
美 [ˈstedi]英 ['stedi]
  • v.稳住;使稳;使平稳;恢复平稳
  • adj.(发展、增长等)稳步的;稳定的;恒定的;稳的
  • adv.稳定地;持续地;稳固地
  • n.【机】固定中心架;承;(关系确定的)情人
  • int.(要求对方注意言行)哎;当心
  • 网络稳固的;平稳的;塌实的

复数:steadies 现在分词:steadying 过去式:steadied 比较级:steadier 最高级:steadiest

steady flow,steady stream,steady increase,steady progress,steady job


1.(发展、增长等)稳步的,持续的,匀速的developing, growing, etc. gradually and in an even and regular way

2.稳定的;恒定的not changing and not interrupted

3.稳的;平稳的;稳固的firmly fixed, supported or balanced; not shaking or likely to fall down


(as) steady as a rock

十分可靠;稳如泰山;安如盘石extremely steady and calm; that you can rely on


大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... statistics n. 统计,统计数字 steady a. 稳定的,稳固的 steak n. 大块牛肉;牛排 ...


大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... statistics n. 统计,统计数字 steady a. 稳定的,稳固的 steak n. 大块牛肉;牛排 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... station n. 站,所,车站;电台 steady a. 稳固的; 平稳的 steak n. 牛排,肉排,鱼排 ...


形容人性格的词汇 ... sporting 光明正大的 steady 塌实的 straightforward 老实的 ...


花语_互动百科 ... 两片舌( Double-tongued) 踏实Steady) 阴德( Goodactdonebystealth) ...


记单词好方法——背词根 - 豆丁网 ... outstanding 杰出的 steady a. v. 稳定的,坚定的 stage n. 阶段;舞台 ...

Prices, which zoomed up in the first part of this year, are now steady and should not increase again for several months. 今年年初陡然上升的物价,现在稳定了,而且在几个月内不会再涨了。
Prices, which zoomed up in the first quarter of this year, are now steady and should not increase again for several months. 物价在今年第一季度猛涨了一了阵,现在稳定了下来,而且在今后几个月内不会再涨了。
And while Mr. Obama's job-approval rating remains at a mediocre 45%, it has stayed relatively steady for a year. 虽然民调对奥巴马的工作满意度仍然表现平平,只有45%,但这一比例相对稳定,已持续了一年之久。
How could someone who liked me enough to ask me to go steady show so little obvious interest? 喜欢我,问我去稳定的人如何能看那麽少明显的利益?
Still, it is a "good" job with a steady paycheck, and I know millions of people would trade places with me in a heartbeat. 每个周末我都害怕周一的到来。这份工作其实可以算是一份收入稳定的“好”工作,我知道有数以百万计的人巴不得立刻跟我互换工作。
The application result indicates that the character of this test system is steady, reliable and easy to handle. 通过实际测试和评估,该综合测试系统性能稳定、可靠,操作方便,界面友好。
nothing but a thick grey mist. Then some large objects, like the shadows of enormous fish, flowed across the screen in a steady stream. 屏幕亮了起来,最初只是一层厚厚的迷雾,然后就见到一些好像是大鱼的影子一样的大型物体从屏幕上不断地流过。
Lately, they'd found a source of steady income by taking loans off the books of banks and packaging them up as trust products. 近期,他们发现了一个获得稳定收益的来源,即接手银行的贷款,从其账面上剥离,并将其打包成信托产品。
She had unruly blonde hair that hung down to her shoulders, steady green eyes, and tiny teeth, and I thought she was beautiful. 她不守规矩金发垂到她的肩膀,稳定的绿色眼睛,小牙齿,我以为她是美丽的。
This time, the relatively steady nature of the price rebound has allowed consumers to adjust. 这次油价回升的势头相对平稳,让消费者能够适应。
In my dream she was out of my classroom and told me that she'd got a boyfriend, and they had just got steady. 梦中,她来到了我们班级的外面,然后告诉我,她有男朋友了,是刚有的。
But, if I didn't know she was going steady, and I found out after I fell in love with her, I think I'd be pretty mad! 但是,如果在我爱上她之后才知道她已经有稳定的男朋友的话,我想我肯定会很生气!
Four thousand a year is a pretty estate, and he seems a very genteel, steady young man, so I hope Miss Julia will be very happy. 一年四千英镑是一笔数目可观的财产,加上他看上去又是个很有教养、很稳重的青年,我想朱莉娅小姐会非常幸福。
She firmly fixed her eyes on the prompting screen, and carried on with her steady broadcast. 她目不转睛地盯着提词屏幕,继续保持着稳健的播音。
The release process became more of a steady, well-planned effort, and less a time of the chaos, as the team had experienced before. 版本发布流程将更加稳定、工作计划更周密,而该团队体验到的混乱时间更少。
He knew that if he could not slow the fish with a steady pressure the fish could take out all the line and break it. 他知道如果没有办法用稳定的拉力减缓鱼的速度的话,所有的鱼线都可能会被拖光,并断裂。
The steady-state response of a vehicle is often evaluated by the steady-state yaw velocity and front wheel angle at a equal speed. 汽车等速行驶时,常用稳态横摆角速度与前轮转角之比来评价其稳态响应。
But, it's also very rewarding to be able to look back over the history of the work we've produced and see the steady rise in quality. 但是,能够回头看到我们为之骄傲的工作,并看到质量的稳步提升也是相当值得的。
Eventually, the ubiquity of the microwave spawned a steady stream of ready-to-cook TV dinners and, more recently, microwaveable health food. 最终,微波炉的普遍使用催生出了一股在电视剧前吃即使午餐的持久潮流,而到了最近,则是可微波的健康食品。
But now his occasional sob turned to a steady , silent crying, his eyes held tightly shut, his fist in his mouth trying to stop his sobs. 但是现在他不时的呜咽声变成了平稳的哭泣,他的眼睛紧逼,他把拳头放在嘴里试图去停止自己的呜咽。
In the case of Doyle's body, here on his treadmill, its physiology holds steady even as he pushes himself to his limit. 而在多伊尔的体内,在跑步机上,即使他达到极限,他的身体也能保持稳定。
They were always ideals, never perfectly realized, but always our history has been a steady march of striving to live up to them. 这一理念尽管没有得到完美的实施,但历史表明我们一直在努力朝着这个目标稳步前进。
The new source has hardly changed in brightness over the course of a year, and its spectrum is steady. 相比之下,最新发现的奇特喷射射电在一年时间内光度几乎不会变化,并且光谱也稳定不变。
The wind whipped across the plains so steady and sharp that it made my eyes water. 风吹过平原,恒久而急剧,我被吹出了眼泪。
It is only in the most recent two years that the growth rate has moved up from a rather steady decline since the early 90s. 只是在最近两年,其增长速度才脱离了90年代早期以来一种相当稳定的下降趋势。
But the steady accumulation of these jobs adds up to an economy that, for the working class, has become more amenable to women than to men. 但是这些稳定的工作累积出一个经济效应,对工人阶级来说,男人应该变得更服从于女人。
I was at my desk now, I don't know, just to sit, to steady myself, and I pick up the phone. 我现在正坐在桌子旁,我不知道,我只是坐着,只是让自己稳定下来,我拿起电话。
Today, while slightly intoxicated, I tried to steady myself against what I thought was a tree, but ended up sliding all the way down it. 今天我有点醉,试着扶着一颗树好站稳一点,结果却一骨碌的滚了过去。
Moreover, our Olive Green is high - quality, precious and unique with a very steady requirement, so we do not worried about the sale of it. 况且我们的南非绿是品质优良,珍贵独特的石种,市场需求稳定,所以我们并不担心未来的销售情况。
Bryant said the team would be "drastically different" without Jackson's steady, cerebral presence on the sideline. 布莱恩特说湖人会有“显著的不同”如果杰克逊不在,他是他们场边的大脑。