
美 [stil]英 [stiːl]
  • v.偷;窃取;偷偷地(或悄悄地)移动;偷(垒)
  • n.偷垒
  • 网络抢断;抄截;偷波

过去式:stole 过去分词:stolen 第三人称单数:steals 现在分词:stealing

steal heart,steal kiss,steal thunder,steal car,steal purse
steal art


v. n.

1.[i][t]偷;窃取to take sth from a person, shop/store, etc. without permission and without intending to return it or pay for it

2.[i]+ adv./prep.偷偷地(或悄悄地)移动to move secretly and quietly so that other people do not notice you

3.[t]~ sth偷(垒)to run to the next base before another player from your team hits the ball, so that you are closer to scoring


steal a glance/look (at sb/sth)

偷偷看…一眼to look at sb/sth quickly so that nobody sees you doing it

steal sbs heart

博得某人的欢心to make sb fall in love with you

steal a kiss (from sb)

突然吻一下;偷吻to kiss sb suddenly or secretly

steal a march (on sb)

抢先(某人)一步;抢得先机to gain an advantage over sb by doing sth before them

steal the show

吸引更多的注意;抢风头to attract more attention and praise than other people in a particular situation

steal sbs thunder

抢了某人的风头(或功劳);抢先讲(或做)to get the attention, success, etc. that sb else was expecting, usually by saying or doing what they had intended to say or do


NBA术语(中英对照)_百度知道 ... PF=personal fouls 个人犯规 ST=steals 抢断 TO=turnovers 失误 ...


北区英语教学资源中心[电子报系统] ... 12. BLK:Blocks 阻攻 13. STL:Steals 抄截 14. PF:Personal Fouls 个人犯规 ...

...“APK”(“Android打包库”),它几乎能够steals)到它所可能取得的一切东西,比如:product ID, model, partner (provider…


d) 抢球/偷波(steals)e) 封阻(blocks)在同一场比赛内, 其中三样多於10为"三双"(也叫作"大三元")一般是得分,助攻,篮板这个配答街 …


自由篮球联赛 Freedom Basketball League ... 封截 Blocks 偷截 Steals 三分球 3-Point Shooting ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... vet n. 兽医v.诊疗, 作兽医 steals v. 偷, 窃取, 偷窃, 偷盗 caution n. 小心, 谨慎, 警告 ...


3次NBA第一队,2次全明星赛MVP,4次得分王,3次抢断王(Steals),有事直接奔主题,不要拿你的无知挑战我的黑名单。97 …


My husband steals so many snacks that the only way I could get him to lose weigh was to hire a night watchman at our refrigerator. 我大夫太喜欢偷吃零售了,以至于唯一能让他减肥的办法,就是雇一个人晚上在冰箱边监视他。
He's a hard worker, easy to get along with , honest, and he never steals the credit on projects. 他工作努力,容易相处,诚实可靠,而且他从来没盗用过项目经费。
She lends out money, steals cars, and has a bunch of other thugs working for her to do her dirty work. 她放贷、偷车,并指挥一群小太保帮她干那些肮脏的勾当。
obsessed by the beauty of the rainbow , a trout steals it from the sky in an animation that features a brilliant mosaic - like presentation. 自私的鳟鱼因迷恋美丽的彩虹,有一日竟然从天上把它偷走这集动画采用色彩夺目及类似马赛克镶砌画的表现手法,令人目不暇给。
That last stat is something of a surprise because steals are a defensive category, and Melo has never been much of a defensive player. 最后的一样统计数据多少有些让人吃惊,因为抢断是一个防守方面的统计数据,而安东尼从来就不是一个防守型的球员。
You know you're dating the wrong guy when your friend steals your boyfriend and all you can think is, What does she see in him? 你知道你错误约会一个家伙,当你朋友悄悄带走了你的男朋友,你只会这样想,她看中他什么了?
A bird steals some flower seeds from a farmer but she does not forget to take away some with her upon leaving the scene. 一只鸟儿在花农那里偷食了花种,离开的时候还不忘衔几粒飞走。
It is sort of a botanical outlaw -- a parasitic plant that steals nutrients from another plant while deceiving insects into pollinating it. 这是一种植物的非法侵犯—一种寄生植物从另一种植物上窃取营养从而诱引昆虫授粉。
Time still, as he flies, brings increase to her truth. And gives to her mind what he steals from her youth. 时间在飞逝中仍然带给她更多的真理,而且在偷走她的表春时给予她智慧。
Eventually, Caesar breaks out, steals some of the medicine that made him smart and returns to give it to his ape comrades. 最终,凯撒破门而出,偷了一些让他变聪明的药,然后返回将药给了他的猩猩同伴。
The average shoplifter steals at least twice a week, gets caught one time in 48 and is then handed over to the police in 50% of cases. 普通的商店偷窃者每周起码盗窃2次,每48次偷窃被抓住一次,并有50%的几率因此被送进警察局。
Perhaps she makes an extra effort to be obliging. Somehow or other, she "steals" a man from one of her fellow women. 无论怎样,她会尽力从其女伴手中“偷来”一个男人。
While he is looking around the bar, a monkey swings down and steals the pint of beer from him before he is able to stop the monkey. 当他环视酒吧时,发现一只猴子荡下来,在他阻止之前,偷走了啤酒。
Every time this guy visits me , one of my books disappears . I don't want to say he steals them , but I really smell a rat . 这个人每次来我这儿的时候,我都丢一本书。虽然我不想说他偷我的书,但我确实觉得不对劲。
When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him. 如果一个女人偷了你的老公,最好的复仇方式便是让她继续拥有他。
The Web site could then download an executable file on the mobile phone that steals data off the phone, he said. 这个恶意网站然后会下载一下可执行文件到手机上,窃取手机中的数据。
He is an honest boy. Everything he steals he brings back to his mother. 他是个诚实的孩子,他偷的任何东西都拿回去给他妈妈。
That kind of approach steals the enemy, discredits the rhetoric, and the old slogans lose their power. 这种方式让敌人化为乌有,证明过去的说法不可信;从而使过去的口号失去力量。
He's a good boy. Everything he steals he brings home to his mother. 他是个好孩子,把偷的所有东西都带回家给他妈妈。
"He says: " So let me be stolen less first a few, instead steals every months, stop to steal again to next year. 他便说:“那么让我先少偷一些,改为每月偷一只,到明年再停止偷。”英文古代笑话:Theindividualstealsneighboureverydayachicken。
The Suns are a poor defensive team, but we are just GIVING them steals. We need to sharpen up the ball control. 太阳是一个防守很烂的球队,但是我们却给他们这么多的抢断,我们需要提高控球能力。
Bellick steals the woman's purse as she waits at the bus stop but the device is not in it. 然后贝里克在女佣等车的时候,抢过了她的小包,但是设备并不在里面。
which steals ideas from both left and right to tackle inequality in three ways that do not harm growth. 这个建议窃取了左右两翼的想法,提出了三种不损害增长的解决方案。
Men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving. 贼因饥饿偷窃充饥,人不藐视他,
While the double-tap is certainly simple and easy to master, even for people who can't double click, pinching is what steals the show. 双击肯定很简单,即使不会用鼠标双击也能一学就会,“捏”这个操作更是好玩儿了。
When rat is not watching, the cat sneaks through the door and steals his precious pies. 当老鼠没注意的时候,那只猫就通过这扇门,偷了他的馅饼。
That is where someone comes in and takes information from your computer, steals your credit card number, takes money out of your account. 一些人侵入电脑,从你的电脑中窃取一些信息,盗窃你的信用卡账号密码,将资金从你的帐户中取出来。
When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. 如果有人搶了你老婆,最好的报复就是让他留住她。
I think when someone steals your credit card, they've kind of already thrown caution to the wind. 我想他偷去你的信用卡时,根本就已忘了王法。
A band of mischievous monkeys steals every one of a peddler's caps while he takes a nap under a tree. 一个小贩在树下打盹的时候,一帮淘气的猴子把他所有的帽子都偷走了。