stay strong

  • 网络保持坚强;要坚强;一定要坚强

stay strongstay strong

stay strong


Details in the Fabric Jason... ... Help is on the way 救援即将到达 Stay strong 保持坚强 I'm doing everything 我尽了全力 ...


eminem - beautiful... ... to my babies 献给我的宝贝们 stay strong 要坚强 be proud of who you are 为你的本色而自豪 ...


Details in the fabric /... ... Help is on the way 支援就要到了 Stay strong 一定要坚强 I'm doing everything 我会努力帮你 ...


给你的一首歌... ... Help is on the way 救援就在路上了 Stay strong 坚强一点 I'm doing everything 我正用尽所有办法... ...


Way Too... ... Help is on the way 不久后就能够解脱 Stay strong 继续保持坚强 I'm doing everything 能够帮的忙我一定尽全力 ...


OMG美语 -... ... Sick in Bed with the Flu! 得了流感,卧病在床! Stay Strong! 你要坚强! I feel like BLAH! 我感觉不太舒服! ...

Dark Chocolate: It contains flavanoids which protect blood vessels of the eyes. As a result of that cornea and lens stay strong. 黑巧克力:黑巧克力中的黄酮类化合物可以保护眼部血管,从而可以强化眼角膜和晶状体。
Everyone who relates to this song, no matter which side you're on stay strong and find something that loves you and that you love. 涉及到这首歌曲的每个人,无论哪一方,你就留强,找到爱你和你爱的东西。
I told her to stay strong and that everything would work out. 我告诉她要坚强,一切都会好起来的。
A man with such a big heart like yours might find himself broken at the moment but, please, stay strong. 像你一样拥有广阔胸怀的人,在此刻也难免心灰意冷,但请你坚强。
You can choose to cry or smile your way through life. The nurse told me that I must stay strong for Liu Weiqi and look after him well. 你选择哭,也是要过日子,笑也要过日子,护士告诉我为了刘伟棋要坚强,继续好好照顾他。
I go for a waddle and do stretches and exercises every day. My muscles need to hold up to my weight, so I have to stay strong, " she said. " 我每天都会出去散散步,做做伸展运动。我必须要保持健康,我的肌肉得承受得住我的体重才行。
Best revenge? Smile, stay strong, and never let people who hurt you know it hurts. 什么是最好的反击?最好的反击是微笑、坚强面对,并且不让看出你因此受伤。
"If [we] want industry to stay strong, we would like them to be able to compete worldwide, " said Mr Powell. 鲍威尔表示:“如果(我们)想保持产业强势,就希望它们能够在世界范围内展开竞争。”
But, I have deliberately chosen to stay strong, to look at the positives, and to say it is far from over. 但是,我仍然选择坚强,乐观地看待,事情远没结束。
Smile, stay strong, and never let people who hurt you know it hurts. 最好旳反击是微笑、坚强面对,并且不让看出你因此受伤。
President Bush wants Press Secretary Tony Snow to stay strong, now that his cancer has returned and spread to his liver. 布什总统希望新闻发言人托尼。斯诺能保持健康状态,他癌症复发并感染了肝脏。
President Bush wants Press Secretary Tony Snow to stay strong, now but his cancer has returned and spread to his liver. 然而如今他的癌症有所复发,而且已经扩散到肝脏部位。
'Keep healthy, be patient and stay strong, ' he said. 他说,保持健康、耐心和强大。
Front of me now. Really need to stay strong in order for me to! 对我而言真的需要非常坚强才能继续前进!
I prefer to see a dog doing it, where I can watch and stay strong. 我喜欢看狗做爱,因为我可以观看它并且保持强烈。
But the gold price might not stay strong in the longer term and could fall significantly with an improvement in global economic conditions. 但长期而言金价或无法续强,可能随全球经济情况的改善而大幅回落。
It is like a test that I have to come through, but I believe in God and have to stay strong. 这就是像一次考验,我必须要经历,但是我相信上帝,我必须要保持坚强。
So he wanted me to say: 'Mike P, stay strong in jail. ' 他希望我在这里说‘MikeP,在狱中要坚强。’
If emerging economies remain resistant to an American recession and commodity prices stay strong, America's exporting regions will benefit. 如果新兴经济可以抵抗住美国大萧条的冲击并且稳定住物价,那么美国的出口领域将获益匪浅。
Mr Ehrmann says growth in the country's infrastructure expenditure and consumer spending is expected to stay strong. 厄曼认为,中国的基础设施投入和消费者开支将会保持强劲增长。
Profit and loan growth remain high, ensuring that investment, which accounts for nearly half of Chinese growth, will stay strong. 企业利润和贷款增长仍处于高位,从而确保占中国经济增长近一半比重的投资活动保持强劲。
Miller says, adding that job seekers should stay strong as long as they know they are worth more than a company's low offer. 他补充称,只要求职者认为自己的应有薪水高于公司开出的低工资,那就应该坚持自己的立场。
I don't enjoy an exhausting schedule, but occasionally facing one ensures my productivity muscles stay strong. 我不喜欢一衰附表,但偶尔面临的一确保我的生产力肌肉留强。
Hope and trust is the tail of a lizard, which can repreoduce even after being cut off. just stay strong. 希望和信任就像是蜥蜴的尾巴,即使被切断,但还会再长出来。保有一颗坚强的心。
Stay strong! Just go run one mile, and you can relax for the rest of the day. K? 你必须要坚强!这样吧,今天出去跑一英里,然后就可以休息。怎么样?
The best hope that global growth can stay strong lies instead with emerging economies. 最好的希望便寄托在一些发展强势的新兴经济市场上了。
To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated, and misunderstood. Stay strong. 要成就不凡,就得承受别人的嘲讽、憎恨和误解,坚强些吧。
but please stay strong. If they remember me, will they forget the meaning of why I came so far to drown? 如果他们还记得我,他们会不会忘记我为什么来到到目前为止淹没的含义?
They are made from durable soft PVC rubber, making sure that the cute illustrations will stay strong for as long as possible! 他们是由耐久的软性PVC橡胶制成,确保可爱的插图将保持尽可能长久的稳固!
The best you can do is stay strong while you fight to find your way and try and hold on to the good things which are left in your life. 最好的,你所能做的就是保持强劲,而你找到你的方式争取和尝试,并坚持到这是你生命中留下美好的事物。