sexual partner

  • 网络性伴侣;性伙伴;配偶

sexual partnersexual partner

sexual partner


性伴侣Sexual partner)指的是一个人的性行为对象。性伴侣并无性别或是性取向之分。


贸易伙伴 in English, translation,... ... 双边贸易 bilateral trade 性伙伴 sexual partner 战略伙伴 strategic partner ...


equity partner 的解释- equity partner... ... dancing partner 舞伴 sexual partner 配偶 valued partner 尊贵的合伙人 ...

One third (33 percent) of all men and just over a quarter (27 percent) of all women who were single had not had a sexual partner. 在所有被调查者中,三分之一(33%)的男性和刚刚超过四分之一(27%)的女性都是单身,没有性伴侣。
It is put on a man's erect penis and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual partner. 避孕套覆盖住勃起状态的阴茎,从而硬性阻止精液被射入性伴侣的体内。
I could see myself having a regular sexual partner, but I'd been single for so long I literally couldn't imagine having a boyfriend. 我可以想像自己有一个性伴侣,但自己已经单身了那么久,难以想象自己有男朋友的样子。
The men were also asked whether they believed they would be a better sexual partner if they had a bigger penis. 男性还被问到他们是否相信如果有一个更大的阴茎,他们会不会是一个更好的性伴侣?
Other evidence does indeed show that homosexuals tend to be "gender atypical" in areas beside their choice of sexual partner. 其他的证据确实显示同志群体在除性伴侣选择以外的其他领域有“反性别”倾向。
"Even for young women with only one reported lifetime sexual partner, one in five had an STD, " she noted. “即使对那些声称自己按一生只有一个性伴侣的年轻妇女来说,也有五分之一得过性病,”Forhan这样指出。
While holding onto the condom, withdraw from your sexual partner while your penis is still erect. 在抵住避孕套的同时,要在阴茎仍然勃起的时候,把它退出你的性伴侣(的阴部)。
Say it loud and proud! For someone with no sexual partner, masturbation may be their only sexual activity and outlet. 对那些没有性伴侣的人来说,手淫或许是他们唯一的性活动和发泄途径。
Imply the kind of sexual partner they might want. 或者假装他们想要的性伴侣暗示暗示。
Serosorting involves sexual partner selection on the basis of the HIV status (or assumed HIV status) of the partner. 血清分类涉及依据性伴侣的爱滋病病毒感染状况(或猜想的爱滋病病毒状况)选择性伴侣。
She is considered by some to be the original Tara and is the female consort or sexual partner of Avalokitesvara. 她被认为是一些最初的女神和观音菩萨的女性偶像或性伴侣。
In the sexual partner with genital tract inflammation, try to avoid sex or use condoms isolation to prevent infection. 在性伴侣患有生殖道炎症时,尽量避免性生活或使用避孕套隔离,以防被感染。
Of girls who had just one lifetime sexual partner, 20 percent had at least one STD. 对于一生中的只有一个性伴侣女孩,有20%的人至少有一个性传播疾病。
It is important to continue to practice safe sex even if you, and your sexual partner, both have HIV. 这是重要的是要继续实践安全性行为,即使你和你的性伴侣,都感染了艾滋病毒。
Because by treating people, and hopefully treating them earlier, they are less likely to transmit the virus to their sexual partner. 因为通过治疗患者,并尽可能更早治疗,能够降低他们将病毒传播给性伴侣的机会。
An infected person should tell any prospective sexual partner about their HIV-positive status. 受感染者以后应当对可能的性伴侣告知自己的HIV阳性情况。
Have the patient contact sexual partner for a check up. 让病人和性伙伴联系并让她也来检查
Later, when Ted sees a past sexual partner purchasing HIV medication, he confides to Emmett that he and the man had unsafe sex. 泰德看到自己以前的一个性伙伴购买艾滋病药品。他告诉埃米特他和这个人没有进行安全性交。
The exception is Japan where, among women born in the 1970s, about 20% say they have cohabited with a sexual partner. 唯独例外的国家是日本,大约20%出生于70年代的女性说自己与性伴侣同居过。
Even though a sexual partner doesn't have symptoms of an STD, he or she may still be infected. 即便任何一方都没有表现出性传播疾病的症状,双方都有可能被感染。
Few people hae a problem admitting to manual stimulation by a sexual partner, an act that is considered acceptable sexual behavior. 由性伴侣以手提供刺激被认为是可以接受的性行为,很少有人会惮于承认有过这种举动。
I don't know if I actually have an ideal sexual partner, but I love the idea of someone funny and outgoing who is easy to talk to. 我不知道我其实有一个理想的性伴侣,但我喜欢有趣的人进出谁是容易沟通的想法。
The sooner you begin taking all natural HEP , the sooner your sexual partner will notice a significant difference-You have my promise. 赶快行动服用纯天然的HEP,我敢保证您的性伴侣将会迅速看到您的重大变化。相信我!
In Togo 37% of married or cohabiting men say they have had another sexual partner in the past 12 months. 在多哥,37%的已婚或未婚同居的男人承认在过去的12个月中有另外一个性伙伴。
Masturbation allows us to enjoy these benefits whether or not we have a sexual partner. 不论我们是否拥有性伴侣,我们都可以通过自慰享受到这些好处。
Criticism from a sexual partner can cut to the quick. 来自伴侣的批评会让我们觉得很受伤。
Sexual strategies theory proposes that women are motivated to accept sex because of the status of the potential sexual partner. 性策略理论认为女性积极去接受性是因为潜在的性伙伴的重要身份。
One in six 16-year-olds has had more than one sexual partner, according to a survey for Channel 4's Sex Education Show. 根据四频道“性教育展播”的调查,六分之一16岁的孩子有不只一个性伙伴。
"It is true that there is evidence that the happiest individuals (men or women) have a single sexual partner, " he wrote by e-mail. “这是事实,有证据表明最幸福的人(男性或女性)有一个性伴侣,”AndrewOswald在email中写到。
"The biggest problem with their findings is that twins don't generally have the same sexual partner, " said Whipple. Whipple说到:“他们的研究结果中存在的最大问题是双胞胎通常都不会使用同一个性伙伴。”