
美 [səbˈdud]英 [səbˈdjuːd]
  • adj.闷闷不乐的;抑郁的;默不作声的;柔和的
  • v.“subdue”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络屈服的;被抑制的;减弱的



1.闷闷不乐的;抑郁的;默不作声的unusually quiet, and possibly unhappy

2.柔和的not very bright

3.压低的;小声的not very loud

4.不活跃的;低迷的;萧条的not very busy; with not much activity

Each soul is of the Light even if it is subdued, and have the potential to express themselves as a great Being of Love and Light. 每个灵魂都是光,即使它被削弱了,都有潜在的力量来表达自己是一个伟大的爱与光的存有。
Stocks were subdued on both sides of the Atlantic as analysts reflected on a year's progress in cleaning up the banking system. 就在金融分析师对一年来各国政府清理银行系统的进展进行深思的时候,大西洋两岸的股市都处于低迷。
Over the next couple of years, Mr. Bernanke said, the jobs market is expected to remain weak and inflation subdued. 在过去的几年里,伯南克先生曾说过,就业市场将持续走弱,而通货膨胀指日可待。
I don't think it changes the story that this is still likely to be a relatively subdued recovery by historical standards. 我认为(数据)并不能改变这样一个情况:即以历史标准衡量,本轮复苏仍可能相对温和。
Dobrynin, subdued, said he would report this to his leaders as a "direct quotation" . 多勃雷宁态度缓和地说,他将把这的情况“逐字逐句”地向他的领导人汇报。
in a warning voice. A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond, and Miss Baker leaned forward unashamed, trying to hear. 可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声,贝克小姐就毫无顾忌地探身竖起耳朵去听。
Subduing the Yak The wise Tibetans subdued the powerful yak, known as the king of animals on the plateau, and tamed it into a helpmate. 智慧的民族降伏了力大无比的牦牛,称霸高原之兽王,驯服为藏民的助手。
Such consequences would be especially unwelcome today with the prospect of subdued US growth or even recession over the next year or so . 如今一想到美国在未来一两年可能出现增长放缓、甚至经济衰退,上述后果尤其不为人乐见。
Instead of feeling subdued, Fletcher considers himself fortunate enough to have played in two cup finals already in his career. 他并没有感到不幸,弗莱彻认为他自己能够在职业生涯里参加2个决赛已经足够幸运。
As such things are inclined to do, and gave to His wife's mind its subdued and tactful turn, anxious to avoid taciturn replies. 事情往往是这样的,就使他的妻子不得不低声下气,见机行事,一心只想避免一问三不响。
and there does not seem to be any sign of excessive credit creation . indeed , the demand for credit remains rather subdued. 另一方面,香港暂时不但没有过度借贷的迹象,贷款需求其实仍然较弱。
The crowd was tense but subdued, and its mood appeared to be one of stunned sorrow. 人群的气氛紧张而沉抑,透着一股极度悲伤的情绪。
So this may be a bit of a subdued Super Bowl this year, maybe because of the teams playing, certainly because of the tough economic climate. 所以今年的超级碗可能不太喧嚣,或许是因为比赛的球队,但肯定是因为恶劣的经济气候。
Officials generally think the economy is still more likely to do worse, rather than better, than their already subdued expectations. 官员们普遍认为,未来一段时间美国经济的表现更有可能比他们已经调低的期望值还要糟糕,而非更好。
Well, at least one of them had a feathered mohawk tail in a subdued palette of chestnut and white stripes. 嗯,至少有一只恐龙的摩霍克尾巴覆盖了浅栗色的羽毛,上面有白色条纹。
The Light can be subdued but never defeated by the dark Ones, and the truth is that the Light will always be victorious. 圣光确实可以被减弱,但是从未可能被黑暗击败,而真相就是,【圣光】总是最后的赢家。
The king was subdued, but the country was not, and William Wallace lead an uprising just a year later. 苏格兰王是被征服了,但国家并没有,接著仅仅一年后威廉‧华勒士就领导起义。
It was a different role for him, he was more subdued because of the packed defence but he really left the spaces for others to run into. 对他而言这是一个不同的角色,他总是受到对手防守队员的特别照顾,但是这样也为队友留出了可供突击的空间。
Confessedly defeated, he was properly tame now and subdued. Aleck forgave him with her eyes. 自认吃了败仗,他也就俯首帖耳了。艾莱柯的眼神宽恕了他。
That early morning, the light was subdued, there was no breeze and all the vegetation, the trees, the bushes, were quiet, still, waiting. 清晨,光线是柔和的,没有一丝微风,所有的植物,树林,灌木,都安宁,静止,等待着,等待着日出。
The International Monetary Fund said the softer data pointed to a more subdued recovery. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)认为,数据走软预示复苏脚步可能更为迟滞。
repeated the Pigeon, but in a more subdued tone, and added with a kind of sob, 'I've tried every way, and nothing seems to suit them! ' 鸽子重复着,可是已经是用很低的声音在说话了,然后还呜咽地加了一句:“我各种方法都试过了,但是没有一样能叫它们满意!”
As the dark Ones lose their grip on things so the Light becomes more powerful never to be subdued again. 由于黑暗势力失去了他们对事情的掌控力,所以【光】比以往变得更加的辉煌而且无法再被【制服】。
Much of the front three rows were reserved for Wall Street executives whose responses were considerably more subdued. 前三排大部分座位预留给了华尔街公司的高管,他们对讲话的反应则要冷淡的多。
Opposition to embryonic stem-cell research has been somewhat subdued since the last presidential election; but it has never gone away. 自上次总统选举后,反对胚胎干细胞研究的呼声有所减弱,但却永远不会消失。
Julie seemed subdued, not like herself, as she sat between the two of them, watching the road rush at them in the Buick's headlights. 朱丽有点反常,仿佛精神不振,她坐在他们中间,眼望着车灯照耀下的道路迎着他们冲来。
the mortgage insurance programme continued to enjoy good public acceptance , despite the subdued property market environment. 虽然受到整体物业市场放缓的影响,按揭保险计划仍持续受到广大市民欢迎。在。
Higher saving together with subdued earnings "is likely to result in relatively weak household spending growth" , says the bank. 央行指出,“更高的家庭储蓄以及收入的减少可能会导致家庭消费的增长相对减弱。”
Exhaustion of body had entirely subdued her spirit: our fiery Catherine was no better than a wailing child. 身体的疲乏已经完全降服了她的精神:我们凶猛的凯瑟琳并不比一个啼哭的孩子好多少。
I should like to see you under that southern sun, lying among the flowers, subdued into mere enjoyment. 我很愿意看见你在那南方的太阳底下,躺在花丛之中,沉浸在享受里。