someone else

  • n.别人
  • 网络其他人;另外一个人;其它人

someone elsesomeone else

someone else


Someone是什么意思_爱问知识人 ... Now You Are Browsing: 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译 someone else 其他人 someone …


英语期末复习手册(人教版七年级上)doc--预览 ... make her happy 使她高兴 16. someone else 别人 improve English 提高英 …


在日本,人们喜欢送一些很特别的礼物(special gift),而收到礼物的人一般都不会打开,他可以把这件礼物转送给另外一个人so


牛津英语8A... ... 62 由动物皮毛制成的衣服 clothes made of animal fur 64 其它人 someone else 65 象牙 elephants’ tusks ...


朴振英、佳仁 - 在别人的怀抱里Someone Else) 蔡妍 - 因为是两个 Brown Eyed Girls - 仲夏夜之梦 Standing Egg - 爱情寒带 …


牛津初中英语8A unit1... ... 两个整天 two whole days 别的什么人 someone else 鼓励某人做…. encourage sb to do…


名字古怪的小矮人儿 in English,... ... 保加利亚人的 bulgarian 别的人 someone else;somebody else 乏味的人 drip ...

Changing to make someone else happy won't make you happy, just as you can never truly change someone else to make yourself happy. 当你不能真正地改变别人来使你快乐的时候,改变自己来让别人快乐同样不会使你快乐。
The echoes of what someone else has said about you keeps repeating over and over in your head. You can't seem to shut it out. 别人说的话一遍又一遍地在你的脑海中回荡着,而你却似乎不能使它停止下来。
You don't bring glory or pleasure to God by hiding your abilities or by trying to be someone else. 当你埋没自己的能力或者试图成为别人时,你都无法让上帝感到荣耀或者欣慰。
They told him he'd had a chance, they had seen what he could do, and it was time to give someone else a try, he said. 学长们告诉他,其实本有机会,他们见识了恩霍的能力,是时候让另外一个人试试了。
Probably he will get promoted on to someone else's team and you won't have to think about him any more. 他可能会升迁,进入其它团队,到那时你就不需要再考虑他了。
If someone likes to look over the shoulder of someone else to see what he is looking at on his iPhone or iPad, he's called an i-Peeper . 如果一个人喜欢越过他人的肩膀看他正在观看iPhone或iPad上的什么内容,他就被称为i-Peeper。
So was someone else present, someone else whose voice Harry heard and mistook for that of his father? 会不会那里有另一个人,哈利听到他的声音,却误认为是父亲?
I'm sorry I can't go out with you-I'm sort of holding out for someone else. 很抱歉我不能陪你一起出去,我正在等其他人
How much control over our words, photos, and identities are we giving up by using someone else's site for our personal information? 我们使用其他人的站点来分享自己的信息,这样使我们对自己的言辞、照片和身份记录失去了多少控制?
And, teacher, the someone else still loathes to give up to leave you, you are ambitioning to give up I the Tu son of this lovely amiability? 且,师父,人家还舍不得离开你嘛,难道你舍得我这个乖巧可爱的徒儿吗?
My name is. . . is often used in introductions to tell someone else your name. Mynameis…(我的名字是……)经常用于向别人介绍你自己。
If you want other people to respect you, acknowledge your errors rather than trying to blame someone else for your shortcomings. 如果你希望别人尊重你,那么就要学会承认你的错误,而不是因为自己的短处而责怪别人。
By the means of blame someone else to solve problem is often referred to as look for scapegoats. 用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。
It's hard for me to tell the fans what I can bring to the team, I'd prefer to leave that talking to someone else. 我很难对球迷讲我能带给球队什么,我更愿意留给其他人说。
'Now I go out max one night a week and take a cab home. I will not even get into a car if I or someone else has been drinking. ' 他说:“现在我每周最多只出去一个晚上,然后坐出租车回家。如果我或其他人喝了酒,我绝不会让自己或他们开车。”
He tried to blame someone else for the deficits. His lie did not work, however. He ended up in jail. 他试图指责别人造成逆差。然而他的谎话没有起作用。他最后进了监狱。
You think I can only care about a patient if I know someone else who's been through the same thing? 你认为我非要有类似的问题才能关心那样的病人吗?。
I consider it a privilege to be allowed into someone else's personal space. 我视被允许进入其他人的私人空间为一种有待。
Listen, I caught you in the act of trying to get with someone else, so just be honest with me about it! 听着,我亲眼看到你跟别人套近乎,所以,老实告诉我那是怎么回事。
The child needs to understand that it's sometimes OK to do something that might make someone else unhappy. IFP儿童要知道,有时在正确的时间做某事也可能惹得某些人不高兴。
And they were always shocked and amazed at how little they were able to see when someone else came into the room to speak to the instructor. 他们总是十分震惊和疑惑他们很少有人看到有其他的人走进房间和指导员说话。
Because the girl was not ready to love someone else yet. Beside, the guy didn't know she would be leaving the next day. 因为这个女孩还没有准备好爱上任何人啊。而且,这个男人也不知道她第二天会离开。
How much time is consumed by routine office work someone else should be doing? 你有多少时间消耗在日常办公工作,而这些完全可以由别人来完成?
You'd probably rather it happened against someone else, but that's part of playing football, you've got to take the rough with the smooth. 你要避免这种事再次发生,但那是足球的一部分。你要很好的应付这些事。
Is someone else's fault she was a very hard line, is the fault of her own as a very hard line. 是别人的错她态度很强硬,是自己的错她同样态度很强硬。
Stories, the children lost their mother to see someone else get a gift from his mother that he had nothing he was very sad. 故事中,失去妈妈的孩子看到别人能从妈妈那得到礼物,自己却一无所有,他很伤心。
If you boss is looking for someone to run a meeting or to take notes don't be a wallflower and let someone else get the glory. 如果你的老板正在找人筹备一次会议或者做记录,不要做一名局外人和让他人获得荣光。
God doesn't want you to be like someone else; he wants you to be the person he made you to be. 神不希望你变成和他人一样,他希望你成为他当初造你的样子。
This may cause you to stop being proactive and to fall into a habit of being reactive, of waiting for someone else to do something. 这导致你变得不再积极主动,并且沉溺于被动的习惯,等待别人去做些什么。
Let me find out if he made arrangements for someone else to meet with you in his place . 我来查一下他是否安排了其他人代替他跟您见面。