step in

  • na.调停;介入;挤进;走进
  • 网络干预;干涉;插手

第三人称单数:steps in 现在分词:stepping in 过去式:stepped in

step instep in

step in


大学英语四级常用词组 ... out of step 和…步调不一致 step in 介入;干预;参加 stick out for 坚持索取 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... out of step 和…步调不一致 step in 介入;干预;参加 stick out for 坚持索取 ...


Drop - 英汉词典 ... move in 迁入 step in 走进 settle in 迁入 ...


求180个英语短语_百度知道 ... step by step 逐步地 step in 走进,干涉 step into 插入,干涉 ...


新世纪大学英语第三册单词表下载 - 豆丁网 ... interference 干涉;介入;干预 step in 介入,干预,插手 calm down (使)安静 …


介词短语_百度百科 ... step up 提高,加快,加紧 step in 插入,介入 stick out 伸出,突出;坚持到底,继续 ...


step - 英汉词典 ... figurative 比喻 step in 插手帮助,介入调停 step on the gas 加快速度,赶快 ...


steppic... ... step it 跳舞; 走着去; 赶快 step in 介入; 干涉; 走进; 请进; 调停; 排解; 挤进 static 静止的;不变的 ...

This is the last step in the preparation of software for execution by an embedded system and the resulting file is called an executable. 这是软件在嵌入式系统中运行的最后一步,并且结果文件叫做可的。
'Approaching 15%, we estimate there would be an urgent need for the government to step in and strengthen the financial system, ' he said. 他说,接近15%的水平,即可能需要政府采取紧急干预,以增强金融系统的抗风险能力。
The ringing is just the first step in trying to understand a bird about which almost nothing is known. 上脚环是试图了解一种不知名的鸟所要做的第一步。
She's in it for the money, but also for fun, another step in her 'Sweet, Aimless Life, ' the title of one of her books. 她做这些事既是为了赚钱,也是为了好玩。正如她的一本书的书名,这只是她“无目的美好生活”的又一阶段。
Inter are the favourites. But Milan and Juventus are there, ready to step in if Inter make a false move. 国米是大热门。不过米兰和尤文也在静候机会,一旦国米失足,就有可能被赶超。
On Wednesday, EU spokesman Olivier Bailly said the calls for an economic government were a step in the right direction. 上周三,欧盟发言人OlivierBailly称,呼吁建立经济政府是朝着正确的方向迈出了一步。
I undressed and, ready to step in bed with her, I see her staring at 'it'. 我把自己脱了个精光,然后,准备和她上床。
The first step in our site analysis and assessment is to speak with you and your team to identify your goals and your SEO needs. 在我们的现场分析和评估的第一步是要与你和你的团队讲,以确定您的目标和搜索引擎优化的需要。
Making the decision to do something about it right now is often times the hardest step in achieving your goals and going after your dreams. 在追逐梦想达成目标的过程中,最艰难的就是下定决心立刻采取行动的那一步。
The next step in the simple linear regression procedure is to determine if the remaining squared error of prediction is acceptable or not. 这个简单线性回归过程中的下一步是确定其余的预测方差是否可以接受。
OCP continues to stay in step in new panels are released, and can always work with you to create the custom solution you may require. OCP与新发行的面板同步,并可以随时根据您的需要进行定制服务。
When Mr. Cabo runs out of money, she said, she is ready to step in with her modest savings and perhaps sell her car. 一旦卡波先生用完了自己的钱,她说道,她已经准备好了要拿出自己微薄的积蓄助他一臂之力,也许还会卖了自己的车。
True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。
It's a step in a different direction, but as one observer points out, far from embracing the kind of interaction that drives sharing. 这是迈向不同方向的一步,但是正如一位观察家指出的,苹果尚未接受这种有分享意味的互动交流营销方式。
Palpatine's first step in that direction appeared to be the installation of a personal representative on the Jedi Council. 实现该意图的第一个举动似乎就是在绝地委员会中安插一名个人代表。
The country has not been seen as ready to take the next step in terms of governance. 看来,印度尼西亚在治理方面尚不具备步入下一阶段的条件。
Developing an efficient synthetic route to natural product compounds and their analogs is often an essential step in drug development. 发展一种自然产物复合物以及类似物的有效合成途径在药物研制过程中经常是必需的步骤。
Your first step in effective attention management is to jettison this exaggerated sense of what you should be able to process. 有效的注意力管理中第一步是摒弃这种对自身应该能处理多少信息的夸大感觉。
As with any other problem that needs solving, the first step in crisis management is to identify the true extent and nature of the crisis. 像其他需要解决的问题一样,危机管理的第一步是识别危机的本质和其真实的严重程度。
Drying is usually the final step in a series of operations, and the produce from a dryer is often ready for final packing. 干燥通常是在一系列操作中的最后一道工序的最后一步,干燥器的生产经常是为最后的包装作准备的。
These aliens are all-powerful, and although non-interventionist, are ready to step in if absolutely necessary. 这些外星人是全能的,尽管不干涉,如果绝对必要的时候,会插手的。
The fact that this saying rings true underlines the importance of establishing trust as the first step in an interaction between entities. 这个说法所反映的事实准确地强调了把建立信任作为实体间的相互作用的第一步的重要性。
The next step in the cycle is to transition the Business Analysis model into a Design Solution Architecture model. 周期的下一个步骤是将BusinessAnalysis(业务分析)模型转变为DesignSolutionArchitecture(设计解决方案架构)模型。
Rather than trying to commit FULLY to a new habit, you simply take a step in its direction. 与其试着去全部的委托一个新的习惯,你可以简单的按如下指导步骤实行。
Jamie obviously didn't play so much and Robbie was part of a rotation system in attack, but Sami has always been happy to step in. 杰米显然没有踢很多比赛,而前锋线上的罗比福勒有时也会被轮换,萨米总是会很高兴的带上队长袖标。
The second step in the solution is to break up the _form. rhtml input form by separating the city and state input fields into a new partial. 此解决方案中的第二步是通过将城市和州输入字段拆分为新片段来细分_form.rhtml输入表单。
Flat finishes, he believes, are the next step in car design, at least in the European market. 他认为,哑光是汽车设计的下一步,至少在欧洲市场是这样。
The sale of the assets would be also be a step in unwinding the bank's partial acquisition of ABN Amro. 出售资产可能也是苏格兰皇家银行消化部分收购荷兰银行交易结果的一项举措。
There is no sign that authorities are ready to take such a step in the near future. 但是没有任何迹象显示,当局准备在不久的将来采取这样的措施。
"This is the beginning of a new direction, probably a first step in a new direction, that could end up in more reforms, " said Sanchez. 桑切斯说:“这是一个新的发展方向的开端,可能是一个新的发展方向的头一个步骤,进而导致更多的改革。”