take stock of

  • v.鉴定;估计
  • 网络估量;观察;盘点

take stock oftake stock of

take stock of


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... take sth. upon oneself 承担;担任 take stock of 估量;观察 talented a. 有才能的,有才干的 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... take sth. upon oneself 承担;担任 take stock of 估量;观察 talented a. 有才能的,有才干的 ...


stock是什么意思_stock在线翻译... ... 1. out of stock 已脱销 2. take stock of 估计, 察看 3. in stock 现有, 在贮存中 ...


饼干的背单词日记 ... 【 jump】 大幅飙升 【take stock of盘点 【chief investment officer】 首席投资官 ...


考研英语常用固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... out of stock 没有……的存货 take stock of 对……评估,判断 in stock 现有,备有 ...


固定搭配 介词短语 - 豆丁网 ... lose sight of 忘记,忽略 take stock of 对…估价,判断 set store by 重视,尊重 ...


沪江博客 - 小占点滴的脚印 ... 2.reserve n 自然保护区 3.take stock of 对某情况进行检查,评估,鉴定 4.toll 伤亡,损失 ...

The next day, Salla began to take stock of her life, and thought it was time to settle down. 第二天,萨拉思量自己的一生,觉得是时候安顿下来了。
When called to serve or to suffer, we take stock of our strength, and we find it to be less than we thought and less than we need. 我们被呼召来服侍上帝,或为上帝受苦时,常凭藉己力,结果发现力不从心,苦水满腹。
When I reached years of reflection I began to look round me and take stock of my progress and position in the world. 当我长大到了能够思考的年龄,我开始观察周围世界,并且估量我在这个世界上的前程和地位。
His death was one of a series of signs I read to step back and take stock of the genetic problems I was repeatedly having to deal with. 它的死因是一连串的迹象之一,我回过头去钻研和观察这个我曾经重复必须处理的遗传问题。
Traditionally, the festival was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores. 传统上,艺术节是所用的时间,古老的异教徒,以评估用品和屠宰牲畜过冬用品。
Of course, if you take stock of your upper body mid-run and you find your arms aimlessly dangling, you might be running too relaxed. 当然,途中检查您的上身时,您发现您的双臂懒洋洋地悬着,您可能跑得太放松了。
Today is Thanksgiving in the U. S. Traditionally we take stock of the things that we're thankful for on this day each year. 今天是美国的感恩节,在这天,我们按照传统罗列那些我们感激的人或事。
Give Something Back: Take a moment to take stock of the successes you have had so far, then consciously be grateful for them. 有所回报:这时,你可以对你目前所拥有的一切进行一个评估了,对它们要有意识的仁慈一点。
Readers, is the Japan disaster causing you to take stock of your priorities and values? 读者们,日本的灾难有没有给你们优先考虑的事项和价值观带来冲击?
He took the time to take stock of the situation before making the offer. 他充分与自己时间对事情作出全面盘算,这才说出了提议。
So take stock of your emotional state, and know what you want in the aftermath of a breakup. 因此,请估量一下你的情绪状态,知道分手后你想要的到底是什么。
Take stock of your financial situation with a professional adviser, if you haven't done so already. 如果还没有做的话就和职业顾问一起清点一下你的财务状况。
This is a great opportunity to take stock of what you absolutely love, things that work for you and will work in your new space. 你可以把握大好机会考量哪些东西是你最喜欢的,旧什物是否适合新居。
Every person should take stock of himself now and then to see if he is on the right course. 每一个人都应时不时衡量自己一番,看看自己的行为是否合乎正道。
If your stress comes from job insecurity, take stock of yourself. Update your resume, and remind yourself of your skills and strengths. 你的来自工作的不安全感,你可以对评估,更新简历,自身的技能和实力。
They decided to take stock of the present state of affairs. 他们决定对现状作一番估计。
Your views are critical as we take stock of progress, develop endgame strategies, and plan for the post-polio era. We are right to do so. 我们评估进展、制定尾声战略并为脊灰后时代进行计划,这样做是正确的。此时,你们的意见是至关重要的。
Sitting quietly and observing is a great time to take stock of what you're grateful for. 静静坐着并且观察是一个很好的机会去了解你该感激什么。
But they offer an opportunity to take stock of the changes that have quietly reshaped the landscape of world power. 但是,峰会提供了一个机会,让人们观察那些悄然重塑世界强国格局的变化。
As part of a migration assessment, it is important to take stock of the various types of components in your application. 作为移植评估的一部分,把应用程序的各种组件做个评估是很重要的。
To really know, you'll have to take stock of your expectations -- and your costs. 要真正明白这一点,你就必须估量一下自己的期待,还有你的花费。
Now is a good time to take stock of the lessons of that debate. 如今正是总结这场讨论所获教训的好时机。
And to ensure that we keep our commitments, we agreed to continue to take stock of our efforts going forward. 为了确保承诺得到履行,我们一致同意在今后继续追踪我们的努力结果。
Let us briefly take stock of some of the policy decisions and proposals in the European Union. 让我们粗略盘点一下欧盟(EU)的一些政策决定和建议。
Gradually, taking time, they cross all the stages to come together and take stock of themselves. 她们循序渐进地走过了所有的阶段来到一起分享总结自己的故事。
This decade is a good time to take stock of the administration your career path is arched and to appraise your work-life antithesis. 这时代也能够用来审视职业道路发展方向和评估生活-工作平衡。
'take stock of a situation' when you take the time to review all possibilities. 当你把一切可能都考虑妥当,我们说你‘把该情况都计算好了’。
You must take stock of your ability accurately before attempting to do such business. 你在尝试做这个生意前,必须先准确估计你的能力。
Before rushing into sth. Irrevocable, let's sit back and take stock of the situation. 在做出不可改变的的事情之前,让我们先坐下来估量一下形势。
Now that the global financial crisis is abating, it is time to take stock of our mistakes and ensure that they are not repeated. 全球金融危机正渐行渐远,为免未来重蹈覆辙,现在是时候盘点一下我们的过错了。