
美 [steɪ]英 [steɪ]
  • v.保持;停留;待;逗留
  • n.停留;逗留(时间);做客;(船桅的)支索
  • 网络留下;生死停留;留下来

复数:stays 过去式:stayed 过去分词:staid 现在分词:staying

stay night
stay indoors,probably stay


v. n.

1.[i]停留;待to continue to be in a particular place for a period of time without moving away

2.[i]保持;继续是to continue to be in a particular state or situation

3.[i]暂住;逗留to live in a place temporarily as a guest or visitor


be here to stay|have come to stay

为多数人所接受;得到普遍认可to be accepted or used by most people and therefore a permanent part of our lives


(叫狗)别动used to tell a dog not to move

stay the course

坚持到底to continue doing sth until it has finished or been completed, even though it is difficult

stay your hand

住手;不做(某事)to stop yourself from doing sth; to prevent you from doing sth

stay the night

(在某人家)过夜to sleep at sb's house for one night

stay put

待在原地;留在原处if sb/sthstays put , they continue to be in the place where they are or where they have been put


七年级英语单词表 ... test 考试;测验 stay 停留;留下 at home 在家 ...


字典中 止 字的解释 ... (8) 居住[ dwell] (10) 停留,逗留[ stay] (1) 仅;只[ only] ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... few adj. 很少的 stay v. 继续是,保持 important adj. 重要的 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... test 考试;测验 stay 停留;留下 at home 在家 ...


事了拂衣去的所有日志 – Mtime时光网 ... ├─St.Elmo's.Fire. 七个毕业生 ├─Stay. 生死停留 ├─Stranger.Than.Fiction. 奇幻人生 ...


和Luke一起看新闻扩大词汇量_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... bellicist, 好战分子 stay, 留下来 stand, 站立 ...

英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 141. start 开始;着手;出发 142. stay 停留;暂住;逗留; 152. tell 告诉;讲述;吩咐 ...


“栖” 字有几个读音_爱问知识人 ... [roost] 歇息 [stay] 暂住 [live in seclusion] 隐遁 ...

Then I arranged for her to stay at the TEDA Hotel and we had lunch there. At 2 p. m. 然后我安排她呆在天津开发区酒店,我们吃过午饭了,哪里凌晨2点关门。
Yesterday, all my trouble seemed so far away, now it looks as if they are here to stay. 昨天,一切烦恼似乎离我那么遥远,而现在看来它们似乎凝留此处,久久不去。
Italy is not a victim of the financial crisis and has so far managed well to stay off the radar screens of international investors. 意大利不是金融危机的受害者,迄今为止管理良好,没有引起国际投资者的注意。
If someday you tell me you are going to leave me, I won't press you to stay with me. 如果将来的某一天,你说你要离开我,我不会留你。
In the meantime, she had emptied their joint bank accounts and he had no place to stay upon his return. 同时,她将他们的共同银行账户弄空,他回去之后也没地方可呆。
And only the best of friends will stay long after the party's over to help clean up the mess. 也只有最好的朋友们会在派对结束后留下帮忙清理烂摊子——《绝望主妇》
Some, doubtless, were no better than tramps, ready to dig a hole in any bank and stay only as long as it suited them. 毋庸置疑,有的就是些流浪汉,随便找个堤岸就可以挖个洞住进去,只要合身就行。
China warned other countries to stay out of escalating disputes with its neighbors over the South China Sea, even as the U. 中国警告其他国家不要干预中国与其邻国在南中国海问题上不断升级的争端。
He is accused of trying to rape a maid this month in his suite at the Sofitel hotel in New York. He will stay with his wife. 他被控在纽约索菲特酒店套房内试图强奸一名女服务员。
Now then, my son, do what I say: Flee at once to my brother Laban in Haran. Stay with him for a while until your brother's fury subsides. 现在我儿,你要听我的话,起来逃往哈兰我哥哥拉班那里去,同他住些日子,直等你哥哥的怒气消了。
He has no relatives in town, and so probably would find no place to stay. If it comes to that , I think I can put him up. 他在城里没有亲戚,因此可能无处借宿。如果真是这样,我看可以住到我这儿来。
Apple's board asked him to stay permanently, of course, but he demurred, explaining that he already had a company to run. 苹果董事会当然是一再要求乔布斯长期留任,但是他明确表示自己要忙于经营新公司。
You have not been doing well in school, you are in no fit state to be going out with your friends. So, stay home and study. 你在学校表现不怎么样,现在和朋友出去玩太不合适宜,还是呆在家里学习吧。
DJ: Wow! Stephanie Mills, what an honor! I tell you. . . let me just move along 'cause we can stay on Michael all day! 多么荣幸请到你来,史蒂芬妮,让我们转到下一个话题,我们可以谈迈克尔谈上一整天!
The other day, we looked in him, the doctor said his leg has fracture. He has to stay in bed for at least five mouths. We are very sad. 第二天,我们去看望他,医生说他的腿骨折了。他不得不在床上养伤五个月。我们都很伤心。
They make it a point to stay in touch, even in the verge of being exhausted due to the drudgery of everyday life. 最好的朋友之间看重的是彼此要保持联络,甚至是在他们被日常的辛苦劳作弄得疲惫不堪的时候。
Unfortunately, Wall Street's history suggests that its track record in IT spending is barely better than its ability to stay out of trouble. 这是必须的,也只有这样才能拥有与众不同的优势。可惜从华尔街的历史来看,其IT支出情况比抗风险能力也强不了多少。
But , as you know , Madrid is my city. If I stay at Real for the rest of my life, I will be happy . 不过,你知道,马德里是我的家,如果我能在皇马度过我的余生,我就很幸福了。
Alas, none of the men around him seems capable of holding the fragile patchwork of tribes together, so he may well be persuaded to stay on. 哎,他周围的人似乎没有能力把四分五裂的部落联合在一起,他也许会被劝说继续留任。
I will call to see you this evening even though I can only stay for a few minutes. 就算是只能带几分钟,今晚我还会打电话找你的。
It's best to stay focussed and concentrate on your own work, trying to put together the perfect weekend, one step at a time. 保持精力、专心于你自己的工作是最好的办法,设法将这些结合在一起,一步一步的组成一个完美的周末。
The building fire closed the company's main office for almost a month, and now they must play catch up in order to stay in business. 大厦着火让这家公司的主要办公室关闭了近一个月,现在他们要想不被挤出这个行业,就必须赶紧追回失去的时间。
The case for a bail-out was not to save banks or their resident fat cats; it was that a depression would not stay in Manhattan. 纾困的理由不在于营救银行或者盘踞在银行里面的肥猫,而是使萧条景象不会长期笼罩曼哈顿。
Then he told her again that he did not want her to stay when Maudie's calf came. 随后他再次告诉奥利弗,当马蒂的牛犊来临时,他不想让她留在这里。
Actually i tried say something to make you stay when i heard you're about to leave. I just want to say it out loud that i love you! 其实我听到你说要走的时候我很想说一些挽留的话的,还想告诉你我爱你!
He is not feeling well. The doctor tells him to stay in bed for a few days. 他感觉不舒服,医生告诉他在床上躺几天。
Stay tuned. . . Oh, and I'm also interested to hear what you think of the ongoing store wars? 别走开……我还想有兴趣听听你对正在进行的商场战争有何评价?
One of the benefits of yoga is detoxification, so you want to be sure to stay hydrated so the toxins are flushed out of your body. 瑜伽最大的益处之一就是排毒,所以你要多喝水,这样毒素就可以很容易的从你身体中排出去。
She felt she was no longer mistress in her own house when her husband's mother came to stay. 当她丈夫的母亲来住下时,她感到不再是自己家的女主人。
Hawking's argument was that perhaps mankind should stay quiet and refrain from trying to send signals into outer space. 霍金的说法是,人类大概应该保持沉默,避免往外太空发射信号。