPC over HTTP proxy networking component cannot be less than 30 seconds. 驻留RPCoverHTTP代理网络组件的Web站点上的连接超时不能少于30秒。
These steps walk you through all parts of your configuration to help troubleshoot an unsuccessful RPC over HTTP connection. 这些步骤引导您完成配置的所有部分,以帮助解决RPCoverHTTP连接失败的问题。
While it might seem to be a minor design detail, it has a significant impact on the generated JAX-RPC Java code. 尽管它看起来是一个很小的设计细节,但它对生成的JAX-RPCJava代码有极大影响。
a. Again, like the story in the RPC (Russian Primary Chronicle), the ground for such a step must have been carefully prepared. 再一次,就像在《俄罗斯原始年代记》中记载的故事那样,做出这一步的基础必须仔细准备。
The RPC-style integration uses WSDL to take a "regular" method call and abstract it out to SOAP. RPC式集成使用WSDL来进行一个“常规”方法调用,并将其抽象出来发送到SOAP。
Bottom line, if messaging is slow, it is because your network is slow, in which case RPC would also be slow or would not work at all. 如果消息传递很慢,这由于您的网速很慢,在这种情况下RPC也会很慢或者根本不能工作。
The body contains the main transaction, which can be an RPC call or any other XML document. Body包含交易的主要部分,可以是RPC调用或其他任何XML文档。
By utilizing JavaRPC (or any other RPC method), you don't have to modify existing server-side logic to be compatible with OpenLaszlo. 通过使用JavaRPC(或其他RPC方法),不必修改服务器端已有的逻辑便可以与OpenLaszlo兼容。
When a RPC application wants to see the contents of an endpoint, it first has to get a reference to access the endpoint. RPC应用程序要查看端点的内容时,它首先必须获得访问端点所需的引用。
XML- RPC is a powerful and simple message passing system that excels in the sort of application described in this article . RPC是一个强大而又简单的消息传递系统,超过了本文中所描述那种应用程序。
What follows is an example process flow of a client synchronizing orders with a server using RPC calls over Web services. 下面是一个示例处理流程,使用RPCWeb服务来同步客户机和服务器上的订单。
Simple RPC-Style Stock Quotes services do not represent the true power of the Web services family of specifications and standards. SimpleRPC-StyleStockQuotes服务没有代表规范及标准的Web服务系列的真正的能力。
Outlook does not allow you to use Basic authentication when connecting to your RPC proxy server without using SSL encryption. 不使用SSL加密而连接到RPC代理服务器时,Outlook禁止使用基本身份验证。
Depending on the contract with the RPC server it could interpret any property (or even the body) of the message to determine where to reply. 根据和RPC服务器的约定,它可以解释消息的任何属性(甚至数据体)来决定回复给谁。
First, RPC is now able to use the exact same plugins on both the client and server tiers promoting reuse and reducing maintenance. 首先,RPCSoftware公司现在能够在客户端和服务器端使用相同的插件来提升重用和减少维护。
JAX-RPC also made some assumptions about the direction of Web services development that turned out to be wrong. JAX-RPC还对Web服务开发的方向作出了假设,而这在后来被证明是错误的。
As part of this process the company was keen to update its packaging, and turned to RPC Oakham to provide a new twist on the existing style. 作为这一进程的一部分,该公司热衷于更新其包装,并转的RPC奥克姆提供一个新的转折的现有风格。
Typically, this encoding is intended to be used in an application like a remote procedure call (RPC). 通常,这一编码旨在用于类似远程过程调用(RPC)的应用中。
In practice, it's mostly Java programmers who are using SOAP anyway, so it's back to the original question of whether to use RPC or RMI. 实际上,使用SOAP的大多数是Java程序员,所以又回到了原来的问题,使用RPC还是使用RMI。
One of the beauties of JAX-RPC for the client is its ability to associate context information with an endpoint's remote method call. 客户机JAX-RPC的亮点之一就在于它能把上下文信息和端点的远程方法调用关联起来。
As suggested by the name, the intent was to support RPC (Remote Procedure Call) operations using XML. 从其名称可以看出,最初的目的是为了支持使用XML的远程过程调用(RemoteProcedureCall,RPC)操作。
XML-RPC is the realization of this idea: it is nothing more than ordinary RPC, but with XML -- instead of XDR -- as the encoding format. XML-RPC是这种想法的实现:它只不过是普通的RPC,但是用XML-而不是XDR-作为编码格式。
This schema fits into a document-style WSDL but is not well suited for RPC style since there is no global level type defined. 此模式适合在Document样式的WSDL中使用,但并不适合RPC样式,因为未定义全局级别的类型。
The Directory Service will be unable to respond to any RPC requests as long as this condition persists. 如果这种情况继续存在,目录服务将无法对任何RPC请求作出响应。