
美 [ʃeɪk]英 [ʃeɪk]
  • v.摆脱;动摇;摇动;摇头
  • n.摇动;抖动;颤动;颤抖
  • 网络震动;摇晃;摇摆

过去式:shook 过去分词:shaken 现在分词:shaking 第三人称单数:shakes

shake head,shake foundation,shake finger,shake earth,shake structure
shake well


v. n.


1.[i][t]摇动;抖动;(使)颤动to move or make sb/sth move with short quick movements from side to side or up and down

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.摇(出);抖(掉)to move sth in a particular direction by shaking

头your head

3.[t]~ your head摇头to turn your head from side to side as a way of saying ‘no’ or to show sadness, disapproval, doubt, etc.


4.[t](与某人)握手to take sb's hand and move it up and down as a way of saying hello or to show that you agree about sth

身体of body

6.[i]~ (with sth)颤抖;发抖;战栗;哆嗦to make short quick movements that you cannot control, for example because you are cold or afraid

使震惊shock sb

8.[t]使非常震惊(或烦恼)to shock or upset sb very much


9.[t]~ sth动摇to make a belief or an idea less certain

去除get rid of

10.[t]去除;摆脱to get rid of sth


shake in your shoes

非常害怕(或紧张);战战兢兢;心惊肉跳to be very frightened or nervous

shake a leg

(用于催促)快点动手,行动快点used to tell sb to start to do sth or to hurry


人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... • hand in • 交上;提交;呈送 • shake • v. (使)摇动;震动 • shake hands • 握手 ...


人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... • hand in • 交上;提交;呈送 • shake • v. (使)摇动;震动 • shake hands • 握手 ...


颤字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 颤动〖 tremble;quiver;vibrate〗 颤抖〖 shiver;tremble;shake〗 颤栗〖 shudder〗 ...


字典中 兀 字的解释 ... (9) 独立[ independent] 动摇,摇晃[ shake] (2) 同本义[ towering and level] ...


摇摆_蔡妍_专辑_酷我音乐 ... 08. 摇摆 shake Re_mix1 01. 摇摆 shake 11. 两个人 Two or Us ...


八年级上册英语单词 ... passenger 乘客、旅客 shake 奶昔 milk shake 奶昔 ...


... 以利口酒为基酒 以其它饮品为基酒 调制法:摇荡法SHAKE) 味道:微甜、香醇 饮用时间:全天 材料:1OZ 琴酒(Gin)…

With the festive season approaching, it is the kind of news likely to leave flustered housewives shake their heads in disbelief. 在节日来临之际,这种新闻可能会让忙乱的家庭主妇们摇头表示难以置信。
Broken sky tumbling snow, as if the monster shake off the white hair, have obscured the view triumphantly. 漫天翻滚的碎雪,仿佛巨兽抖落的白色绒毛,纷纷扬扬地遮蔽着视线。
The blows from the butt end of the gun made the house tremble, but did not shake the door. 枪托的冲撞把那房子震得一片响,但是那扇门纹丝不动。
Such a rational design can bring about endless charm, and be bound to shake off the obsession of tabloid. 如此理性的设计带来的建筑魅力将是无穷的,必将脱离平庸和媚俗的困扰……。
This week he was claiming he used to be a watchmaker before he began to shake. 这礼拜,他宣传自己出现手脚颤抖前是个钟表匠。
Then if I'm missing a bit of protein later that day. I take the easy route and just grab a protein shake. 然后我若在第二天流失了一些营养的话,我再回到计划中去获取蛋白质即可。
Well, speak up. 'Still she said nothing, wishing that it was permissible to shake one's father and tell him to hush his mouth. 她仍然没说什么,希望能摇摇父亲,告诉他闭上嘴巴。
Even active, upbeat people (of any age) can get depressed, and especially if there's a biological cause, you can't just shake out of it. 即使很有活力、乐观的人(任何年龄)也有可能抑郁,尤其是有一些生理原因,你就是不能摆脱它。
"Companion? " Mr. Pike repeated in amazement. Then, with a disbelieving shake of his head, he fell silent. “伴儿?”派克先生惊奇地重复道。然后,不相信地摇摇头,便陷入沉默。
And when a flood came, the river broke out against that house, yet it was not strong enough to shake it, because it had been built well. 到了洪水氾滥的时候,河流冲击那房子,也不能摇动它,因为盖造得好。
The ground began to shake and a sudden void opened under his feet. 地面开始震动起来,在他脚下突然裂开了个大口。
The world of hedge funds might be very close to a big shake-up and, perversely, New York could be one of the winners. 世界对冲基金可能面临一次大规模的重组,然而,事与愿违,纽约可能会是其中的一个优胜者。
He got to his feet, swaying from stiffness, trying to shake off sleep and that awful dream. 他站到地上,身子僵硬得东摇西晃,一心想把睡意和那个恶梦赶掉。
As you are introduced to the interviewers, shake their hand firmly, look them in the eyes, and say that you are pleased to meet them. 如你介绍给采访者,他们的手紧紧握手,看在眼里,说,你高兴地欢迎他们。
My husband, out of breath and patience, could only shake his head when we found him near the baling area, still searching for a cart. 我的丈夫,上气不接下气和耐心,才能动摇他的头当我们发现他巴陵附近的地区,仍在寻找车。
Then the officer got his attention. "Police had to shake the defendant's shoulder and yell at him to wake him up, " the complaint said. 随后,警官引起他的注意。“警察摇着这位被告的肩膀大叫来把他叫醒”刑事诉状里称。
Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake. People came from far and near to see what would happen. 很久以前,一座大山隆隆作响,摇晃起来。远近各处的人都来看是怎么回事。
Over the preceding year or so, I had randomly found a few bugs in the code that made me shake my head and go "how did *this* happen? ! " . 在差不多一年前,我偶然发现了代码里的一些错误,让我直摇头说“怎么会发生这种事?!”
Shortly after graduating, her hands also began to shake and her eyes rolled towards the ceiling uncontrollably. 毕业后不久,她的双手也开始震颤,她的眼球则无法控制地向上翻。
If their souls embraced as much as their hands shake one another, then they would have been able to deal with their differences. 如果他们的灵魂彼此相拥,如他们握在一起的双手一般,那么他们就可以处理彼此的不同。
Open its eyes and could only see out of the window if the wind shake shake dry twigs Bai Ye, that I choose to remember her eyes closed. 倘若睁眼只能看见窗外寒风抖摇枯枝败叶,那我选择闭眼回忆她。
Make this ready-to-go shake part of your sensible weight management plan. 使这准备好-到-去你的有感觉的重量管理计划的摇动部份。
The stock market crash did not at once utterly destroy but it did severely shake the confidence of the business community. 证券市场的崩溃,虽未立即彻底摧毁,但却严重动摇企业界的信心。
Recruiting outsiders is something of a last-ditch attempt to shake up the islands' inward-looking policing culture. 招募外国人,有几分像是动摇岛国封闭警察文化的最后一招。
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. 凡不接待你们,不听你们的话的人,你们离开那家,或是那城的时候,就把脚上的尘土跺下去。
But if the IEA's goal Thursday was to shake hedge funds and other financial investors out of the market, the move may have come too late. 但如果国际能源署周四行动的目的是想震荡市场以便让对冲基金和其他财务投资者离场,那么此举可能来得太迟。
Raine stretched, arching his back to shake off the effects of hours sleeping crumpled up in a chair albeit a fairly luxurious one. 雷恩伸了个懒腰,拱了拱背驱散掉在椅子上睡了几个小时后的酸麻尽管是相当地舒适。
As he played the first stroke, they all began to quiver and shake: the judge, the clerks, and the court officials. 因为他播放第一个冲程,他们全都开始颤抖和震动:法官、干事和法厅行政人员。
The passing train made the building shake so much that it felt like an earthquake . 驶过的火车让大楼剧烈摇晃,感觉就像地震一样。
But as we piled into the car ready to drive off from the airport, the vehicle began to shake. 但当我们挤进小车准备从机场出发时,汽车开始剧烈晃动。