
美 [seɪv]英 [seɪv]
  • v.保存;拯救;节省;节约
  • prep.除了;除…外
  • conj.除了
  • n.(守门员的)救球
  • 网络储存;存储;存档

第三人称单数:saves 现在分词:saving 过去式:saved

save money,save time,save life,save energy,save world
hard save,carefully save


使安全keep safe

1.[t]救;救助;挽救;拯救to keep sb/sth safe from death, harm, loss, etc.


2.[i][t]储蓄;攒钱to keep money instead of spending it, especially in order to buy a particular thing

收集collect sth

3.[t]~ sth收集;收藏to collect sth because you like it or for a special purpose

留存keep for future

4.[t]保留;保存to keep sth to use or enjoy in the future

不浪费not waste

5.[t][i]节省;节约to avoid wasting sth or using more than necessary

避免坏事avoid sth bad

6.[t]避免,免得(出现困难或不愉快的事)to avoid doing sth difficult or unpleasant; to make sb able to avoid doing sth difficult or unpleasant

体育运动in sport

7.[t][i]~ (sth)救球(阻碍对方得分)to prevent an opponent's shot from going in the goal


8.[t][i]~ (sth)保存;存盘to make a computer keep work, for example by putting it on a disk


not be able to do sth to save your life

完全干不了某事;死也做不了某事to be completely unable to do sth

save sbs bacon/neck

解救某人摆脱困境to rescue sb from a very difficult situation

save the day/situation

挽回败局;扭转局面to prevent failure or defeat, when this seems certain to happen

save (sbs) face

(使)保全面子to avoid or help sb avoid embarrassment

save your breath

免费口舌used to tell sb that it is not worth wasting time and effort saying sth because it will not change anything

save your (own) skin/hide/neck

(尤指不惜置他人于困境而)保全自己的性命,使自己免受惩罚to try to avoid death, punishment, etc., especially by leaving others in an extremely difficult situation


AE中英文对照 ... 关闭项目 ← Close Project 保存Save 另存为 ← Save As... ...


初三英语单词表_爱问知识人 ... n.11.somewhere. 在某处;到某处 储存;储蓄 富有的;富裕的;富饶的 ...


有的企业加上节约SAVE) 形成 7S,有的企业加上习惯化(SHIUKANKA) 、服务(SERVICE)及坚持(SHIKOKU) 形 …


推送_百度百科 ... 2. Stable( 稳定) 3.Save节省) 4.Slim( 体积小) ...


Guitar Pro_百度百科 ... ----------Browser [浏览器] ----------Save [存储] ----------Print [打印] ...

2013年七年级英语下册-6单元单词_百度文库 ... shy adj 羞怯的;腼腆的 save v ;救助 symbol n 象征 ...


存档的文件夹叫SAVE,但是你刚装完游戏没有SAVE(如果你没玩的话),把存档(SAVE)直接复制到游戏安装目录下,就行了 …


匡字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 纠正,匡正〖 correct〗 拯救save〗 帮助;辅助,辅佐〖 help;assist〗 ...

Save the positive energy and use it. A good fight, fight for what I want. I will win eventually, yes, I know, you know, and both of us know. 储存乐观的能量,并利用它。一场伟大的战役,为了我的将来而战。我最后将赢得胜利,是的,我知道,你知道,我们彼此都知道。
The goalkeeper made a great save but I could not get up to see Alex quick enough. 门将做了精彩的补救,但是我不想立即去见弗格森了。
The international banking system would have collapsed if the authorities had not banded together to save it. 如果不是各国政府协力抢救,国际银行体系可能已经崩溃了。
I really would like to see the ability to save searches into a list of favorite topics implemented in a future version of this app. 我真的想要看到能够反映搜索保存到一个喜欢的主题列不中,希望在将来的版本中可以实现。
And, to save money, they should buy more programming from outside, rather than trying to make it all in-house. 而且,为了节约他们应该从外界购买更多的节目,而不是试图全部自己制作。
If I were in danger of life, you are the only man in all Italy who would stretch out a finger to save me. 如果我有性命危险,你确实是在整个意大利唯一会伸出一根手指来救我的人。
He did not see any other way to save us both from ruin, and therefore he thought it more unkind. 他看出除开这条路,没有第二个办法可以免得我们大家沦落,所以他觉得这就更残忍了。
Had it not been for the unusually bad weather, the rescue party would have been able to save the stranded climber. 要不是有反常的坏天气,抢救小组是能救出那个陷入困境的登山者的。
The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin. 银行的介入使这家公司免于经济崩溃。
Arthas: It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me! The rest of you. . . get out of my sight! 阿尔赛斯:结束了!那些还希望拯救这片大陆的人们,跟着我!剩下的人…从我眼前消失!
The Pope's security men rushed him to a hospital where a team of doctors operated on him for five hours to save his life. 教皇的保安人员立即把他送进医院,在那里,一组医生为他做了五个小时的手术来拯救他的生命。
I'd like to buy a new ear, but I'm afraid what I have saved is just a drop in the bucket. I'll have to save much more money. 我想买部新车,但我的积蓄恐怕仅是九牛一毛。我必须积蓄更多的钱。
But even if tort reform could save the country several billion dollars a year, that is still just a sliver of overall health spending. 不过,即使侵权改革一年能给国家节省几十亿美元,其仍是总医疗花销的凤毛麟角。
How much water can you save by turning the tap off when you brush your teeth? 当你刷牙的时候,如果关掉水龙头,能节省多少水呢?
They said the best way(ways) to continue growth is to save energy and (to) restart world trade talks. 他们称持续经济增长的最好途径就是节约能源和重启世界贸易谈话。
He knew that if left to ourselves, we were without hope, without remedy , so He took the form of a servant and died to save us. 他知道若是让我们靠着自己,我们就没有希望,没有解救,所以他取了奴仆的样式,受死来拯救我们。
The great exceptions were the police, firefighters and others who died trying to save people from the burning towers in New York. 不过警察、火警等人却是例外,他们为了从纽约燃烧的双塔中拯救生命,奉献了自己。
What was that? -Please, good-lookings. You can't go off and leave me like this. You've got to save me. 那是什么?-求你们了,帅哥们,你们不能留下我就这样走了.你们得救我啊!
The scabbard too, will save him and doom him, for a man who cannot be wounded is not a man that a woman can choose to love. 剑鞘也一样,挽救他,也毁灭他。因为没有哪个女人会选择爱上一个不会受伤的男人。
I make it a point to save the climax of my talk until the very end. 我总是在讲话最后才将布道推向高潮。
My guess is probably not and that Mr Papandreou's efforts will come to be regarded as the last real attempt to save the country. 我本人的猜想是希腊可能不具备上述条件,而人们会把帕潘德里欧的努力,视作拯救希腊最后的真正努力。
I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you deal with this recession, and what you have done to save money or go green. 我很乐于倾听你们是如何应付这种经济衰退的,你们做过哪些既可以省钱又能保护环境的事。
Would you jump into the river to save a woman who has nothing to do with you? 你会跳入水中救一个和你没有任何关系的人吗?
Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. 求你作我常住的磐石。你已经命定要救我。因为你是我的岩石,我的山寨。
Every use in building a ton of rock wool insulation, a year at least save a ton of oil. 在建筑上每使用一吨岩棉保温,一年至少节省一吨石油。
In a desperate attempt to save the world, Mack sacrifices himself to destroy Flurious once and for all. 在绝望企图拯救世界,麦克牺牲自己,以摧毁flurious一劳永逸。
Innovation: We advocate the spirit of innovation to be deeply rooted in the heart of every team members and save no endeavors to achieve it. 创新精神:我们提倡创新意识深耕在每个员工的心中,并为此不懈努力。
0 But seeing the strong wind, he became frightened; and as he began to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me! 0只因见风甚大,就害怕,将要沈下去,便喊着说,主啊,救我!
Please do not talk but ACT on your own behalf, for its the only thing left to save. 请不要谈,但你自己的名义行事,其左保存的唯一。
A publicity campaign explained the matter to the British hosts so as to save their pride and preclude embarrassment. 当作一个公开的运动去对英国主人说明,以维持他们的面子,并避免窘迫。