so good

  • 网络很好;一切顺利;真好

so goodso good

so good


化学计算基本技巧_高一化学吧_百度贴吧 ... 好啊 kanbudong 很好,感谢 so good 谢谢 xiexie ...


船舶专业英语词汇 - feelinglm的日志 - 网易博客 ... So so 马马虎虎 So far,so good 到目前,一切顺利 Worse 更糟的 ...

真好 ... 7.午夜单车 Midnight Bike 8.真好 So Good 9.蔷薇处处开 Roses Spread Out Everywhere ...


QQ音速:歌曲大全- QQ音速经验-太平洋游戏网 ... Maximum Risk 中文名:无限的危险 So Good 中文名:太好了 Choice 中文名:选 …


::麦客爱趴::|欧陆... ... Alex Lamb Ft. Easton Davis - So good( 那麽好) Sidney Samson vs. Tara McDonald - Dynamite( 炸药) ...


SO翻... ... so so 一般;马马虎虎;索马里;一般般 So Good 妙极了;太棒;好也;秀丝曼 So Close 夕阳天使;这麽近;如此 …


QQ音速有哪些英文歌曲是新出的_百度知道 ... i wanna 我想要 so good 因此好 baby,baby,baby 婴儿,婴儿,婴儿 ...


Exposed_百度百科 ... 04 Hush 嘘… 05 So Good 妙极了 06 Touch 拥抱我 ...

And then, as he was getting up in years, his own health was not so good. 接着,随着岁月更替,他自己的健康状况不是太好。
The hotel staff tells you its a less than 5 mins walk from the MTR but be ready for at least a 10 min walk through a not so good lane. 酒店工作人员告诉你从“地下铁茶餐厅”步行至这里不到5分钟,但是请你做好心理准备,抄小巷也至少要10分钟。
He was so good - and I felt the wickedness of trying to blind him as to what had happened! 他是那样好——我觉得把过去发生的事瞒着他,那就是害了他呀!
But, as he remarks, to say that they have never had it so good is not to say they cannot have it better. 但是,如他所说,认为这是女性最好的时代并不代表她们不能更好。
So good of you, I let go, a lot of good, but I cannot tell you. 那么好的你,我放手了,好多好多的言不由衷,可是我却不能告诉你,
would like to ask me that, your grandma treat you so good, what would you do as a reward? 大人们有时候逗我玩,问我,外婆对你这么好,以后你怎么报答外婆啊?
He looked at Willis and said, "Tom, I got stuff that's so good that used off floor in the right hands it would make $50 million a year. " 他看着威利斯说:“汤姆,我有更好的场外交易方法,我可以一年赚5000万美元。”
The woman in front of him was eating roasted peanuts that smelled so good that he could barely contain his hunger. 他前面的那个女人在吃着烤花生,香味扑鼻,使他简直无法控制自己的辘辘饥肠。
So good, in fact, that Westergren claims to have lured more than 2% of the total radio audience of his broadcast competitors. 事实上是相当不错,魏氏声称其所有竞争对手的超过2%的广播电台听众已经被吸引过来。
"It'll be a surprise if it comes but so far so good, " Rahman said in a telephone interview. 阿曼在电话采访中表示:“如果这有这麽一天,我当然会喜出望外。但现在来说,感觉还不错。”
But the news was not so good in the United States; it had the worst record of the countries studied. 但是,对美国来说消息不是很好。在被研究的国家中,美国的记录最差。
Yes, some people reported that they felt so good when they exercised that it was as if they had taken mood-altering drugs. 没错,一些人说他们在运动时感觉那么好,仿佛是服用了改变情绪的药物一般。
They have become so good at it that some law enforcement agencies are unable to "wiretap" messages from suspected criminals. 它们在这方面已十分擅长,致使有些执法机构难以“窃听”疑犯发送的信息。
I got an email from our supplier yesterday about this quarter's order. . . It doesn't look so good. Here, take a look. 昨天我从供应商那里受到一封电子邮件,是关于本季度订单的问题。看起来没有那么乐观,这儿呢,你看一下。
Some professionals even say that mineral makeup is so good for your skin that you can actually sleep in it with no worries. 权威专家说,你甚至可以带妆入睡,也不会对你肌肤造成伤害。
None are so good as those who are always ready to help others. 没有人像那些总是乐于助人的人那么好。
I did watch some of the Olympics, it did look amazing. I think the Olympics in London will not be so good! 我的确看了奥运的一些比赛,真的是太棒了。我想伦敦奥运会不会办得像这样牛的!
She said: "You will find a better man than me. " I smiled and said: "But I will not be so good for people. " 她说:“你会找到一个比我更好的人。”我微笑说:“但我不会再对人这么好了。”
So far, so good, but the new investment policy would be severely constrained by China's desire to peg the renminbi to the dollar. 到目前为止,一切顺利。但中国力图让人民币与美元挂钩,这将严重制约新的投资政策。
Today I'm here at my favorite coffee shop. It's so close to my house. And their coffee is so good! 今天我来到最喜欢得咖啡厅。它离我住的地方很近。这儿的咖啡很好喝。
If your prospects for a promotion don't look so good with your current employer, then a lateral move could set you up for a future climb. 如果你在当前雇主那里得到晋升的机会无望,那么横向调动会给你带来一个更好的未来发展。
That will be very good for Zynga and Facebook, but it may not be so good for the stock market at large. 这对Zynga和Facebook来说都是大好事,但对于股市整体来说却未必是福。
"It's easy to see that it's not individual intelligence that makes us so good at adapting, " he says. “可以很容易地看出来,这不是由于那个人的绝顶聪明,使我们能适应的这样好,”他说。
The fact that Father God loves me so much also makes me feel kind of ashamed, as He is so good to me but I am not as good to Him, sigh! 天父那么疼爱我也让我觉得很惭愧,他对我这么好,我却没对他这么好,唉!求主怜悯…
You said you were a little shy, I said me too, and I liked shy boy. it was so good at the beginning. 你十分友好,经常给我拥抱。你说你有些害羞,我说我也是,我喜欢含羞的男孩。开始的时候非常好。
"I work now for Blake Bailey, " he said. "The pay's not so good. " He added that he had never been as truthful with anyone before. “我现在是在为布莱克·贝利工作,”他说,“报酬可不怎么高。”他还说,自己以前从来没对任何人这么诚实过。
"So far, so good" you think. Bash the monsters, bash the opponents you see, and claim the loot. This might be a nice day. “到目前为止,一切还好。”你这样想道。干掉怪物,干掉遇到的对手,然后得到宝物。今天应该会是个好日子。
So far so good, the index seems to be ready for a test of key resistance around the 1400 level. 标普目前走势不错,似乎已经准备好向1400点附近的关键阻力位作出测试。
Since flu strains are so good at mutating, is there a chance that they could evolve to get around this sort of vaccine? 既然流感病毒这么容易变异,它们有没有可能进化后适应这种疫苗呢?
When a good friend excitedly shows you her not-so-good-looking new hairdo, praising her is usually the smarter choice. 当好友兴奋地展示不太好看的新发型时,赞美通常是比较聪明的选择。