


The components of most double stars are close enough for there to be strong gravitational attraction between them. 大多数双星的子星都很靠近,所以它们之间存在很强的万有引力。
Actress Ruan was one of the most prominent Chinese movie stars of the 1930s and is still regarded as an icon. 阮玲玉是19世纪30年代最杰出的女影星,至今仍是很多人的偶像。
For a discussion of stars our language is inadequate and seems laughable, as if someone were trying to plow with a feather. 因为我们人类的语言不适合论述星辰,否则会显得可笑,就如同某些人想用羽毛去犁地一样。
The name stuck even though the opposite turned out to be true: this type of nebula consists of gas molted from dying stars. 这个名字从此流传下来,即使事实真相刚好相反:这类星云是由濒死恒星所崩落的气体构成的。
But they also orbit their stars rapidly, typically taking two or three months, rather than a year, to do so. 但它们也围绕恒星快速旋转,这通常只要花上2到3个月而不是一年的时间。
The health sector has humanity's best interests at heart, a strong moral dimension, and a strong set of social values among its many stars. 卫生部门时刻牢记人类的最佳利益,坚守严格的道德准则,遵循一整套强烈的社会价值观。
Let me thellonk that there is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknown. 让我假想,在群星之中,有一颗星是指导着我的生命路程经过过程不成知的暗中的。
The biggest stars look at me with your eyes. 最大的星星从你的眼中看我。
The British public, which had not been unduly angered about the invasion of privacy of stars and politicians, was outraged. 不曾因为侵犯明星和政府官员隐私而过度生气的英国公众,这次义愤填膺。
These shoppers say the desire to dress like the stars without having to pay top prices is possible with patience and a little luck. 这些顾客说只要有耐心外加一点点的运气,就可以不花高价而满足像明星们那样打扮的愿望。
Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world and has many stars who can earn millions of dollars a year just for playing tennis. 网球是世界上最受欢迎的运动之一,很多网球明星每年仅靠打网球就能收入几百万美元。
Although some of these nebulas appear like planets on the sky (hence their name), they actually surround stars far outside our Solar System. 虽然这一类星云看起来象是天空中的行星(也因此而得名),实际上它们所环绕的恒星远在我们太阳系之外。
"We had eggs in our hands, " Matilda said. "The sky was full of stars. It was very nice. " Matilda说“太棒了,天空中点点星光,我们手里拿着海龟蛋。”
The next day, the sunlight woke him very early, hiding the stars under a pink blue and blue sky. But the stars kept watching him from above. 第二天,日出的光线很早就将他唤醒.夜晚的星星都被阳光藏在粉蓝色的天空下.但是它们仍然从天上看着他。
And with a more powerful telescope, you'll be able to see stars, and planets. 如果你有一个更强大的望远镜,你将能看到恒星和行星。
You who were as numerous as the stars in the sky will be left but few in number, because you did not obey the LORD your God. 你们先前虽然像天上的星那样多,却因不听从耶和华你神的话,所剩的人数就稀少了。
The woods were dark, but there was a gray light on the snowy path, and in the sky there were a few faint stars. 森林里已经暗下来。铺满白雪的小路隐隐泛着灰色的光,夜空中悬挂着几颗暗淡的星星。
He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake. 他提出对深蓝色的天空,那儿,星星一样在清澈平静的湖面上漂浮的白色百合花,他悲伤的眼睛。
I miss your face I miss the most beautiful season, like the meteor of no fixed abode, they did not meet at the sky stars. 我想念你的容颜却错过了最美的季节,像流星居无定所,也终未遇恒星高居长空。
Rise to the sky look, little bit of the stars as if collections of pearl inlaid in the Canopy, the sparkle in the light hair. 抬头往天上望,点点的繁星好似颗颗明珠,镶嵌在天幕下,闪闪地发着光。
In fact, one of our friends is so obsessed that she played until she had beaten every single level of Angry Birds at three stars. 事实上,我们的一个朋友是如此痴迷,她扮演的,直到她在三星级殴打每单级愤怒的鸟类。
The only alternative is to become a species who heroically reach for the stars -- only to smack into a wall of our own trash. 如果做不到这点,我们只能变成这么一个物种:百折不挠地向外空群星进发,却只能撞到由我们的垃圾组成的墙上。
Dear, I would like to be your magician as you get out of the sun and moon and stars. 亲爱的,我愿成为你的魔术师,为你变出日月星辰。
If any of these constants had been tweaked at all, the universe would likely be empty, with no stars and no life. 如果这些常量中的任何一个被扭曲了,这个宇宙很可能是空的,没有星星,也没有生命。
Sebastian Giovinco has a galaxy of stars in front of him in the Juventus pecking order, but insists he's "not afraid of competition. " 在尤文图斯队中,排在塞巴斯蒂安。吉奥文科前面的有众多球星,但他坚称自己“并不害怕竞争。”
Student events are more than just a way to cut costs. They provide companies with a chance to identify future stars. 学生组织的招聘活动不仅仅是一种降低成本的方法,它们还为公司提供了找到“未来之星”的机会。
Roman hopes she's inspired young women to set aside their inhibitions and reach for the stars, just as she did. 罗马希望她的启发年轻女性抛开禁忌和达到的明星,就像她。
And you know it sometimes at night looking up at the uncountable stars, little points of light in the great darkness. 而且你有时候在晚上看到无数的星星再黑暗里发出一点一点的光。
My evening came among the alien trees and spoken in a language which my morning Stars did not know. 我的黄昏来到异域的林间,诉说著连我的晨星也不懂的语言。
She was one of the last great stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, known both on and off the screen for her irreverence and independence. 她是好莱坞黄金时代巨星中仅存的几位中的一个,台前幕后都以不屈和独立闻名。