
美 ['skænɪŋ]英 ['skænɪŋ]
  • v.扫描;审视;浏览;细看
  • n.浏览;扫描检查;胎儿扫描检查;快速查阅



v. n.

1.[t]细看;察看;审视;端详to look at every part of sth carefully, especially because you are looking for a particular thing or person

2.[t][i]粗略地读;浏览;翻阅to look quickly but not very carefully at a document, etc.

3.[t]~ sth(X 射线、超声波、电磁波等)扫描to get an image of an object, a part of sb's body, etc. on a computer by passing X-rays , ultrasound waves or electromagnetic waves over it in a special machine

4.[t]~ sth扫描;扫掠to pass across an area

5.[i][t]~ (sth)(为搜索病毒而)扫描(文件)to examine a computer program or document in order to look for a virus

6.[t]~ sth(用扫描设备)扫描(图像或文件 )to pass light over a picture or document using a scanner in order to copy it and put it in the memory of a computer

7.[i]符合韵律to have a regular rhythm according to fixed rules

But that's not to say that lie-detection won't eventually find a place in the courts, as the science and ethics of brain scanning solidify. 但随着大脑扫描的科学与伦理基础的加强,也许某一天测谎技术会在法庭中找到自己的位置。
When scanning our list, we politely encourage you to ask yourself, "Do I really want to continue using an eight-year-old operating system? " 在浏览我们的清单时,我们诚挚地希望你扪心自问:“我真的还想继续使用一个已有8岁高龄的操作系统?”
The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to analyse a number of pharmaceutical samples in their natural state. 环境扫描电子显微镜(环境扫描电镜)已用于分析一些制药样本在其自然状态。
Start scanning through the body: when you notice a pleasant feeling, (e. g. the warmth of the body, etc. ) dwell on that for a while. 开始扫描身体:当你体会到愉快的感觉(例如身体的温暖),给点时间体会它。
Scanning the rack, I ran across a card with a chimpanzee on the front holding a phone receiver in his hand. 浏览卡片架时,我看到一张卡片,封面是一只手拿著电话听筒的黑猩猩。
Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and laser particle size analyzer were used to carry out a micro measurement of the powder. 并采用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪和激光粒度分析仪对其进行微观测量。
After a cup of tea and a chat he went on his way while I wandered across the forecourt scanning for a possible spot to start hitching. 在喝茶聊天后他继续赶他的路了,而我在前院来回逛寻找搭车的地方。
Researchers using brain scanning technology found a significant correlation between robust daydreaming and superior intelligence. 使用大脑扫描技术的研究人员发现强烈的幻想和超级的智力之间有着明显的关联。
After fifteen minutes or so I had a splitting headache and yet Mr. Chen stood nearly stock-still unfazed scanning the crowd with binoculars. 大约15分钟后,我头痛欲裂,老陈却仍然一动不动地站在那,无所畏惧,用望远镜观察着人群。他做的事情是何等的单调!
Smoke rose into the night sky from one of the attacked compounds, and a helicopter circled overhead, scanning the ground with a searchlight. 被引爆的居民楼处浓烟直冲云霄,直升机在楼上空盘旋,探照灯来回搜索地面。
The gamma probe has long been used for scanning a region of the body. 长期以来加马侦检器曾一直被使用于局部身体的扫描。
Scanning an Earth truck, he morphs into a form that will allow him to hide until the time comes to enter battle against Megatron. 他扫描成为一辆陆地卡车,这种变形使他能够很好隐藏自己,便于与威震天对抗。
The scanning spot is generated by a wavelength change is translated into a displacement of the beam by a pair of gratings. 通过一对光栅将波长的变化转换成光束的位移来产生所述扫描光斑。
Static analysis is often referred to as White-Box scanning, implying that it is the opposite of Black-Box. 静态分析通常被看做是一个白盒监测,意味着与黑盒是相对立的。
The algorithm, as the bottom algorithm of the rapid prototyping scanning software system, has been applied to zone the profiled outline. 该算法作为快速成形选区环形扫描路径规划软件的底层算法,在对待扫描的层面轮廓进行分区时得到了应用。
If scanning such a list makes your head spin, I wouldn't recommend trying to make a full-time living from blogging just yet. 假如你看着这一窜清单感觉头昏眼花的话,那我建议你现在开始就全身心地全职写博客。
Pang would not miss such a good chance formerly, she was always scanning around the playground, a erotic girl. 胖原来每次都不会错过这样的机会,总是满操场的扫描,色女一个。
A plurality of scanning elements may be combined to produce a stereoscopic image or other imaging modalities. 可以组合多个扫描元件以产生立体图像或者其他成像形式。
The measuring speed of this imaging method can be increased hundreds of times compared with that of the raster scanning. 相对于传统的逐点移动的栅扫描测量模式,成像光热法的测量速度可以提高达数百倍。
Industry sources said the scanning started several months ago and specialised software was being used to make the review more efficient. 业内人士称,审查活动几个月前就开始了,为了提高审查效率还使用了专门的软件。
As I say, every home should have a scanning electron microscope to be able to see these. 如我所说,每个家庭都应该有一台能看到这些的扫描电子显微镜。
you ! " said the stately warrior , scanning the small form of the poet with ineffable disdain" . “你!”威严的军人说,他用不可言喻的轻蔑眼光向小个子的诗人扫了一眼。
I say, why don't you know that? All that you do, scanning customer information, do you think this is a full meal hold just idle you do that? 我说,你为什么不知道呢,平白无故地叫你扫描客户的资料干什么,,你以为这是吃饱了饭撑着没事干才叫你做那事?
The even better news, obtained from radar scanning, was that Vasari had not plastered his work directly on top of Leonardo's. 从雷达扫描结果来看,甚至还有更好的消息传来,当时瓦萨里(Vasari)并没有将他的油画直接覆盖在达芬奇上。
These updates should be at least the products virus signature files. You may also need to update the product's scanning engine as well. 更新文件应该至少包括病毒特征码,最好也能更新该产品的搜索引擎文件。
The microstructure of the brazed joint was analyzed by means of a scanning electron microscope and an energy spectrum analyzer. 用扫描电镜和能谱分析仪对钎焊接头的显微组织进行了分析。
A Nasa lander near the planet's north pole was scanning the sky with a laser when it noticed the telltale signs of snowfall. 于火星北极作业的NASA登陆车在使用激光探测天空之时发现了下雪的迹象。
That being said, you will have to keep your virus definitions up-to-date, and schedule periodic scanning to ensure that you stay protected. 这就是说,你必须保持你的病毒定义的最新,并安排定期的扫描,以确保你留下的保护。
The surface morphology of the polymer film was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). 高分子膜的表面形态采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和原子力显微镜(AFM)进行检查。
The coils in the scanning apparatus detect these magnetic changes, which are used to build up a map of the part of the body being examined. 扫描仪上的线圈探测到这些磁场变化,并以此构建出患者受检部位的图谱。