set out

  • n.开始;出发;动身;准备
  • 网络陈列;着手;陈述

第三人称单数:sets out 现在分词:setting out

set outset out

set out


字典中 发 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ shoot an arrow] (4) 出发;上路[ set out;start off] (6) 打开;开启[ open] ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... set oneself against 坚决反对 set out 动身;开始;装饰 set up 开办;建立;设立 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... set oneself against 坚决反对 set out 动身;开始;装饰 set up 开办;建立;设立 ...


SET什么意思_百度知道 ... a set of 一套;一组;一副 set out 出发;开始;陈述;陈列 tv set n. 电视机 ...


常用英语动词短语_百度文库 ... help out 救助 set out 出发,着手 wear out 穿破,使...疲劳 ...


SET什么意思_百度知道 ... a set of 一套;一组;一副 set out 出发;开始;陈述;陈列 tv set n. 电视机 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... set aside 提出;把…置于一旁 set out 制定,打算 in shape 处于良好(或固有)状态 ...


四级真题词汇 - 豆丁网 ... set off 出发 set out 启程 set up 创立 ...

Just as Jesus rose from the dead, they also rise from the waters of baptism to "set out on a new life" ( Romans 6: 4). 就像耶稣从死亡中复活一样,他们也从洗礼的水中升起“新生的样式”(罗马书6:4)。
We'll set out for geological inspection for a week in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. 明天出发,开始一星期的地质考察。行程遍及黑吉辽三省。
set out in search of the criminal immediately after the bank was robbed. 银行被抢劫后,该地区的警察立即出动搜捕罪犯。
I knew how hard it would be, but Obama has not been able to deliver what he set out to do. 我知道这会有多难,但奥巴马从没针对他的承诺作出过什么。
The university did not; the letter from Disney does not set out any evidence of the positive effects of these DVDs. 华盛顿大学没有撤回新闻稿;迪士尼在信中也没有提供任何证据,证明这些DVD有积极效果。
The detective immediately set out to obtain this important fact, but he took a long time to send it. 侦探立即出发去核实这个重要的数字,但过了好长时间不见他把数字寄来。
Of course you'll have to be able to do that to set out an argument logic book style. 当然你要能那样做,来把它们设定成逻辑的课本形式。
The rest of the day, however, was more challenging, as I set out for the vast, nontouristy immigrant neighborhoods west of downtown. 然而,由于我又朝着市中心西边的广阔但不太适合游览的移民区出发了,这天其余的时间变得很有挑战性。
In May of 1826, the fair-haired youth with the azure blue eyes set out for Europe to turn himself into a scholar and a linguist. 1826年5月,朗费罗这位长着一头金发和一双深蓝色眼睛的年轻人动身前往欧洲,目的就是想让自己成为一名学者和语言学家。
It goes to the heart of doctrine of responsible sovereignty that I set out in Beijing two years ago. 这就要提到我两年在北京提到的话题:责任主权条文的核心。
It was a sunny Sunday afternoon as Bob and Sue set out with their three teenage daughters on a lazy drive down to the beach. 一个阳光明媚的周六下午,鲍勃和苏带着三个女儿一起驱车前往海滩。
Reid's last stop is Switzerland, a country which, like Taiwan, set out to reform a system that did not cover all its citizens. 里德的最后一站是瑞士,跟台湾一样,瑞士开始着手改革不能覆盖全体公民的医疗制度。
And then I said farewell to sun light, and set out to become what I became. 接着我就对阳光永别了,变成了我现在的这个样子。
In the case of a net asset value tender, the circular or advertisement must set out the basis on which the tender price will be calculated. 如果是就净资产值招标,通告或广告中必须写明招标价格计算的基础。
if you set out to be liked , you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time , and you would achieve nothing . 如果你试图做到受欢迎,你会乐意什么事情什么时候都作出妥协,结果一事无成
Almost 39 weeks ago, Kristine Casey set out on an unusual journey to help her daughter and answer a spiritual calling. 近39周前,克莉丝汀.凯西展开一段不寻常旅程来协助女儿,并回应一个精神召唤。
However, Dr Sell insisted to the BBC that this link was less strong and his research had not set out to test this. 然而,赛尔博士坚持在英国广播公司强调,这种联系并不是那么必然,而且他的研究也并没有要检验这一点。
After a while, I start to realize that what I originally set out to do may not even be what I should be going after. 过了一段时间后,我开始意识到,我本来不可能甚至都不做,我应该走了以后。
One of the things that they set out to do first was, of course, to scare us, and to show the stupid frosh they were boss around here. 高年级同学们准备做的第一件事,当然是吓唬我们,向这些愚蠢的新生显示他们才是这里的老大。
Barely more than a year has passed since the start of his campaign, and already Alexander has accomplished all that he set out to do. 亚历山大的征战开始不到一年,他就达成了当初所有的目标。
But I had not set out on this journey to exchange a home beyond the seas for the one on this side. 但是我出来旅行并不是为把海那边的家换成这边的家。
Growing up in Prague, Mr Hodac did not set out to become a lobbyist. 霍达奇在布拉格长大,他并非一开始就立志要当游说者。
Then he promised to resign if he did not meet the financial targets he set out for the company. 然后他承诺,假如达不到自己为该公司设定的财务目标,他将辞职。
Armed with a special camera and a laser gun for protection, you set out on your Alien Safari. 带上相机和雷射枪,外星探险队马上出发。
I figured that the train might as well, and set out to ask the conductor. 我觉得火车上没准也有,就去问列车员。
I needed to find out who he really was. So I set out on a journey to see his buildings and to find whatever was left of him out there. 我需要了解他,要发现他真正的面目,于是我启程出发,去看他的建筑,去找出他在那些地方留下的东西。
So when you set out on your travels, the only characteristics you notice are those which confirm your preconceptions. 当你出发旅游的时候,你注意到的特征形成了你的偏见。
The Traveler and His Dog A TRAVELER about to set out on a journey saw his Dog stand at the door stretching himself. 旅行家和他的狗一个旅行家要出发去旅行,看到他的狗站在门口伸懒腰。
The Delegation pointed out that the General Assemblies had set out a time period for the presentation of new proposals for Members. 该代表团指出,大会已经为各成员国递交新提案规定了一个期限。
But books that set out to be nothing more than a reading experience must be allowed to exist. 但如果一本书写来仅仅为了读着好玩也是应该允许存在的。