
美 [stɜrn]英 [stɜː(r)n]
  • n.艉;〈非正式〉(任何东西的)尾部;英语男子名
  • adj.严厉的;坚定的

比较级:sterner 最高级:sternest 复数:sterns

stern warning,stern voice


1.严厉的;苛刻的;要求别人服从的serious and often disapproving; expecting sb to obey you

2.严峻的;难对付的serious and difficult


be made of sterner stuff

性格十分坚强;有很大的毅力to have a stronger character and to be more determined in dealing with problems than other people

"This feels like the end of an age, " Ms. Stern writes. "The end of an age of denial. " “感觉像是一个时代的终结,”斯特恩夫人写道“一个否认的时代的终结。”
Duality was always going to be a stern test of your ability to maintain your Light connection. 二元世界一直都是一个严肃测试,你与“光”的连接能力。
Stiffen your muscles, grab a telephone book, and begin to call out the names alphabetically in a stern, low tone in front of him. 绷紧你的肌肉,抓住电话簿里,并开始大声叫你的名字按字母顺序在斯特恩,低音调在他的面前。
"What I wanted to speak to you about, Abner, " said the tall, stern man in as kindly a manner as he could command. “我要对你说的是,艾布纳,”从来铁板着脸的牧师好不容易拿出他最和蔼的表情。
It did not come from the stern area, where the bait had been put into the water, but from the side. 它不是从我们放置诱饵的船尾水域上来的,而是从另一侧。
I'll lash the two oars together across the stern and that will slow him in the night. 我要把两个桨放在船梢交叉着绑在一起,这样在夜里就会叫它走得慢些。
and just as I gave the last impulsion, my hands came across a light cord that was trailing overboard across the stern bulwarks. 正当我划下最后一桨时,我的手碰到了一根从大船后舷桔上挂下来的细绳子。
With the league on the verge of missing games, Santa Stern should at least have the heart to give us five national games. 联盟处在停摆的边缘,斯特恩一定想要在这天为我们献上至少5场的全美比赛。
He was gray also, from his long beard to his rough boots, and he looked stern and solemn, and rarely spoke. 从他的长须直到他粗糙的鞋子,也全是灰色的,他显得稳重而且严肃,很少说话。
She started again and drew back in great alarm, looking at my face, but suddenly there was an expression of stern surprise in her eyes. 她又浑身一抖,在强烈的惊恐中,身子晃了一下,两眼直盯着我的面孔,但是她的眼睛里突然露出严厉的惊讶。
"Mr Dick, you and I will adopt this boy together, " said my aunt, her stern expression softening into a smile. “迪克先生,你和我将一起收养这个孩子,”姨婆说着,严肃的表情转化成一丝微笑。
Impetuous as he was, he would take stern measures against anyone whom he considered to be an impediment to his progress. 尽管他性子急躁,但对于他认为是进步的阻碍的人会采取严厉的措施。
Now listen, said the security guard with a stern look, Its illegal to makeordistribute alcoholic beverages without a license. 听着,保安一脸严厉的说,无照制造或发送含酒精的饮料是非法的。
This is a stern warning to the wicked. But it is strong encouragement if you worship the great I am and want all mockery of him to end. 如果我们玷污神圣之物,就是在自招惩罚,这对于恶者是一个严厉的警告。
Early on in my career as a newspaper reporter in London, a grizzled newsroom veteran summoned me over to his desk for a stern talking to. 早些年当我还在伦敦做报社记者这行时,一个头发斑白的资深新闻编辑员曾召唤我到他的办公室进行了一次严肃的谈话。
Their joy at being once again united with their families did not overcome a stern desire to engage the enemy at the earliest moment. 他们与家人重新团聚的欢乐心情并未胜过他们要尽早与敌人周旋的坚定愿望。
The place on the stern of a ship where the boat's name is written is known as the escutcheon. 船尾写有船名的地方,船的名字被认为写的像阴毛而得名。
Most of the time, she can be found lobstering with her dad working in the stern. Each season has its own story to tell. 大多数时间,她都和父亲在船上捕龙虾。每个捕鱼期都会发生各不相同的故事。
So we went a- quaking and shaking down the starboard side, and slow work it was, too -- seemed a week before we got to the stern. 我们便一边全身抖抖嗦嗦,一边顺着右舷摸过去。这事儿干得也真慢,——仿佛花了整整一个星期的时间才摸到了船尾。
A fierce negotiator and man of strength, he terrified me with his discipline and stern nature when I was young. 在我年幼的印象中,他不仅是一名谈判高手,也是一个身强力壮的勇士,他的严厉和毫不妥协曾让我害怕。
It looks now, Stern said, as if the European Union is the only party willing to sign up for a second period. 斯特恩说,现在看来,只有欧盟愿意签署第二期协议。
Todd Stern, who leads the American climate change negotiating team, said he was pleased to see China and India sign on. 美国气候变化谈判团团长ToddStern对于中国和印度的加入表示欢迎。
To most men , experience is like the stern light of a ship which illuminates only the track it has passed . 对于大多数人来说,经验像是一艘穿上的尾灯,只照亮船驶过的航道。
David Stern now had a face to put on his international movement, a player whose character was as high as his talent level. 斯特恩从此不再为NBA的国际化而愁眉苦脸了,因为现在已出现了一个声望与篮球天赋都很高的国际球员。
When I found that a stranger began to make a pass at me, I gave him a stern look and left. 当陌生男子开始向我调情时,我瞪了他一眼就离开了。
These experiences had not made Jung stern or forbidding, but had given him a puckish sense of humor. 这种经历并没有使戎伍胜变得严峻、不可亲近。相反,他具有一种逗人的幽默感。
It may even help to assume a somewhat stern, commanding persona that indicates an exacting sort of professionalism. 它可以让应聘者感到他将要面对的是一个严厉并且具有职业精神的面试官。
Earlier, Stern agreed that it would be a failure if the owners and players don't reach a deal to end the lockout in the next few days. 早前,斯特恩承认如果老板和球员们未能在接下来的几天内达成协议终止停摆,那将是个失败。
The teacher spoke in a very stern voice and Timothy had to follow her to her room. 老师说得很严厉,蒂莫西只得跟她进房间。
Tonight he did not look so stern, and there was a softness in his fine, dark eyes. 今晚他看上去没有那么严肃了,他漂亮的黑眼睛里透着温柔。