head start

  • n.起步前的优势
  • 网络领先;抢得先机;开端

head starthead start

head start


1.[sing]~ (on/over sb)起步前的优势an advantage that sb already has before they start doing sth


start的中文意思是什么_百度知道 ... start over 重新开始 head start 领先;抢先起步的优势;有利的开端 vt. 开始;启动 ...


如何用英语介绍自己的公司_商务口语 ... 2、get one's foot in the door 开始涉足于 3、head start 抢得先机 4、so to speak 可说 …


NDS... ... Collect 3 supply pods( 收集3个供应舱) Head Start开端) Mothership Connection( 连接母舰) ...


start的中文意思是什么_百度知道 ... start over 重新开始 head start 领先;抢先起步的优势;有利的开端 vt. 开始;启动 ...


抢得先机... ... ) market-share-first strategy 抢先战略 ) head start [管]抢先 ) take the preemptive opportunities 抢得先机 ...


start的中文意思是什么_百度知道 ... start over 重新开始 head start 领先;抢先起步的优势;有利的开端 vt. 开始;启动 ...


在美国,我们有一个“头脑启动”(head start)的项目,这个项目就是让那些低收入家庭的孩子能够跟正常的孩子一样去体验更多的 …


神庙逃亡全部36个成就详解 - 安卓游戏攻略 -... ... 14、Payday 发薪日 15、Head Start 领先优势 16、Steady Feet 稳健的脚 ...

With his head start, Mr. Barnett says within a week of opening his salesroom last month, he had two signed contracts for $45 million condos. 占据先发优势的巴内特表示,在2011年11月开始售楼的短短一–内,该项目已卖出两套售价4500万美元的公寓。
He might get a head start while they searched the cavern. But, with the launch, they'd make it up in no time. 他的确可以趁他们在搜索洞窟的时候甩开他们,但是凭借汽艇,敌人可以轻松地追上他。
Wendy did have a bit of a head start when she joined this company-her father is one of the major shareholders. 文迪加入这家公司时确实占了点优势——她父亲是主要股东这一。
Apple has sold 75 million iPhones, but it had a year's head start on Google. 苹果已经售出7500万部iPhone,但是它比谷歌早一年开始。
While most preparations seem to have lagged, the big finale fireworks display got off to a four-day head start. 虽然大多数准备工作都没有按时完工了,但是最后的烟火表演倒是提前四天准备完毕。
Do a backup each time when only a backup for different parts, rather than rigid heavy head start, very easy to save trouble. 每次在做备份时,只针对不同的部分做备份,而非死板的重头做起,相当省事方便。
No matter how much we try, we can never get back the head start that we missed. 不管我们再怎么努力,错过的时光都不会重来了。
As a relatively new mom to a biracial boy, I'm trying to get a head start on speaking openly and simply about race. 作为一个混血儿的新妈妈,我准备在公开地、简明地讲述人种问题上开个头。
Even if such a test is years away, any such head start, as smokers will readily attest, would be a welcome partner in kicking the habit. 即使这样的试验数年内见不到结果,如吸烟者将乐见的,任何这样的进展对于戒除这个习惯将是受欢迎的一步。
Being already able to read gave her a head start over the other pupils. 她已识字,因而比其他学生在学习上领先一步。
Mr. Murdoch said the Daily will eventually roll out on all tablets but that Apple has a head start in the category. 默多克说,TheDaily最终将会推广至所有的平板产品,但苹果在这一领域是领军者。
Trying to get a head start by pushing early academics can backfire, causing difficulties for years to come. 试图提前开始学习文化课程,以求领先一步,会事与愿违,给将来造成障碍。
In terms of the horse race, an incumbent president (especially if he is without a primary challenger) usually has a head start. 以赛马为例,在任的总统(特别是没有主要竞争对手的在任总统)常常会领先一头。
As I write this, there is a story on the front page of The New York Times "Cuts to Head Start Show Challenge of Fiscal Restraint. " 正如我写这篇文章,有一个纽约时报“的头版上的故事”削减总目开始显示财政紧缩的挑战。
It was clear to Mike Shannon that Dennis had a massive head start over Eckhardt in terms of wealth and trading experience. 对迈克·仙农来说,很明显丹尼斯的财富和经验都比埃克哈特多。
Few companies have had the head start in places like Africa, China, India and Latin America that Unilever enjoyed. 在非洲、中国,印度和拉丁美洲这些地方,很少有企业能享有联合利华的领先优势。
I think you are. Alright. Many thanks, indeed, for joining us. Well, beauty may give you a head start in matters of the heart. . . 我想你们是。好的。实际上,非常感谢你来到这里。好的,漂亮或许能让你在感情方面领先…
Now it seems that dinosaurs or other early mammals may have been the early grazers that gave grass a head start. 现在看来,恐龙或其它早期的哺乳动物很可能就是较早的食草动物,它们让青草有了一个良好的开端。
His legal training gave him a head start and the money soon started rolling in. 他受到的法律训练使得他有了先人一步的优势,很快,钱财就开始滚滚而来。
When a patient's HIV develops resistance to any one drug, it typically has a head start on resisting other drugs from that class, too. 当病人对某种产生抗药,基本上对这个类的药物都会陆续产生抗药。
This gives you a head start on the next article, and lets you start thinking concretely about what Snort can do for your systems. 这使您能够为下一篇文章做好准备,并具体了解Snort能够为您的系统带来怎样的影响。
"By that time [2002] many companies had a big head start on us, so we have a bit of catching up to do. " “在那(2002年)之前,许多公司已领先我们一大截,因此我们需要努力赶上它们。”
A: I'm going to leave early and get a head start on the traffic. 我要在塞车前早点出发。
How was Philips able to get such a good head start? 那么飞利浦公司如何取得这样的良好开端的呢?
Craig is a slow runner, but he got a head start on the others, so he might win the race. Craig这个家伙跑得很慢,可是他总是先比别人出发。所以赢得比赛的总是他。
She'd pick me up at school in the early afternoon and drive me over to the country club so I could get a head start on the other caddies. 她下午很早就来接我去乡村俱乐部,这样我就可以比其他的球童更早到达。
This mapping provides a head start for nailing down the requirements and for the analysis and design workflows. 这种映射为敲定需求和分析、设计工作流程提供了一个开头。
Programs like Head Start would be cut, and lifesaving research into diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's could be scaled back. 而像开源计划这样的计划也将被削减,针对癌症及老年痴呆症等重大疾病医疗研究的项目经费将被迫削减。
The best dancers have the most symmetrical bodies and a head start in being chosen as the most promising mate, according to new research. 一项新的研究发现:顶级舞蹈选手身体和头部最为匀称,在激烈的竞争中,最有希望被选择为配偶。
At the press conference on Wednesday Heynckes talked about a "comfortable head start" as he already had stated right after the match. 在周三的新闻发布会上,海因克斯谈到了首回合的他在赛后表示的“美妙的结果”。