
美 [sel]英 [sel]
  • v.出让;转让;出售;售卖
  • adj.出售的;销路好的
  • n.让人失望的东西
  • 网络卖出;销售;出卖

过去式:sold 第三人称单数:sells 现在分词:selling

sell goods,sell product,sell milk,sell soul,sell everything
sell asset
easily sell,probably sell,sell well


v. n.

换取金钱exchange for money

1.[t][i]出让;转让to give sth to sb in exchange for money

出售offer for sale

2.[t]~ sth出售;售卖to offer sth for people to buy

售出;销售be bought

3.[t][i]销售得…;卖出…;售价是…to be bought by people in the way or in the numbers mentioned; to be offered at the price mentioned


4.[i][t]促销;推销to make people want to buy sth

5.[t]~ sth/yourself (to sb)推荐;推销;自荐;自我推销to persuade sb that sth is a good idea, service, product, etc.; to persuade sb that you are the right person for a job, position, etc.


be sold on sth

热衷于;对…极感兴趣to be very enthusiastic about sth

sell your body

出卖肉体;卖淫to have sex with sb in exchange for money

sell sb down the river

出卖(答应要帮助的人)to give poor or unfair treatment to sb you have promised to help

sell sb/yourself short

低估,轻视,小瞧(某人或自己)to not value sb/yourself highly enough and show this by the way you treat or present them/yourself

sell your soul (to the devil)

出卖灵魂(或良心)to do anything, even sth bad or dishonest, in return for money, success or power

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... Mr n. 先生(冠于男子之姓或姓名之前的称呼) sell v. ;销售 from prep. 从;从……起 ...


字典中 予 字的解释 ... (4) 赞许,称誉[ praise] (5) 出售,卖[ sell] (2) 同本义[ bestow;give grant] ...


相对于卖出(SELL),止损指令中规定的价位要低于现价(这个低于现价的价位,相对于现价卖出而言,是不利的)当汇价下跌到这 …


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... Mr n. 先生(冠于男子之姓或姓名之前的称呼) sell v. 卖;销售 from prep. 从;从……起 ...


出字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 出马〖 gointoaction;takethefield〗 出卖sell〗 出毛病〖 beorgooutoforder〗 ...


吃反对,就卖掉(Sell)它,避避风头,待形式豁后了再进来,离恨却如春草,更行更远还生。说过的话一定要做到,即使是很蠢 …

In a vaguely worded announcement, Repsol reiterated its desire to sell part of its YPF stake, possibly through a public share offering. 在一份措辞含糊的公告中,雷普索尔重申了其出售YPF部分股权的意愿,并表明可能采用公开出售股份的方式。
Travis: I know you're trying to help, but I'm not willing to sell out. 我知道你是想帮助我,但是我不想为了钱出卖我的事业。
"We are still trying to sell off the additional linen we had to purchase, " the official complains. “我们现在还在想办法甩卖掉多余的床单,而这是原先要求我们必须购置的,”该官员抱怨道。
As a child, he began to sell newspapers to make a living. 当他是个孩子的时候,他就开始卖报谋生了。
A glib salesman sell her a set of dish that she do not want. 一位言词伶俐的推销员卖给她一套本来她不要的碟子。
Rather than concentrating on the actual product he was trying to sell, he thought of a way to pull in traffic through a different window. 而非专注于他的实际产品推销、他想起了一个办法,通过不同的交通抠窗口。
"When it comes down to it, Apple wants to sell more devices, they are a hardware company, " he said. 他说:“不过归根结底,苹果是个硬件厂商,他们总想卖出更多的产品。”
Mr Adelson had no rights to sell as he was already operating under a subconcession from his former local partner. 安得尔森没有赌牌可供出售,因为它正是依靠从其前本地合作伙伴手中获得的次级赌牌来经营的。
This point is DIY, glass and glass hinge are ready to sell, install it on their own line. 这个DIY一点不难,钢化玻璃和玻璃铰链都有现成的卖,自己安装一下就行了。
And Peter said to her, Tell me, did you sell the land for so much? Yes, she said, for so much. 彼得对她说,你告诉我,你们卖田地的价银,就是这些吗?她说,就是这些。
However, what you really want is to have only one such situation being detected for each pair of buy and sell events. 但是,您真正希望的是对于每一对买入和卖出事件,您仅检查到一个这样的情形。
One option would be to run a wider auction process, and another would be to put any plans to sell the business on ice for now. 一个方案是进行更大范围的拍卖程序,另一个方案是将出售该业务的计划目前暂时搁置。
But he has also said he would sell the stores to GOME, possibly in return for equity, in order to increase his stake in the company. 不过黄光裕也表示,可能会将其私有门店卖给国美换得股权,以增加对国美的股权持有比例。
Gueye said the company will sell much its Senegal-farmed rice in local markets, instead of exporting it all back to Saudi Arabia. Gueye表示会将部分塞内加尔稻米在本地市场销售,不会全部出口到沙特阿拉伯。
After then, some doubted that guy was a liar. All he said was just tricky words to sell his products. So, was a really a liar? 事后,有同学怀疑那人是个骗子,他所说的花言巧语都只是促销的手段,那么,他真的是个骗子么?
Yet she, like all of India, is at a turning point, and it looks as if her family may instead sell her to a brothel. 然而目前,她与众多印度同龄人一样,已经到了命运的转折关头,因为她的家人似乎在准备把她出售给妓院。
"It was impossible to sell any stock because the plant had not started and produced electricity as promised, " he said. “根本没有办法销售出股票,因为这座工厂还没像承诺中的那样开工生产电力”,斯塔尔说。
All that you need to do is create your own idea, get it going, turn it into a cash cow and then either milk it or sell it. 你需要做的全部就是创造自己的商业模式,使它运作起来,变成一只现金牛使你可以获利或者卖掉。
He also said he would also push for a crackdown on Chinese internet sites that sell performance-enhancing drugs. 他还说,将会敦促有关方面加强对销售运动兴奋剂的中国互联网站的打击力度。
I swim ashore, I seize her horse, I ride off in triumph, and I sell the horse for a whole pocketful of money and an excellent breakfast! 我游上了岸,夺了她的马,大摇大摆地骑走了。我用马换来满满一口袋银钱,还美美地吃了一顿早饭!
Unable to sell at home all that it produces, China exports the rest. 由于国内无法消化所有自产商品,中国便转向出口。
I bet we could sell that sign all over Pasadena. Penny, can I talk to you for a minute ? Penny Well, here's the thing. 我打赌这标语在帕萨迪纳各处,都能买个好价钱。可以过来谈下吗?,是这样的。
He said the decision to sell was 'a very personal one, a difficult family decision, but it allows me to focus on my work as a winemaker. ' 他表示,出售酒庄的决定与我个人息息相关,对整个家族来说也是个艰难的决定。不过,这个决定让我可以专心从事自己的酿酒工作。
We could sell our brothers as a slave, and not only could we get rid of him forever, but we could make some money off him! 我们不如把我们的弟兄卖了作奴隶。这样我们不但可以除掉他,也可以赚钱。
How much will you sell me this for? -Name your own price. 把这个东西卖给我多少钱?-你自己说个价吧。
As if Tuesday's sell-off on the stock market weren't enough to be worried about, now comes some more ominous news. 好像周二股市的下跌还不足以让人着急似的,现在又有一些不祥消息接踵而至。
In 1999 Sweden decided that prostitution was a form of violence against women and made it a crime to buy sex, although not to sell it. 1999年瑞士把卖淫认定为一种反妇女的暴力形式,并对买春者定罪。
Should the company decide to sell more shares than are authorized, the charter must be amended through a stockholder vote. 公司决定销售超过授权数量的份额,执照就要通过股东投票来修改。
Number two: "Always look at how much the other guy is making if he is trying to sell you something. " 总是看看他赚了多少,当他正在试图卖给你一些东西。
You can't take a broken-down car you're trying to sell and put two new doors on it and expect people not to think it's a lousy deal. 你不可能拿着一辆老破车,给它安上两扇新门来卖,就指望人们不会认为这是一笔糟糕的交易。