
美 [səʊp]英 [səʊp]
  • n.肥皂;香皂;肥皂剧
  • v.涂肥皂;用肥皂擦;〈口〉讨好;谄媚
  • 网络简单对象访问协议(Simple Object Access Protocol);简单对象存取协议

复数:soaps 过去式:soaped 现在分词:soaping

use soap
liquid soap


n. v.

1.[u][c]肥皂a substance that you use with water for washing your body


七年级英语单词表 ... sex 性别 soap 肥皂 soap opera 肥皂剧 ...

简单对象访问协议(Simple Object Access Protocol)

简单对象访问协议SOAP)规范构建基于XML RPC功能的web应用程序和web服务。 jaxm-api.jar和jaxm-client.jar 这两个JA…


关于家务活的英语单词_百度知道 ... towel 毛巾 soap 香皂 comb 梳子 ...


  肥皂剧(Soap)说的是那些低成本制作的午间或者下午给家庭主妇看的片子(主流美剧播出时间都是晚上8点到10点),而很多片子 …



Even if you're still undecided about SOAP, at this point you should be able to recognize its merits and its problems. 即使您还未对SOAP做出决定,在这一点上,您应该能够认识到其优点和其问题。
"We previously used a soap bottle with a 1g pump, which was small and unreliable and did not dispense all the product, " he said. “我们以前使用的肥皂瓶与一克泵,这是小的和不可靠的,并没有免除所有产品,”他说。
She hastened to wipe the soap bubbles off her hands with her apron, tidied up her hair, and greeted him with a beaming smile. 秀嫂赶忙用围裙擦了擦手上的肥皂泡,把散落在额头上的碎发弄巴实,满面笑容上前迎客。
No doubt with evil-smelling yellow soap! She was rather annoyed; Why should she be made to stumble on these vulgar privacies? 无疑地他还用着恶臭的黄色的肥皂呢!——她觉得有点讨厌;为什么她偏偏碰着了这种不高尚的私事!
The ideal approach would be to combine the two techniques within the SOAP framework, but normal document models aren't set up to allow this. 理想的方法是在SOAP框架中同时使用这两种技术,但普通的文档模型不支持这种用法。
However, the basics, like SOAP and WSDL, seem to have gotten a lot of traction and don't seem to be going away. 但是,一些基本的标准(象SOAP和WSDL)似乎已获得众多追捧,看样子不会消失。
Finally, I'll take a look at what I call "working-class SOAP, " meaning what you can download today from Microsoft and IBM. 最后,我将看一下我称做的“工作级SOAP”,这指您现在可以从微软和IBM下载。
The U. N. Children's Fund said the simple act of washing hands with soap and water can save millions of children's lives. 联合国儿童基金会说,用肥皂和水简单的洗手就能挽救上百万儿童的生命。
Create and deploy adapter code (referred to later as a message adapter) that will run in a SOAP for CICS environment. 创建并部署将运行在用于CICS的SOAP环境下的适配器代码(以下称为消息适配器)。
Massage, first the soap is coated in the breast, breast, rotating finger along the surface about a coin size of the circle. 按摩时,先将肥皂液涂在乳房上,沿着乳房表面旋转手指,约一个硬币大小的圆。
In a load-balanced environment, some of your SOAP requests are bound to carry stateful information. 在一个负载均衡环境里,一些SOAP请求必定载有状态信息。
At the moment of designing this product I had an idea of a suitable soap-dish for this soap in the form of a splash of water. 在设计这个产品的时候我已经在这个肥皂的水溅形成一个合适的肥皂碟的想法。
From there, I'll go on to compare SOAP, and RPC in general, with one of its biggest competitors, remote method invocation (RMI). 从那里,我继续将SOAP和一般而言的RPC与它的最大竞争对手之一,远程方法调用(RMI)相比较。
Is the namespace used for one of the SOAP header blocks ; it marks information used for overall reservations metadata . 是用于一个SOAP头的名称空间,标记用于全部预约元数据的信息。
When it comes to structure, a simple SMAP text message to be passed to a phone has much in common with a SOAP message. 就结构而言,传递给电话的简单SMAP文本消息和SOAP消息非常类似。
"You do not need to be a rocket scientist to see that our soap cleans better, " the company says. 公司的人会说“你不必成为一个火箭科学家就能看明白,我们的肥皂洗的更好。”
the man was standing in front of the soap selection , staring blankly as if he ' d never had to choose a bar of soap in his life. 那人正站在肥皂区前面,眼睛茫然地注视着,好像他这一辈子从来没有挑选过一块肥皂似的。
Most of the time, the aurora borealis was a faded shadow, like the strands of color on a soap bubble. 大部分的时间,极光只是一种淡淡的影子,就像肥皂泡上的彩丝一般。
You can easily detect if SAAJ is to be used for a Web service through any occurrence of the javax. xml. soap. SOAPElement in the SEI. 通过javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement在SEI中的出现情况,您很容易就可以检测到SAAJ是否用于Web服务。
The show is a little bit of a teen soap opera, with all of the relationships that we have and all of the things you uncover about the town. 这部电视剧有点青少年肥皂剧的味道,所有的人物关系和已经揭露的事情都是关于这个小镇的。
Through it all, I'll keep a rather skeptical eye out to be sure that this SOAP evaluation avoids the hype the protocol has attracted. 经过所有这些之后,我仍会保持一种怀疑的眼光,以确保这一SOAP评估避免协议已引来的欺骗。
"You've got to get your ass back here, " Marla yells over the phone, "before those little trolls make soap out of me. " “你他妈的给我快回来,”玛拉在电话里大叫着“在这些侏儒从我身上取油脂做肥皂之前。”
The next time the Field Mouse came to the village he brol4ght a piece of soap and a towel which he asked the worker's wife to give him. 地老鼠听说了,有一次,他回村的时候给这位煤矿工人带了一块肥皂和一条毛巾,叫这个工人的妻子转交给他。
This function will use the WSDL to ask the user for the required inputs to the SOAP message, then build the body of the response. 该函数将使用WSDL来请求用户向SOAP消息输入所需信息,然后构建响应体。
They wash the body with germicidal soap and dry it. They spruce up the body as well to give the face a lifelike appearance. 他们用杀菌肥皂擦身体然后擦干。他们也给死者化妆打扮,为了能让他们看起来跟生前一样栩栩如生。
I never have enough of the soap dishes that drain (I don't like the plate types), and I "discovered" this by accident. 底部可以控水的肥皂盒我从不嫌多(而我不喜欢那种碟子状的)。
As with most countries, soap operas extolling the virtues of love, or at least escapist romance, have their place as well. 与大多数国家一样,歌颂爱情的美好或至少让人逃避现实的浪漫肥皂剧也占有一席之地。
But the owner of a soap making business in California says on her blog that there is no lye present in the finished soap. 但是加州一个制皂企业的老板在她的博客里说现在的成品皂里没有碱液。
Deployment in this context is to configure a Web service in such a way that it becomes available within a hosting SOAP server. 在这种情形中,部署就是以“使这个Web服务在托管SOAP服务器中可用”的方式配置Web服务。
Rub a dry bar of soap over the mosquito bite. At least one of these solutions should stop your itching in no time! 直接用条形肥皂擦拭被咬的地方。以上至少有一种方法可以帮你迅速止痒!