
美 [steɪk]英 [steɪk]
  • n.股份;桩;赌注;火刑柱
  • v.拿…冒险;用桩支撑
  • 网络利害关系;木桩;赌金

复数:stakes 现在分词:staking 过去式:staked

stake claim,dispose stake


n. v.

2.[sing]火刑柱a wooden post that sb could be tied to in former times before being burnt to death(= killed by fire) as a punishment

3.[c]股本;股份money that sb invests in a company

4.[sing]~ in sth(在公司、计划等中的)重大利益,重大利害关系an important part or share in a business, plan, etc. that is important to you and that you want to be successful

5.[c]赌注something that you risk losing, especially money, when you try to predict the result of a race, game, etc., or when you are involved in an activity that can succeed or fail


at stake

成败难料;得失都可能;有风险that can be won or lost, depending on the success of a particular action

go to the stake over/for sth

为坚持自己的观点(或信仰)甘冒一切危险;为维护自己的观点(或信仰)不惜赴汤蹈火to be prepared to do anything in order to defend your opinions or beliefs

in the… stakes

(评论一个人的某种品质高或低)要是比…的话,论…used to say how much of a particular quality a person has, as if they were in a competition in which some people are more successful than others


字典中 注 字的解释 ... (16) 输送[ transport] (2) 赌注[ stake] (4) 用于斟注的小壶[ flagon] ...

汽车配件英文速查词典-S ... stainless steel 不锈钢 stake ,柱,(标,柱)杆,支柱 staked insert 敲紧的气门座圈 ...


高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... packet n. 小包裹;小袋;小盒 stake n. 桩(旧时的)火刑柱;利害关系 at stake 在危险中 ...


真题网 - 考研英语高频词汇 ... spite n. 恶意,怨恨 stake n. 标桩;利害关系;股份;赌注 steer vt.. 引导 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... stagger 摇晃;蹒跚 stake 木桩;赌注;利害关系 standard 标准;旗帜 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... staircase n. 楼梯,楼梯间 stake n. 桩;赌金;奖品 stale n. 陈腐的;走了气的 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... reactions n. 反应, 反作用, 反动(力) stake n. 树桩 lair n. 窝 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... staircase n. 楼梯,楼梯间 stake n. 桩;赌金;奖品 stale n. 陈腐的;走了气的 ...

The regulator took no action against the company, and Bumi later reduced the size of its stake to comply with the regulator's ruling. 监管机构没有对该公司采取行动,Bumi后来减少了出资额,以遵守监管机构的裁决。
But a lot is at stake in trying to overcome the current crisis of confidence. 不过,想要克服目前的信任危机,许多东西会处于危险之中。
As recently as last July, when RBS was struggling to shore up its balance sheet, executives insisted the bank would not sell its BoC stake. 就在去年7月RBS拼命维持资产负债状况之时,该行的高管们依然坚称不会出售中行股份。
And, of course, home-court advantage is at stake for whichever two of these five teams finish with the best record. 当然,这五支球队中任何两支战绩最好的球队在首轮的主场优势都可能受到挑战。
Silvio Berlusconi is to stake the fate of his government and his own political future on a confidence vote in parliament on Friday. 西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼把政府和他自己的政治前程寄托在议会星期五的信任投票上。
When that elephant was just a baby, and not very strong, it was tied by a huge chain to an iron stake that could not be moved. 大象幼年时,身子骨还不甚强壮,就被一根巨大的铁链拴在牢牢固定的铁桩上。
It has facilities in China, but the ambassador said he had no stake in the company and little knowledge of its Chinese operations. HuntsmanCorp在中国有生产工厂,但是洪博培说,他在该公司没有股份,对于它在中国的运营业知之甚少。
It is not clear how much money Huawei could raise from a sale of a stake in the division, which is being arranged by Morgan Stanley. 目前尚不确定华为可能从出售该部门股份中筹集多少资金。此笔交易由摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)安排。
Not many Harvard rooters had come way the hell up to Ithaca, New York, even though the Ivy title was at stake. 哈佛的球迷从纽约依达加城来的不多,但这是攸关全常春藤代表队的名衔的得失。
But China's leaders have no desire to turn that limited stake in Pakistan into a heavy security footprint. 但中国领导人无意把对巴国的有限投资演变成一场重量级的安全考验。
His estimated personal wealth is at least $320 million, based on his stake in the company. 按张锴雍所持该公司股份计算,他的个人资产至少有3.2亿美元。
If it had taken a single direct holding, it would have controlled SAUR and Cofipex, and thus never have lost control of the 10% stake. 假使只有单次直接持股,它就会控股SAUR和Cofipex,也就不会丧失对那10%的股份控制权。
Philosophers were unknown yet and the fundamental stake was one of religious toleration slightly confused with defeatism . 哲学家还默默无闻,最关键的问题是宗教的容忍稍稍跟失败主义混淆了。
by strong political opposition . If Chesapeake were to secure Chinese investment for a substantial stake in an onshore U. 如果切萨皮克要在一项美国在岸能源资产中确保中国的大份额投资,则可能面临政治阻力;
The bank went live later the same year after receiving money from Japanese investors that left Matsuo with a majority stake. 同年,银行收到来自日本投资者的资金,生存下去,但松尾仍占有大股份。
At stake is the relevance of the IMF at a time of uncertainty as the boom of four years draws to a close. 在4年繁荣接近终点之际,这关系到国际货币基金组织能否在一个充满不确定的时机跟上时代。
China Eastern yesterday appeared to snub Air China's offer to pay a minimum of HK$5 per share for a stake of up to 30 per cent. 国航提出以每股不低于5港元的价格收购东航不超过30%的股份,但这一提议昨日似乎受到东航冷落。
In what's called 'leveraged recapitalization, ' the company would buy back its stock, thereby increasing the size of that stake. 这种做法被称作“杠杆资本重组”,也就是说,由雅虎购回自己的股票,增加持股规模。
The reclusive Las Vegas billionaire now owns 9. 9% of GM, a stake which has so far lost him a great deal of money, at least on paper. 这位目前隐居在拉斯维加斯的亿万富翁拥有通用9.9%的股份,理论上,到目前为止他已经遭受不少损失。
"ICBC is all but guaranteed to acquire the stake, " said Peter Alexander, of Z-Ben Advisors, a Shanghai-based consultancy. “工行获得这部分股份,几乎已成板上钉钉之事,”上海咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(Z-BenAdvisors)的彼得-亚历山大(PeterAlexander)表示。
So far he hasn't said he is putting his money where his mouth is by increasing his stake in Goldman. 迄今为止,他对高盛还仅仅是表示口头支持,而没有公开说过会增加他在高盛的股份。
But your life is at stake too, I told him, because if you pursue this, your career is going to be ruined. 而且,你的生命也会受到威胁,我告诉他,因为如果你继续这样,你未来的事业将会被葬送。
Because little seems to be at stake, people often show dissatisfaction by voting against governments. 因为这些并非利害攸关,所以人们和政府唱反调,以此表示不满。
I had my stick with me, so I gave it a tap to send it round, and, unfortunately, it fell off the stake on to the grass. 我手中有棍,就碰了一下以让它再次动起来,不幸地是,它从树桩上掉下,落入草丛。
The company said the deal will not be contingent on any completion of a deal with Yahoo, which has a 40% stake in Alibaba Group. 阿里巴巴说,该私有化交易不会受该公司与雅虎的交易进行到何种程度的影响。雅虎持有阿里巴巴集团40%的股份。
The company is in the middle of protracted negotiations over selling a stake to Chinalco, a state-owned Chinese aluminium company. 目前力拓正与中国一家国有铝业公司——中国铝业就出售股份一事进行旷日持久的谈判。
RBS was forced into a government bail-out a year later, and UK taxpayers still hold an 83 per cent stake in the bank. 一年后,RBS被迫接受了政府纾困,迄今英国纳税人仍持有该银行83%的股权。
Whether less high-profile investors in Asia are ready to take a stake in Manchester United bonds remains to be seen, however. 不过,亚洲普通投资者是否愿意认购曼联债券仍有待观察。
Minsheng, unlike the bulk of its peers, is privately owned and was prepared to settle for a minority stake. 与众多其它中国银行不同,民生是一家民营银行,也乐于成为一个小股东。
That may have distracted American investors briefly; once they realise how much is at stake in Italy, it will not help. 这会暂时分散美国投资者的注意力,但是一旦他们意识到意大利这边的风险有多少的时候,一切都于事无补了。