
美 [ˈsʌmwʌn]英 ['sʌmwʌn]
  • pron.某人;重要人物
  • n.知名人物
  • 网络有人;某一个人;某个人

need someone,find someone,want someone,someone know,hire someone


1.某人a person who is not known or mentioned by name

2.重要人物an important person


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... find v. 寻找;查找 someone pron. 某人 student n. 学生 ...


Muse 蔡依林专辑 Musemp3下载 在线试听 ... 诗人漫步 Wandering Post 有人 Someone 马赛克 Mosaic ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... somebody pron. 某人;有人;有名气的人 someone pron. 某一个人 something pron. 某事;某物 ...


07版EEC初中英语二年级下册词汇表_百度文库 ... term n. 学 someone pron. 某个人,有人 seem v. 看起来像 ...


四级词汇与词组详解 - 豆丁网 ... promise“ 许诺” , someone“ 某个人, 有个人” 。 ? resident“ 居民” , ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → somebody 某人,有人 → someone 某人,有人;重要人物 → somehow 以某种方式,不知怎么的 ...


请进来帮我回答一些英语的问题。谢谢。_百度知道 ... student 学生 someone 其他人 kinds 种类 ...


... I′m so glad I found an angel 如此开心找到了我的天使 Someone 那就是 Because you live,I live 因为你存在 我活着! ...

But she knows she has a curse on her, a curse she cannot win . For if someone gets too close to her , the pins stick farther in . 但她知道有个诅咒,今生永远难逃离。如果有人靠近她,针会深刺进心里。
I thought, who logs on to a police website on the off-chance that there might be someone wanted that they might recognise? 我认为,在警察网站上登录的人极少机会能够提供帮助给我们想要的那个人。
Think of how much energy it takes to find reasons to blame the day's small problems on someone else. 想一想,在日常小事上,每天你需要花费多少精力寻找原因去责备别人。
He did not seem to notice a small cornfield where someone had dug a burial mound of fresh red dirt. 他没有注意到在一块玉米地上正有人在那新鲜的红土地上挖出个洞,来埋葬尸体。
The governor's office is trying to figure out how someone got a hold of that information. 州长办公室正在努力查明某些人是怎样得到这些信息的。
If this all seems a bit daunting, find a work-life balance mentor -- someone who seems to have achieved this balance in their own life. 如果这似乎有些令人畏惧,找到一位生活-工作平衡方面的导师--即:某个似乎在自己生活中获得了平衡的人。
Someone told me , you can just play with him, maybe you have no love, it is just a game. 有些人告诉我,你就当玩玩啊,或许你们没有爱情,那只是个游戏啦。
Justin doesn't feel ready to leave Taiwan! Someone else doesn't want him to leave either. . . 贾斯汀还没准备好要离开台湾!某人也不希望他离开……
Jane: Hi, Jeff. This is Jane from marketing. My computer is acting strange, and I was hoping someone could come take a look at it. 阿珍︰嗨,杰夫。我是行销部的阿珍。我的电脑怪怪的,希望有人可以过来帮我看一下。
That makes you better able to judge whether someone is right for you, your soul mate with whom you will spend the rest of your life. 渐渐地你就会知道某个人是否适合自己,是否就是你能共度余生的心灵伴侣。
The nurse had him take a seat in the waiting area, telling him it would be at least 40 minutes before someone wouldbe able to see him. 这个护士让他在候诊室坐了下来,且告诉他,在有医生能给你做检查之前,你至少要等40分钟。
It surprises me that people would be so brazen as to do something like this. What's next? Someone taking a downtown building? 居然有人会厚颜无耻地做出这种事,真是让我太吃惊了。接下来还会发生什么事呢?有人去偷市中心的大楼?
I could have easily walked away and asked someone else. I probably could have found a sign if I looked around a little more. 其实我完全可以马上走再找别人帮忙,兴许自己溜达一圈就能看到B口。
Someone had given him a little "tea set" as a get-well gift and it was one of his favorite toys. 有人送给他一套茶具,作为祝他早日康复的礼物,这成了他最喜欢的玩具。
You can't seem to forget that bad thing that happened to you. . . . three doors down, someone has forgotten the names of her children. 你似乎无法将发生在你身上不幸的记忆忘却,三扇门后,某人却无法记起她孩子的名字。
We'll look at ways to ask someone to leave a message, information that should be included in a message, and how to offer help. 我们来看下让某人留言的方法,情况应该包含在信息中,并包括如何提供帮助。
If you see the donkey of someone who hates you fallen down under its load, do not leave it there; be sure you help him with it. 若看见恨你人的驴压卧在重驮之下,不可走开,务要和驴主一同抬开重驮。
It's better to love someone who's far and craves to be with you than to love someone who's near yet doesn't even care to see you. 与其爱一个近在身边,却不愿见你的人,还不如爱个远在天涯,却只想和你在一起的人。
This woman said she had a pay day every so often, when someone called and bused her to the industrial district to do landscaping. 这妇人说久不久会有一日有受薪工作,雇主会以大车接送她及其他人到工业园去作园艺。
(He did. ) "Once, someone asked me to report an illegal restaurant inside a national park, " he said. “一次,有人要他举报国家公园中的一家非法餐厅,”他说。
We always thought she would pick out someone who at least had a conversation with her or paid her. 他说,“我们总是想,她至少会挑一个人出来与其交谈或给她小费。”
If you say that someone is on the side of the angels, you mean that they are doing what you think is morally right. 如果你说某人在天使的边上,低劣的他们是你所想的道德上正确的做你。
That may not always be true. But, as someone has said, the customer is always the customer. 这或许不见得全对,不过顾客永远都是顾客!
If someone came and sat down in front of me on the beach, I would probably move my towel next to them and start a conversation. 如果这海滩上有人走过来,在我面前坐下,我也许会把自己的毛巾移到他们旁边,开始和他们聊天。
It's roughly comparable to trying to draw air through a straw while someone else is doing likewise at the opposite end. 它大致相当于试图用吸管吸取空气,当其他人也在另一端如此。
If someone you know has symptoms of amnesia, don't hesitate to help the person get medical attention. 如果你认识这样的人,尽早帮他找个大夫看看。
the warmth of my life is just this much, and i gave it all to you, but when you chose to leave me, how can i ever smile to someone again. 我生命里的温暖就那么多,全部给了你,但是你离开了我,叫我以后怎么再对别人笑
She explained that the flight was full, and that the only way I could get on is if someone were a no-show. 随后她解释说飞机已经满员,如果有人放弃的话我才能上飞机。
Q: How much do certifications help when someone is looking for a job? 问:认证对于寻找工作的人有多大帮助?
Aulon: Whatever, but since he's not going to come down and do it himself - I mean - at least let someone cut it properly! 不管说的是什么,但是由于他不能够从上面下来亲自身体力行,我的意思是说,至少得让某人恰当地阻止。