
美 [ˈsækrɪˌfaɪs]英 [ˈsækrɪfaɪs]
  • n.牺牲;供奉;〈比喻〉损失;舍身
  • v.牺牲;把…奉献给… (for to);廉价卖出;献祭
  • 网络祭祀;牺牲打;祭物

复数:sacrifices 现在分词:sacrificing 过去式:sacrificed

make sacrifice,sacrifice career
great sacrifice,ultimate sacrifice,personal sacrifice



BBC Learning English ... humbled 身感责任重大的 sacrifices 牺牲 sapping of confidence 逐渐失去了信心 ...


星际之门剧情简介——94电影版&SG-1.1... ... "Covenant" 契约 "Sacrifices" 祭祀 "Endgame" 终局 ...


棒球规则 :第十章-记录规则 - 台湾棒球维基馆 ... 5 盗垒( STOLEN BASES) 6 牺牲打SACRIFICES) 7 刺杀( PUTOUTS…


以物易物 English, 翻译, 例句, 字典... ... 棘皮动物 echinoderm 祭物 sacrifices 矿物 mineral ...


China Daily 手机报 下雨了 第八期 - 下雨了... ... Snow fungus and duck egg soup 银耳鸭蛋润肺羹(图) sacrifices 祭品,供奉 ...


Startgate SG-1 list_江海寄余生... ... Covenant - 缔约 Sacrifices - 献祭 Endgame - 最后阶段 ...


China Daily 手机报 下雨了 第八期 - 下雨了... ... Snow fungus and duck egg soup 银耳鸭蛋润肺羹(图) sacrifices 祭品,供奉 ...

It is often in the centrality of celebration and sacrifices, witnessing and participating in people' s secular life of religion and belief. 它往往处于庆典、祭祀的中心地位,见证和参与世俗民众的宗教与信仰生活。
But in the place which the Lord shall choose in one of thy tribes shalt thou offer sacrifices. and shalt do all that I command thee. 只可在上主由你一支派中所选定的地方,奉献你的全燔祭,行我所规定的一切。
Yun-Ne'Shel differed markedly from other Yuuzhan Vong gods in that she did not require sacrifices from those who sought her aid. 云-内舍尔与其他遇战疯神祗的重大区别在于他不要求那些寻求她帮助的人牺牲。
Caelestrasz says: Do not forget the sacrifices we made on this day, night elf. We have all suffered immensely at the hands of these beasts. 凯雷斯特拉兹:不要忘记今天我们在这里做出的牺牲,暗夜精灵。这些野兽让我们付出了巨大的代价…
When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you , he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible . 当一个男生为了和你在一起而牺牲他的睡眠和健康,他真的非常喜欢你,他想要和你永远在一起。
I want you to thank your families for how much I appreciate your sacrifices. 我要您感谢您的家庭多少我赞赏您的牺牲。
It now compels those in the minority to make sacrifices of a magnitude they are not necessarily ready to make. 如今它强迫属于少数派的成员国作出本不必达到的量级的牺牲。
And Israel took his journey with all that he had, and came to Beersheba, and offered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac. 以色列带着一切所有的,起身来到别是巴,就献祭给他父亲以撒的神。
She put her program on hold to be with me, which was one of many sacrifices she has had to make as my caregiver. (我负伤后,)她暂时搁置了她的求学计划并陪着我,这只是她作为我的护理员所做的众多牺牲之一。
In a desperate attempt to save the world, Mack sacrifices himself to destroy Flurious once and for all. 在绝望企图拯救世界,麦克牺牲自己,以摧毁flurious一劳永逸。
At the end of each turn, each player sacrifices a permanent unless he or she discards a card from his or her hand. 在每个回合结束时,每位玩家除非从其手上弃掉一张牌,否则该玩家牺牲一个永久物。
N. At first he does not know at all what she does or what she sacrifices for him. Especially he cannot allow for her hate. 在开始的时候,他一点都不知道她所做的一起和她为他做出的牺牲。
This technique is often implemented during wartime to convince people of the need for sacrifices or to justify difficult decisions. 这种手段经常在战争时期使用,来说服人们接受牺牲的必要或者为困难的决定制造理由。
Altruism is a type of behavior in which an animal sacrifices its own interest for that of another animal or group of animals. 忘我主义是一种行为表现,是动物牺牲个体利益而维护另一动物或动物群体的利益。
So Israel set out with all that was his, and when he reached Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. 以色列带着一切所有的,起身来到别是巴,就献祭给他父亲以撒的上帝。
No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. 我乃是说,外邦人所献的祭是祭鬼,不是祭上帝。我不愿意你们与鬼相交。
the sacrifices of the LORD God of Israel made by fire are their inheritance, as he said unto them. 他们的产业乃是献与耶和华以色列神的火祭,正如耶和华所应许他们的。
Think of the scientist trying to cure cancer who sacrifices leisure and relationships in favor of time spent in the laboratory. 想想那些试着治愈癌症的科学家,他们牺牲了休闲和社交时间而泡在实验室里。
He said they undermined ties between the two countries and failed to appreciate "Pakistan's sacrifices to fight terrorists" . 他表示,这些话损害了两国关系,没有看到“巴基斯坦为打击恐怖分子所做出的牺牲”。
This earthen tub, called a pithos, and formerly been used for holding wine or oil for the sacrifices at the temple. 这个陶制的大坛叫做圣坛,过去在庙里是用来盛装祭祀用的酒和油的。
With this definite object in view, one must do his best for his motherland, and, at any moment, be ready to make sacrifices for her. 有了这个明确的目标,人们必须尽力报效祖国并时刻准备为祖国牺牲一切。
She knows the fate which is about to befall upon her, just as the sacrifices on the altar, inescapable death. 她已经知道自己的命运了,就像神坛上的牺牲品,死亡。
Europe began to see America "as part of what has gone wrong" , overlooking its sacrifices for "freedom around the globe" . 欧洲开始认为美国“某些部分走错了”,忽略了其为“全球自由”所做的牺牲。
there was the same sense of urgency, the same logistical problems and sacrifices-and chief among these would be the GMU itself. 二者具有同样紧急的意义,同样的补给问题和物资牺牲——其中首位的牺牲便是GMU自身。
These people have insight and foresight and understand that sometimes sacrifices have to be made to be able to achieve a good result. 这些人不但具备敏锐的洞察力更是深谋远虑之士,他们懂得有时候为了得到一个好的结果,牺牲难以避免。
Outlining his government's programme to parliament, he said the sacrifices of the Greek people must not be in vain. 他在向议会概述政府计划时说,希腊人民不能白白牺牲。
"I wouldn't be sitting here in an England track suit now if it wasn't for all my mum's sacrifices and everything she did for me, " he said. 如果没有老妈为我牺牲一切的付出,现在我不可能穿上国家队的球衣。格伦说道。
i have come to understand in a greater way, the sacrifices you have made. so i could have the best you could possible give. 我越来越明白,为了使我得到你能给到我的最好,你曾做出了多少牺牲。
He made some upfront sacrifices because he really wanted this particular job with this particular employer, the recruiter told me. 他先做出了一些牺牲,因为他太想得到这个特别的雇主提供的特别的工作,该招聘人员告诉我。
Therefore, viewed solely from the religious ceremonies to offer sacrifices to God or to ancestors, the Confucian idea of God in ancien. . . 所以,如果单从宗教的祭祀层面上看,古代儒家的上帝观与基督教的上帝观是很难调和的。