san diego

  • n.圣地亚哥(或译圣迭戈,圣地牙哥)
  • 网络圣迭哥;加州圣迭戈;美国圣地亚哥

san diegosan diego

san diego


圣地亚哥校区坐落在加州第三大城市圣地亚哥San Diego)的海滨城区,这里为地中海式气候,四季如春,一月份白天气温也 …


圣地牙哥火箭火箭队作为圣地牙哥(San Diego)的队伍,与西雅图超音速(Seattle SuperSonics)一起于1967年加入NBA。他们在1…


世界各国与中国的时差_百度文库 ... Salt Lake City 盐湖城[美国] San Diego 圣迭戈[美国] San Juan 圣胡安[波多黎各] ...


圣迭哥(San Diego)发现的300万年前的须鲸化石,全长24尺一具被发现于秘鲁皮斯科组(Pisco Formation)的须鲸属相似种( cf. B…


加州圣迭戈San Diego)的房价是较高的,但没有上海、北京高。80万美元左右的house还是不错的。


美国圣地亚哥SAN DIEGO)——作为科学家使自己被别人所知的一个方法就是去解决一个真正困难的问题。物理学家肖恩·卡 …


出生於美国圣地牙哥(San Diego)的著名唱作人谢恩.亚历山大(Shane Alexander)长居於南加州,以含蓄温柔,浪漫甜蜜的歌声配合 …


加州圣地牙哥San Diego)部分地区水淹过膝,数家旅馆紧急疏散住客;知名的海洋世界(SeaWorld)也因雨势过大宣布 …

"I fill it up with diesel in Tijuana for $60, " he said. "It would be almost twice that in San Diego. " 他说,“在提华纳花60美元加的柴油,在圣地亚哥的话可能要花双倍的钱。”
"It was one guy who somehow got it in his head it would be a neat idea and put Church of Scientology San Diego on the list, " Davis told me. “就是一个家伙不知为何脑袋里冒出个好主意,把圣地亚哥山达基教会放进了名单里,”戴维斯告诉我。
The convergence of these industries puts San Diego in a position to create the next significant breakthrough in healthcare. 这些企业的会聚使圣地亚哥处于创造下一代保健业重大突破的有利地位。
He and his wife traveled across the country with a daughter who lives in San Diego and had been in New York for a week. 他和妻子与住在圣迭戈的女儿到美国各地旅游了一圈,在纽约已经待了一个星期。
Saylor family attorney John Gomez told CNN affiliate KGTV in San Diego that as part of the settlement, Toyota did not admit liability. 塞勒家庭律师约翰戈麦斯告诉美国有线电视新闻网在圣迭戈子公司KGTV:“作为和解的一部分,丰田并没有承认他们应负的责任。”
The other day I performed a search for an Imax theater in Santa Barbara, and it told me that the best option was a theater in San Diego. 有一天,我在圣巴巴拉搜索大银幕影院,搜索结果告诉我最好的选择是在圣地亚哥的一家影院。
TV ads had not run in the Los Angeles area, but had been seen in San Diego and San Francisco, said the Times. 尽管电视广告不在洛杉矶播出,但可以在圣地亚哥和圣弗朗西斯科看到。
Prosecutors said the two checked into a San Diego hotel last Thursday, and Jenkins checked out the next morning. 检察官说,上周四这2人到圣地亚哥酒店登记,第二天早上詹金斯登记离开。
And your father is interesting in visiting that aircraft carrier at the maritime museum in San Diego. That seemed a bit of . 你父亲非常有兴趣去圣地亚哥的海事博物馆看那个航空母舰,那有点。
Big fish to the boat pulled San Diego do not see the shore of the Sea, did not yield to the elderly hook, think about the escape. 大鱼把圣地亚哥的小船拉到看不到岸的海域,丝毫没有向老人的鱼钩屈服,总想着逃生。
SAN DIEGO -- The back end of a bullpen can be a fluid place, with roles changing based on performance and not always well-defined. 圣地牙哥讯-牛棚的后段班是一个容易变动的位置,救援投手常因表现的优劣而变动,没有人有把握站稳牛棚。
The pilot was returning from training on the carrier USS Abraham Lincoln off the San Diego coast when the plane went down, she said. Putnam说当飞机在下沉的时候,飞行员驾驶着亚伯拉罕.林肯号美国航空母舰在离开圣地亚哥海岸训练返回的途中。
The singer wore a studded leather bra and a head scarf as she watched the San Diego Padres take on the New York Mets in New York last night. 昨晚这个歌手身穿一个镶嵌金属的皮胸罩,头戴发带在纽约观看纽约运动会上圣地他哥教士队的比赛。
Might be fun to try it on the San Diego Freeway one of these days. 这可能非常有趣如果你这几天在圣地亚哥的高速公路上试试看的话。
You could fly from San Diego to Attu Island without ever being out of touch with a transponder. 你从圣迭戈直飞阿图岛的全程都不离开这种应答器的范畴。
Recently this has included methane odors in San Diego, a huge fissure in Arizona, and yet another Mississippi bridge needing repair. 最近这包括圣地亚哥的甲烷气味,亚利桑那的巨大裂缝,还有密西西比河上另一座桥需要修理。
Earlier this year my family and I were in San Diego when a large aircraft carrier returned home from its tour of duty. 今年较早时候,我和家人在圣地牙哥,当时有一架航空母舰完成任务回国。
At a Sheraton hotel in downtown San Diego, the floor cracked opened and prevented the front doors from shutting. 在圣地亚哥市区的一家希尔顿酒店,地板开裂,前门被卡住。
A congressional aide says a military fighter jet crashed into a San Diego neighborhood after both of its engines failed. 国会助理称军方的战斗机两个引擎失去动力后在圣地亚哥居民区失事。
A blue - spotted rock codfish and a school of smaller fish swim over the sunken hull of the ill-fated Spanish merchant galleon San Diego. 一条带有蓝色斑点的岩石鳕鱼和一群小鱼在不幸沉没的西班牙商船圣地亚哥号的船体上游动。
Every summer, when I go home to San Diego, I load up on clothes and toys for the kids, and do you know what I pay for all of it? 每年夏天,我回到圣地亚哥给孩子们买很多衣服和玩具,你知道所有的东西得花多少钱吗?
A military jet on a training mission from the USS Abraham Lincoln crashed into a San Diego neighbourhood, killing four people on the ground. 一架从亚伯拉罕·林肯号航母执行完训练任务的战机在圣地亚哥居民区坠毁,造成地上4人死亡。
In April, the CDC got a report from Navy researchers that a child in the San Diego area had been infected with an unknown virus. 今年4月,美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)收到来自海军研究实验人员的汇报,报告说有一名圣地亚哥地区的孩子感染上一种未知的病毒。
Some of the footage to be shown Friday was previously screened at Comic-Con, the annual pop-culture convention in San Diego, last month. 一些画面曾在之前的漫画节上上映,(漫画节是每年的流行文化大会),上个月在圣地亚哥。
Out in rural San Diego County, where scores of nurseries supply much of Southern California's palms , crime stalks the palms . 圣地牙哥郡的乡间地区散布着许多苗圃,负责供应南加州大部分的棕榈树。
The host city, San Diego, has long been a favorite venue for the Symposium and Congress. 主办城市,圣地亚哥,长期以来一直是研讨会和国会最喜欢的场地。
But a series of studies reported this week at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, in San Diego, has changed that. 最近发表在美国癌症研究协会在圣地亚哥的一次会议上一项研究报告对这个理论进行了修正。
This week agents fired at three vans containing 74 illegal immigrants as they failed to stop at a border crossing near San Diego. 本周联邦干员朝着满载74名非法移民的三辆货车开枪,因为他们在圣地亚哥附近的边境上不停车受检。
Today, while driving from Dallas, Texas, to San Diego, California, my wife's dog decided to crawl into my lap and poop on me. 今天我们开车从德州的达拉斯去加州的圣迭戈,路上老婆的狗爬到我腿上来大了一泡。
The city of San Diego, located in Southern California, provides one of the best living, working and studying environments in the world. 位于加利福尼亚南部的圣迭哥市提供了全世界最好的生活、工作和学习环境。